
Chapter 458, Gods and demons crossing the world of mortals.

Chapter 458, Gods and Demons Crossing the World of Mortals ([-]).

A new beginning, a new starting point, a new life, the giant baby finally got his master, he laughed and slid down from the big walnut tree that was half luxuriant and half decayed up.

"Hahahaha, I finally met a character who is even more awesome than my giant baby! Cough cough, I ate my own mother when I landed. For a brother like you, there is no one else in the Three Realms except Lord Mozun!" !Hahahaha, you must be a new generation of Great Demon Lord, right? If you don’t dislike my giant baby’s black-hearted martial arts and lack of a little bit, why don’t we form a team together to compete with the sky and laugh proudly in the three worlds together? In the world of gods, demons, immortals and ghosts, drink a lot and eat meat, how about aspiring to win the Nine Heavens together?" The giant baby laughed and discussed with Xuntian as soon as he landed, and said with a big smile.

Still the same.

He has an old man's head in one hand, and a black jar of medicinal wine soaked in human bone wolfberries in the other.

"Hahahaha! It really is that guy who likes to eat old people's heads. He has good wine and good food, and he is with me. Come, come and enjoy the beauty feast together. Brother, if you have wine and meat, I am also willing to accompany you." Xuntian raised his head. , said to him with a smile.

The seven-body child on the side had a spring night and had no concubine, feeling very uncomfortable.

He had a hard time to say, facing the two great evils that the two immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas did not shy away from, he wanted to say something but he didn't dare to say it.

Yes, the giant baby has always been hiding his strength. He has been hiding in the magic city outside Hongchen Dudu for many years, and even Shui Moxuan couldn't find him.

If Yang Jianan and Huamei hadn't stumbled into his territory by mistake, maybe this fellow would not have been discovered by the True Heaven Realm!

"I said, Master Mozun, your biological father has seven bodies, he is very similar to Master Xun You's young apprentice! Your generation... tsk tsk tsk! It's too embarrassing. Why don't the three of you drink together and have a drink together?" How about demon-eating beast monsters?" The giant baby untied a jar of human bone dragon and tiger wine from his waist, threw it to Xuntian with a puff, and laughed loudly.

"Qi Ti is my brother, but his new wife just passed away, so don't drink the wine! Qi Ti has enough meat, let's eat together!" Xun Tian laughed and said.

"Master, Qiti dare not. You and Senior Brother Juying can just drink together, and Qiti will guard the two senior brothers, run errands and so on, and I am already very happy in my heart." Qiti knelt down on the ground with a thump, With his hands facing the sky, he kowtowed to Xuntian, and said in a low voice.

"That's fine! Qi Ti, get up. It's been so long since you've been down to earth, and there are newborn children nearby to get a few. Brother Juying and I will have a drink. Remember to find a clean river, wash it well, don't There is pickle." Xun Tian smiled and said to Qi Ti.

"Okay, leader. This subordinate will do it now." Qiti agreed, got up and slowly backed out.

As soon as he got out of the world of mortals, he spread his legs and ran eastward recklessly.

"Lord Mozun, your seven-body brother may be running away! You see, he is not happy to see us eating meat and drinking." The giant baby laughed and said.

"Hahahaha! If he can't run away, he will come back. Drink, drink!" Xun Tian raised the wine jar, drank a few mouthfuls of human bone dragon and tiger wine, and laughed loudly.

"That's good! It's done, Brother Mozun." The giant baby raised the old man's head in his hand, and took a bite. The blood splashed on the ground and Xuntian raised the altar to persuade him, and he shouted loudly.

The two just came and went, and after a while, the collection of bone wine and the old man's head with dried sauce in the big walnut tree house were also eaten by the two, and the human bones and keels were thrown all over the place. Bones, and a lot of pots and jars, it's creepy to see!
I've seen people drinking, but I've never seen people drinking like this!

"Red Dust Crossing! Eh, who chose this place? It's actually on the side of our Demon City! Hahahaha, a treasured land of geomantic omen! The place where Master Mozun was born and reborn, it is necessary to celebrate again. Eh, Lord Mozun, where is your seven-body father? Why hasn’t he come yet?” The giant baby’s rations for several years were baptized clean in half a day with Xuntian’s booze, but he was addicted to alcohol, so he couldn’t help talking nonsense He started talking, and yelled loudly, spouting alcohol and dying, and said.

Xun Tian's eyes were red, and bloodshots emerged from the magic eyes one by one like branches and leaves of an old tree, and slowly stretched towards the tall and burly baby.

"Uh! Lord Mozun, are you demon eyes or fairy eyes! Why are you so magical? Can I touch it? This is too amazing. Hehehehe, Lord Mozun must be drunk! "The giant baby saw the blood in Xuntian's eyes rustling like silk from the sky, thinking that he was drunk, he laughed and said.

"It's okay, it's okay! It's just that your old man's head tastes a bit old-fashioned, not tender and juicy enough. It's still a child who chews and chews. Brother Juying, do you know? Seven body master Bo Xun, the old man eats It sounds more sour than a three-year-old child! And my heavenless stepfather, his meat is also very tender and juicy! It's a pity, they are all in my stomach now. Otherwise, share with my brother Ha ha ha ha!" Xun Tian laughed evilly with the giant baby.

"Master Mozun, you are joking with the giant baby! You said that you ate your placenta. I saw it with my own eyes, so I have to believe it! If you say that you ate Teacher Wutian and Teacher Bo Xun, I But I really don't believe it at all. Hahahaha, you are talking to the giant baby! I won't believe it." The giant baby blurted out disapprovingly.

"It's best if you don't believe it! Because..." Xun Tian laughed and said.

"It's just that this wine... this meat is gone, or else... Eh! Lord Mozun, let's move to the back kitchen of Niuer Demon Palace in the Demon City! Where are there still many bone dragon and tiger wines that I have prepared?" What about the old man! Otherwise, let’s go to the Devil’s Sky Building to find some beauties, and eat human flesh while drinking flower wine, that would be cool! Do you think this is good?” The giant baby kicked The bones and wine jars on the ground laughed loudly.

"Let's forget it! I haven't been close to women for many years. I can eat meat and drink, wait a little longer, I guess Qiti should come back." Said that there was a back kitchen of the Demon Palace, so he withdrew the magic blood and soul-absorbing threads in his eyes, and laughed.

"Let's forget it! Your seven-body father may not come back! I saw that he looked at you wrongly, and he might have escaped to that comfortable nest to have fun! Let's go, go to the magic palace Back kitchen, go enjoy the beauties' banquet." The giant baby couldn't see through Xuntian's bottomless thoughts, so he stood up when he spoke, and was about to leave as soon as he pulled Xuntian up!

"Wait a minute! Wait a moment. Master, I'm back! In order to find the perfect tribute for the master's first tribute to Hongchendu, Qiti searched thousands of miles around, and finally found a pair of little golden boys and jade girls for me. It’s alive! It’s all cleaned up! Master, you can enjoy it first. In order to make the master not overwhelmed by eating, Qiti specially brought several jars of the best beast wine in the capital, enough for the master and the giant baby brother to drink for a while Yes!"

Just when the giant baby was pulling Xuntian to set off, Qiti came back panting with a big magic pocket like a hill.

"Aha! Brother Qiti, you're here at a good time! We've been waiting for a long time. Hurry up and serve the good wine and meat! Don't dawdle, we haven't had our best yet! Come on Come on, come on, come on, don't fix those imaginary things, let's do something more practical!" The giant baby put down Xun Tian's big hands and laughed loudly.

"Your mother! This guy, the wine is gone! You are still so arrogant? When my brothers are fighting the world, where did you hide? Knowing that this deity is a demon, how dare you be so arrogant and domineering? You? Come on, this is the pastry prepared by my servant for me! Do you dare to get your hands on it? You don’t piss and take care of yourself, you will fool people.” Xun Tian Mo thought, and sternly scolded the giant baby, road.

"Old boy, I respect you for being the demon king who can share the beauty of delicious food with you. Don't put your nose on your face when you give it to you. Don't think that I am really afraid of you! Aren't you a boy Is it an immature demon baby? It’s time to fight, who will win? It’s not certain who will win! You have been fed absurdly, and eaten a few old people’s heads, thinking that you are already invincible! It’s really demonic, it’s really like turning your face and flipping a book, it doesn’t look like a big one at all.” The giant baby sprayed Xuntian Xiaoer’s face with the stench of alcohol and dead corpses. , blew up, and said viciously.

"Master, this giant baby doesn't treat himself as an outsider too much! Didn't he just give the master some dead wine and the old man's head? How dare he talk to you like this, master! Is it tolerable or unbearable? I want to beat his mother up! This scum who pretends to be a tiger, the ancestor of the MLM organization, the guy who can fool ghosts, he is using other people's achievements to make fun of his meat! I..." Qiti couldn't bear it and started to attack him The challenge came, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak clearly, said.

A black and red light flashed through the eyes of Xiaoer Xuntian, and after hearing what Xiaoer Qiti said, he laughed very strangely, and said: "You are right, he said just now that you looked at me Don’t deal with it! You should give his mother a good beating! Go. Brother Juying, you don’t mind fighting with me, right? You kept saying that you would join hands with me to kill the Nine Heavens Lingxiao Temple , let God's family cut off their sons and kill their grandchildren, and if I don't show my strength, I, Xuntian, will always feel uneasy in my heart! Hahahaha."

"Just hit it, baby with seven bodies, you will be beaten down by the giant baby's grandpa in a while, don't feel ashamed, just come and regret it later." The giant baby said, and his hill-like body stood up. It's like a purple mountain, with a radius of more than ten miles all occupied by him alone!

"Hahahaha! Qiti, your small body is like a grain of sand in front of the giant baby, why don't you hit it?" Xun Tian looked at the giant baby and the Qiti child who were so disparate in strength, I couldn't help but laughed, and persuaded Qiti Xiaoer.

"Master, that's because Qiti doesn't dare to be presumptuous in front of you. If you want to talk about changes, even if he becomes a metropolis with tens of millions of people, I can crush him in an instant. This kind of change, a little It's not even worthy of rarity!" Qiti said to Xuntian respectfully.

"It's okay. Seventh brother, why don't you show him a change too. In this way, it's a kind of respect for others! Don't ruin our reputation as the Supreme Demon Sect. Otherwise, the world of mortals will travel ten miles and eight villages." My neighbors, you must be making fun of us! Go ahead, go for a few rounds with Senior Brother Ju Ying, and it will not be considered a disgrace to the prestige of our little devil team. Hahahaha!" Xun Tian laughed coldly Got up, and said to the seven-body child.

"Decree! Don't dare to insult the name of senior brother Mozun." Qiti Xiaoer got up from the ground and agreed.

"Hahahaha! Seven-body child, isn't my giant baby crushing you to death the same as crushing an ant? What's your ability? Just try it out, and I will take it all for safekeeping. Hahahaha!" The giant baby mouthed dead With popularity and the smell of human bones and wine, Harazi sprayed wave after wave on Xuntian and Qitixiaoer, making people laugh so hard that they would die!

"I'm going, this guy... doesn't have any manners at all! Master, you can watch while eating, Qiti won't make your old man's face black!" Qiti separated his three bodies and turned them into three. Blocking the wall, stopped the giant baby's halazi, placed the all-in-one machine case, and then placed the little golden boy Xiao Yunv neatly on the machine case, poured Xuntian a bowl of fine wine, and then rolled up his sleeves , Whispered to Xuntian Xiaoer.

"Go! I'll pour my own drink here, you fight hard." Xun Tian laughed, and he had already drank a bowl of fine wine.

While tearing the bloody body of the child, he faltered and said to the child with seven bodies.

On the screen, the two children were grabbed by the Heaven-seeking Devil's claws, and their flesh and blood flew all over the place. They woke up from their sleep, howling and struggling.

The screams are more miserable than the last, and more terrifying than the last!
"Tsk tsk tsk! This sashimi human flesh is really different from my old man's head. It is fresh and smooth, and it looks very delicious! My saliva is left behind. Seven-body boy, you should quickly stuff it and grind it, It’s delaying Lao Tzu’s delicious food and wine with Lord Mozun! Hurry up.” Looking at the fine wine and sashimi human flesh on the machine case, the giant baby couldn’t help but cursed Qi Body, urging him non-stop.

"Hey hey hey! If you win, Qiti will find a pair of little boy and little girl for senior brother Juying to have a drink! Don't worry, don't worry! Just come, just come!" Qiti said with a smile Get up, said.

(End of this chapter)

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