
Chapter 459, Gods and demons crossing the world of mortals.

Chapter 459, Gods and Demons Crossing the Red Dust ([-]).

The bloody red mist gradually emerged from the ground, enveloping Xuntian and Qiti in it, without any confusion at all, it circled the two of them in an orderly manner, as if they were being trapped. It looks like someone combed it with a comb, some of them look like silk threads, and some of them don't.

"You...you really don't know how to live or die, you." Xuntian glanced at the giant baby, and finally couldn't help scolding him lightly, and laughed.

"If you want me to tell you, Brother Juying, let's not fight hard! What is the difference between the strength of a troll and a beast? Why don't we just follow the rules of the rivers and lakes of the Hongchen Inn. If the animals fight with each other, we will fight with each other. Who will win? , who decides. The loser will serve the loser as a bull and horse, and will always only eat grass. Hehehehe, let me ask you if you dare to bet with me?" Qi Ti thought of this fellow Just now, he was like Xuntian who was drinking and eating human flesh, and he was very upset, thinking that he would only eat water from the Yellow Springs and not eat meat, so he might as well let this devil hurt him, so he said coldly Laughed, and said to him dismissively.

"Being vegetarian...? What's so great about it? You two might as well gamble your lives! There is no room for two tigers in the same mountain, and everyone eats meat and drinks, so why not bet on the best animal skin and meat on the other side! Hahahaha." Xun Tian said He poured himself a drink, and after hearing what the seven-body child said, he rushed to answer him and said.

You make the tiger a vegetarian, which is worse than killing him!

"Gambling for life? Hahahaha. Master Mozun, you have created a big problem for us all! You said that if I accidentally killed him, you would lose a servant in the future, wouldn't I just kill him?" Have you become a heinous person? It’s better to just go to the end and decide the outcome a little bit!” Ju Ying looked at the two smaller children in front of his eyes, and when he heard about betting his life, he seemed to be All of a sudden, he was more than half sober from the wine, and a little worry and anxiety suddenly appeared in his heart, he discussed it with Xuntian and Qiti very cautiously, and said.

"Aren't you a villain? You're the one who wants to fight against the sky and the earth! Cough cough, I said Brother Ju Ying, have you forgotten that we are all unique? If you kill him, I won't Blame you, I will do what I said. The premise is that you can kill him before you can negotiate terms with me. Hahahaha!" Xuntian saw that Qi's internal needs were seriously short of water, and he laughed a little unsteadily , pretending nothing happened and said coldly.

Xun Tian casually looked at his rapidly changing facial makeup, quietly dipped a little bit of wine with his ring finger, and flicked it out.

The smell of alcohol tormented the originally friendly air, and a tiny black-red air burst out of his body in an instant. This air seemed to have eyes, and it passed straight through the seven-body child The chest cavity penetrated into his body in an instant.

The giant baby who was drunk didn't notice at all, he was still arrogantly looking at the two little ant-like Qiti and Xuntian in the blood mist under his feet, and sneered in his heart very ignorantly Others said this because they were afraid of his mountain-like stalwart body!
"Gambling power will ruin my journey to the world of mortals, or what Master Mozun said, let's try magic, whoever wins will eat meat and drink, whoever loses will eat grass and drink ice, how about it, giant baby?" Qiti walked out Seeing the red mist lingering, he raised his head to look at the giant baby and asked.

"Bijibi, who is afraid of whom? If you have the ability, let Ma Nanshan go, come here!" The giant baby finally agreed with some disapproval as he let out his last mouthful of alcohol.

"I've drank almost a jar of this wine, are you two still fighting? Could it be that you two are really Xiang Zhuang dancing swords, aiming at Pei Gong? Are you trying to sneak attack on me, and someone will take me, the demon king?" Are you here?" Xun Tian said to them impatiently, holding up his wine glass, nibbling on the little boy's calf bone.

"No, no! Hierarch, my subordinates absolutely dare not have that kind of thought. Don't scare the little ones! It's a sin, a sin!" Said Qitibei Xuntian, he immediately fell to his knees on the ground, groaning He explained it clearly and said.

"Hey... you're just so promising, kid! You haven't fought yet, and the big talk from the master scared you. If you really dare to turn the table with Lord Mozun, I'll promise not to do it Damn you. Little sample!" The giant baby started cursing.

Isn't it just two little ants?Still attacking the sky and killing gods, I believe you are a ghost!The giant baby whispered to himself very disdainfully.

"Don't do it yet, wait for me to go out in person? Take his soul, and you don't have to be bloodthirsty anymore! Go." Xun Tian glanced at the giant baby with a contemptuous expression, and stood on the case He got up, kicked Qiti, and cursed.

"I...this...Master! I..." Qiti was kicked out by Xuntian, and flew up to the top of the giant baby's head, hesitating freely.

"Little ant! You can fly! Brother Giant Baby can scare you to death with a single slap! Hahahaha, you still fight with me? Think about it when you fall asleep at night." As the giant baby spoke, he had already slapped you. out.

Originally thought that with this slap, even hundreds of billions of individuals in the seven bodies would be smashed to pieces, but...a miracle happened.

"I'm going! Where did you go? Qiti, where did you go? You grandma, get out of here quickly." Seeing that Qiti was gone, the giant baby started cursing anxiously, Said.

"Brother Juying, I have already been photographed to death by you! There is no way, the three souls and seven souls are gone, so I have to hide in your heart! Hahahaha. Let me say, Senior Brother Juying, how much have you eaten in your life? How much human bone dragon and tiger wine did the old man drink? Why does it look like a big blood lake? The heart is almost drowned. Hahahaha!" The seven bodies swam in the left atrium of the giant baby for a while, always Unable to find the giant baby's heart, he couldn't help but laughed and asked him.

"Small, I want to find the heart of your giant baby brother, but it's impossible to go back and forth nine times and turn the golden body red soup calamity! Hahahaha." The giant baby gloated and said.

"I said giant baby, your heart is a little swollen. Could it be that it was ruined by the corpse poison of blood wine and rotten flesh? Otherwise, let me take him out for you to have a look, okay?" Xuntian Unable to bear it, he burst out laughing, put down the wine glass and flesh and blood in his hands, and talked to him in a plausible manner.

"That's unnecessary! Yesterday I tested it with a cadaver poison detection needle, and it's not bad at all, and it's extremely good! You can't find a heart the size of a washbasin. Are you glaucoma and cataract? Let me go, come out quickly, don’t think that if you enter my heart, you can eat me to death! My heart had undergone an operation more than 1000 years ago, and replaced it with bloodstone. He died. No one knows where I hid it. You, you just obediently slap you. Come out, and then come to look for it." The giant baby's numb arms lifted up with difficulty, and he carefully He looked at his own hands.

"Hey! How come there are so many blood rivers? Did the blood fish swim into my palm?" The giant baby looked at the intricate traces of one yellow, one red and one black on his hand, and said to himself Thinking to himself, he said.

"That's right! I said your heart is broken, right? Generally, a heart is broken, it starts to show from the hands! Haven't you heard such a sentence? Ten fingers connect to the heart!" Looking for his heart four times, while frightening him, said.

"No way! It's so scary? Let me see if this guy is really going on strike." The giant baby was anesthetized by alcohol, and his movements gradually became slower and slower, he said to himself Get up and say.

"Crossed a mountain, look, I saw a river, there was a group of caterpillars in the river, they were still gnawing on the old man's head. Over a mountain..." Qiti sang in the giant baby's belly , looking around for his heart.

"Boy, stop singing! Hehehehe, you will never find my heart in this life! Hahahaha. If you want to continue fighting, come out quickly, or I will take you to the underworld!" Ying was cursing, but she didn't dare to be careless, she reached out and touched the back of her head involuntarily.

Three laps to the left and three laps to the right, he touched and touched carefully, and finally confirmed that it was still there, so he couldn't help laughing happily.

"Seven bodies, it's in the back of his head! Hurry up and collect his three souls and seven souls, and you will be able to fight with my brothers in the future! Go quickly." Xun Tian used Mozun's magic to encrypt his voice, quietly Write this information into the mind of the child with seven bodies, said.

"Thank you master, Kid Qiti rushed over to do it for him immediately." Qiti agreed, and the person had already flown to the back of the giant baby's head.

"Sure enough it's here! Amount...it's a black gallstone! Master, I can't shake it, it's too heavy." Seven bodies moved the black heart of the already drunk giant baby, and helplessly transmitted the sound Give Xuntian Xiaoer the way.

"Sure enough it's him! The black meteorite has cultivated to become a master! Use your index finger blood to draw my demon name on it, and undo his vajra mask, hurry up." Xuntian said to Qiti in a low voice.

"Master, master, can this be written casually?" Qiti asked in a low voice.

"You can use the characters of flies and tadpoles in the world of mortals, as long as you think you are writing my demon king." Xuntian said, took a sip of wine, stood up suddenly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The case went to the front.

In the back of the giant baby's head, a voice suddenly resounded through the sky and said: "Mozun Mozun, Thousand Gu, Thousands of Insects, White Bones Zhizun, Purdue River Sand People, There is no soul in the wilderness, Phantom Night Ghost Mozun! Mozun Mozun Respect..."

"Ah!...Dead boy, what are you doing? I will kill you...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss The inside turned like a rolling mess, and shouted heart-piercingly.

This scream went straight to the front of the Jiuchongtian Lingxiao Palace, and for a while, blood clouds from the Nantianmen flowed into a river, densely paving the Tianjie Cloud Road, scaring the little fairies from the Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland who bought and sold the fairy water of the Dragon God. The farts started to flow, everyone cried and shouted, and immediately started yelling loudly.

"Sanqing Shangshen, please take a senior brother to check, why is there such a commotion outside the hall! Only then did you hear wild ghosts and devils howling in the lower realm, don't let another demon come out, it will be troublesome." Jade Emperor Hearing the commotion outside, he ordered Sanqing Shangshen, who was tasting the immortal tea in the hall, to speak.

"Let me go and have a look! Jade Emperor, brothers, please wait patiently for a while, brother, I will come as soon as I go." The old gentleman stood up, promised, and hurried to the hall with Zhen Yuanzi Went to Waitian Street and Yunlu.

Once out of Lingxiao Palace, Laojun and Zhenyuanzi were completely dumbfounded!
I saw that on the Tianjieyun Road, the Nantianmen banner had already been completely submerged without a trace by the blood clouds!
"Zhen Yuanzi, hurry back to the palace and report to the Emperor of Heaven, I'll see what happened!" The old gentleman swept the whisk away, and found a path of blue clouds, rode on the crane and went straight to the depths of the blood cloud.

Zhen Yuanzi had never seen such a battle before, he dared to cast a cloud of blood in front of Ling Xiao Palace, such a character, he really dare not underestimate him!
Seeing that Laojun had disappeared into the blood cloud and could not see the crane shadow clearly, he reacted.

He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, and he didn't care about those little fairies and fairies in the blood cloud who were crying and couldn't find the north, and they were about to return to Lingxiao Palace.

As soon as he entered the Lingxiao Palace, he knelt down in the center of the hall with a plop, not daring to get up even if he died.

"What's the matter? Zhen Yuanzi, you have always been known in the immortal class for your calmness and understanding! What's going on, you tell me! Why didn't Laojun come back?" Laojun didn't come back, Lingbao Impatiently, Tianzun urged him to come.

"Uncle Master! This..." Zhen Yuanzi looked at the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, and he still became a little uneasy, and said.

"Tell me! Is there anything more embarrassing than Xing Tian taking all of us together and sending them to that filthy and vicious place for a few days? Say, say what you see." Jade Emperor Standing up from the treasure that was temporarily retrieved from Yushipu on the Great Barren Mountain, he said very heartily.

"Heavenly Emperor, the outside of the treasure hall is surrounded by clouds of blood, and many little fairies and fairy boys have disappeared!" Zhen Yuanzi took another deep breath and said slowly.

"Is it a blood cloud? Isn't it a red cloud? Are you sure?" Jade Emperor asked as he stepped down from the jade cloud.

"Returning to Tianzun, what my master said is indeed a cloud of blood. He drove the crane east to find the source, and asked me to come back and tell Tianzun and all the masters, uncles, uncles and brothers!" Zhen Yuanzi said anxiously.

"Get up! It's no big deal! At most, there will be another demon king. The big deal, let's call the old man to deal with it. It's okay!" Tianzun said, and rushed out .

(End of this chapter)

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