
Chapter 460, Gods and demons crossing the world of mortals.

Chapter 460, Gods and demons crossing the world of mortals ([-]).

The blood cloud has been rolling over the Tianjie Cloud Road, coming menacingly, as if it was about to swallow the Lingxiao Palace immediately.

The Emperor of Heaven strode out of the treasure hall with all the gods. He looked at the blood cloud in front of him, coughed lightly, and turned back to the four celestial masters and said, "Four celestial masters, haven't you let the golden boy and jade girl go down to earth?" Want to play with him?"

"Tianzun, are you talking about that kid Xuntian?" The head of the celestial master held Fuchen tightly, and agreed very anxiously.

"Zhang Tianshi, didn't I say it before? The demon king was born, so we can't let him go to heaven, let our little golden boy and little jade girl go down to earth to play with him! Hey, according to the meaning of your boss, little Haven't the children gone yet? Right!" Tianzun frowned, confirmed his eyes with Zhang Tianshi, and asked.

"Yes, Tianzun! We haven't selected a great protector for our little thousand-year-old who is suitable for that devil, so it has been delayed for so long! It's because I didn't do my job well, and I deserve to die." Zhang Tianshi has been planning to find A figure at the level of a great god followed down to protect Yuyan and ink, so he didn't do anything for a long time. Seeing that he couldn't hold it anymore, he told the Jade Emperor truthfully.

"Guardian? Didn't you always choose it? Brother Monkey, Black Dragon, Lao Wu and Sword God who made a big fuss at my place back then, can't you just pick one? What else should I choose? Otherwise You can let our new generation of Xiaoxian team go down to the world together, it's not impossible." Tianzun said to Zhang Tianshi with some disappointment.

"I tell the Great Heavenly Lord that although they are powerful, they are all superior in fighting skills! If the Demon Lord who came from outside the sky is to find the sky and subdue the law, and submit to our heavenly court, I reckon it will be in a wise and brave man!" It’s good for those who practice Buddhism and Dharma, and those who are unfathomable to go! Because this time, Mozun is the devil side in the Xingtian battle robe, so don’t let it go! I thought twice and thought again, and there was no suitable candidate, so it was too late It’s too late to make a decision.” Zhang Tianshi listened to the words of the Great Heavenly Venerable, and dared to patiently explain to him, said.

"What you said is that you want the widow to recall Mr. and Qiuyue! Okay, you can make arrangements boldly, and I will call Mr. and Qiuyue." Da Tianzun laughed secretly and said.

The gods and Buddhas of the heavens heard that the Great Tianzun had promised to call me back to the Jiuchongtian, so a huge stone in their hearts fell to the ground, and they couldn't help but whispered to each other and started talking in a low voice.

"Everyone be quiet! That's it. Let's go to work separately, and I will call back the old man. At that time, we will watch a show on the cloud head, and go to cheer for the great gods of the heavens and the little immortals fighting the demon king together. Hahahaha!" The Great Heavenly Venerable laughed , then slowly walked back to Yu Lun, and sat down slowly, he waved his hands with the ministers very happily, and said.

After the officials withdrew from the Lingxiao Palace, Tianzun left a clone, and with all the other clones, he went straight to Andromeda on the deserted island outside the sky without stopping.

In fact, I have already softened Xing Tian and his fairy armor, practiced and refined them in the Sun Lake on the deserted island of Andromeda, and beat them repeatedly until they became firm, and then I took him out of the scorching flames, sunspots, and golden sand in the Sun Lake. out.

Ever since I left the Three Realms and brought the Xingtian Celestial Body to the constellation Andromeda, I calculated with my fingers that another three or five days have passed.

As soon as I got out of Sun Lake, Xing Tian smiled and bowed down in front of me.

I was afraid that he would talk nonsense as soon as he came out of Tianhu Lake, so I used fairy thoughts to draw his thinking and let him learn to be grateful.

Xing Tian got my Tianshu Tianbi Yunjin, knelt on the cloud blanket, kowtowed to me and said: "Thank you, Mr. Zhentian, if I hadn't arrived at the Sun Lake in Andromeda outside the sky, I would be thinking wildly in the Three Realms, like a frog at the bottom of a well I always think about how to seize the control of the Heavenly Court. Now that I think about it, I really know the great ambition! It turns out that Mr. and Tianzun are going to develop the big world outside the Three Realms! From now on, I will swear to be filial and loyal to Tianzun and Mr. Dare to have him think."

"Filial piety and loyalty to Tianzun is fine! You are his only celestial beast after all. I don't need it anymore. As long as Da Tianzun spanks my little boy's big ears, I will be very grateful if you can help me to say something nice." .” I laughed.

"Hahahaha! As expected, my son-in-law is ingenious and intelligent! It's really a piece of my ancestor's heart. He has been able to stay still at the source of all evils for three times, and he can also be clever in other places." Hand rejuvenation! Xing Tian, ​​a fool who has been controlled by vicious thoughts for trillions of years, just made him so outstanding for you. Not bad, tsk tsk tsk! Look at his gleaming golden armor, It's much better than the original black iron Xingtian demon armor before! Ah, thank you, dad." The Great Tianzun has arrived at the shore of the Andromeda Sun Lake at some point, and he said to us with a smile got up and said.

"I'm a little flattered, teacher! It's because of my ancestors and teachers who taught me well that I was able to grow up so quickly! It's because you and my ancestors gave me a good platform that I can He grew up so fast! Otherwise, how can He De feel so cared for by the gods and Buddhas in the real heaven world! Sincerely, I want to thank you two elders." I said to him anxiously.

"It's just that your own hard work was discovered by us. We father and son will not say these polite words, Xing Tian, ​​​​you practice well, I like it very much. You take him down to help us all watch the Xiaoxian team, Xun Tian It has been combined with the demon spirit black heart demon armor on my mount. Now he has cultivated into a new generation of demon king, and he is going to die. You don't know, the sky street and cloud road are all covered with blood clouds he made. I have already Let Zhang Tianshi send your daughters Yuyan and Shuimo to take their team down to play with him. You don’t have to go back to Jiuchongtian! Go directly to the world of mortals. This time, I also asked Tiangong to upgrade and revise for you. Well, now your light of the last spirit is not much worse than that of Xing Tian. You take them and watch over the children for me, don't let them have any trouble." Tianzun spoke with me in a tone of discussion with me not calmly Said.

I know, he is afraid that I will return to the sky unintentionally, and he always wants to travel to the sky!
"Okay, teacher. I will!" I promised him.

"I didn't expect you to be so forthright this time. I have given Qiuyue the light of the last spirit! He will wait for you in your eighth heaven with the children. Yu Yan and Shui Mo are always arguing to go to your Eighth Prince I will live in the prince's mansion for a while, so I am worried about other accidents, I have never agreed to them in the past!" Da Tianzun said with a smile.

"Okay, teacher! I'll go right away." I promised him in a low voice.

"Xing Tian, ​​if you support them, they will destroy the Demon Lord, and they will come to me to give you a credit, and you won't have to pull carts and horses every day in the future! Just remember, it's a new life for you, you have to know Thank you! Take care of him more when you encounter problems." Tianzun looked at the shining golden Xingtian, nodded and told him patiently.

"I remember, master." Xing Tian bared his golden teeth, laughed hehehe, and said to Tianzun.

"Well! Then you go." Tianzun saw that I kept looking at Xing Tian and laughed, and knew that Xing Tian and I had to get along a lot, so he said goodbye to us, and drove up a piece of auspicious clouds, like an old man driving a light boat in the depths of the vast sea , Since returning to Nine Heavens.

"Hey...!" I sighed for a long time, and swallowed all my explanations.

"Is this my old master? Sir, are you lying to me? Why don't I have any feeling for him at all?" Xing Tian looked at me, he asked me with some incomprehension, and said.

"You have slept in my Sun Lake for so many years, so you must have forgotten everything about the past! But you remember me too." I smiled and said to him.

"Aren't you my master? If you can forget this, isn't it eight o'clock in the evening for me, Xing Tian? Uh, I said master, who did the old man ask us to help?" Xing Tian asked me puzzled road.

"Isn't that enough? He is the old man in my family, and you are my servant, so he is your old master! Can you still remember, you?" I tapped Xingtian's golden head and smiled at him Said.

"Xing Tian believes what the master says, ha ha ha ha." Xing Tian laughed foolishly when he saw me, and said.

"Then let's go! When we meet strangers in the future, don't talk too much, it's all up to me." I took him all the way through the clouds and fog, all the way to the foot of the Yachongtian Grass.

From a distance, I could smell a faint fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, and I knew that Qiuyue and the others were waiting for us in my cottage right now.

"Sir, there is an aura of strangers here." Xing Tian glanced at my thatched hut, hesitated for a moment, and asked me foolishly.

"It's not strangers, it's your hostess and the others. When you see them in a while, don't talk. They will ask all kinds of questions, and if they are not careful, they will ruin our big business!" Looking at him naively Looking innocent, I couldn't help but whispered to him and said.

"Yeah! Okay, sir." Xing Tian agreed to me and said.

"It's eight o'clock in the evening, the old man has been there for so many years without bringing back a letter, and he let Xuntian go and let him cultivate into a demon king! Now, we are all going to die! I heard that he is in Lingxiao I showed off in front of the treasure hall, and I almost gave my grandfather to that! Shi Lao, if he was here, my grandfather would not be bullied like that by that guy! Sister Yue, when he comes back, what do you want? Just help me and grandpa clean him up." Yuyan seemed to be walking around in the thatched hut, cursing at me from time to time.

"Someone is scolding you! Sir." Xing Tianhan looked at my eyes and said to me.

"It's okay, it's our little mistress and serious mistress. They won't hurt us, and you'll know after getting along with them for a long time! The two sisters are both sharp-mouthed and tofu-hearted, it's okay." I laughed, Said.

"Hehehehe! Master, you are so cheap." Xing Tian laughed and said.

"What do you mean? Was it cheap when I rescued you from Sun Lake? If you laugh at me like that again, I will throw you back to Sun Lake, believe it or not?" I said pretending to be angry.

"Hehehehe! Didn't you tell me that the slut is praising you? Why are you laughing at you again? I really don't understand you." Xing Tian laughed while covering his golden mouth with golden teeth and yellow lips.

It turns out that this guy knows that bitch is not a good thing!
"I said you were a compliment, and you said your master was just laughing, you know? This is only a compliment when I say it to you or to our mistress! Do you know?" I pretended to be angry on purpose Said to him like.

"Oh! I know. Don't say you are a bitch next time." Xing Tian said to me solemnly.

"Who is talking outside? Where did the demons come from? Calling who is a slut? This is it? You are the fucking slut! Get away from me, sister, get out of the eighth heaven, sisters, or sister You're welcome!" Yuyan heard our conversation, and exploded inside the thatched cottage, shouting at the top of her lungs, saying.

"Hahahaha, thank you for the compliment! Thank you, sisters, for the compliment!" Xing Tian laughed out loud, and then thanked the rain and smoke in the thatched cottage naively and sincerely, and said.

"Hehehehe! What the hell is this? Damn, is she praising you? You are too narcissistic." Yuyan couldn't help but burst out laughing, and shouted to Xing Tian outside the hut.

"Amount! Master, she is praising me! Why doesn't she want to admit it? It's strange." Xing Tian's golden armor shot into the thatched cottage inadvertently, and asked me puzzled.

"You bitch, you don't say hello when you come! Is this using golden light to bribe Miss Ben? Don't let me die." Qiuyue looked at the light of Xingtian's golden armor, and couldn't help but yelled at me. Biao came, laughed and cursed.

"Amount! Sister Yue, Mister has brought a new friend, who seems to have a high level of Taoism." The light of Mo Ling jumped down from Qiuyue's hairpin, laughed and flew out of the hut with a stride, without any hesitation. He rushed towards me hesitantly.

"Hehe! You're also an amazing character. What's your name? Is it the light of the last soul?" Xing Tian looked at the green in my heart and asked in a low voice.

"Who are you? Why do you know me but I don't know you?" The light of the end spirit poked its head out of my heart, looked up and down Xing Tian for a long time, and then asked him road.

"My name is Er Dao Er Er, and I am the master's servant. You are also the master's servant, is that Mo Lingzhiguang?" Xing Tian asked Mo Lingzhiguang with a smile.

"Ah! Yes, I am. Two swordsmen, then you must be the new recruit of the husband? Are you Tianjitong?" The light of Mo Ling looked at Xing Tian, ​​who was covered in golden light, and saw that he was innocent. Stupidly, this is what I told him.

"Hmm! Mo Ling, what is Tianjitong?" Xing Tian was stopped by Mo Ling, and asked him foolishly.

"You were brought back from beyond the sky by your husband. If you hadn't possessed great abilities beyond the three realms, your husband would never have accepted you! It's no wonder you're not a master of sky!" Mo Lingguang laughed and said.

"Mo Ling, don't mistake relatives! Sister Yue and I haven't spoken yet, why are you coaxing you? Didn't you see that he was radiant with gold? He's in the rhythm of dying! No Have you ever heard that the Tibetan officials want to show their wealth? He is always like this, maybe sooner or later he will definitely die." Yuyan dragged Qiuyue and walked out of the thatched cottage step by step.

Before the person arrives, the voice has already arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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