
Chapter 511, Galaxy Rebellion

Chapter 511, Galaxy Rebellion ([-])
"Sister Yue, the tongue can kill!...Then how poisonous is this tongue? Is it more poisonous than the mandala flowers behind the small stone house of Meng Po's sister?!!!" Yu Yan was beaten all over her body. Chilling, he spoke tremblingly in a shrill voice, and said.

"You! Sister Meng can't compare with the old ones. One is to make you forget the past, and the other is to let the common people live. There is no comparison at all, and they are different." Qiuyue explained to her patiently. , said in a low voice.

"Old guy, have you thought it through yet? I'm just such an earth-type planet, and any of your brilliant stars can be picked up and let go first! I'll follow suit." Still smiling and talking to him, said.

"Put a few at will? Can you catch it, kid? One is enough for you. I won't bully you anymore. I won't let go of wood-type planets. You see what you want to pick up. I'll give you one first." How about it?" He put on the tall hat I gave him with some complacency, and said with a smile.

The black and white impermanence or the evil so-called royal chefs under the Stove Lord's subordinates, with white mountain hats, jumped with his breathing, and his cold face was piled up with a pile of hypocrisy. Smiling and fat, the previous vines were naturally combed to the back of his head!

"I hope you don't just talk and don't practice anymore. You'll be out of luck by now! I said man, why are you so inked? Hurry up, hurry up!" I didn't want to give him any room to think, laughing Got up, and urged him to come up as before.

"I'm very upset to see you, a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. You have to look carefully. I will send you a planet of water attributes. I hope you can cover it with soldiers. Hahahaha... !” He laughed wildly, and talked to me with some disdain, and said.

While speaking, a blue transparent ping-pong ball-like object crossed the crow's feet deep in the air and rushed towards me quickly.

I am still Emperor Xinghe, so I can no longer waste too much time and energy with him.

Ink and ink double star Gongyue, I should also go back to Jiuchongtian to rectify the old mountains and rivers, and appease the immortals, true gods, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas of the three realms...!
Then, take Qiuyue back to Andromeda as soon as possible, the handover ceremony cannot be without the two sisters.

I don't want Yuyan to walk the old path of Qiuyue again. If that happens, I will definitely die with regret!

I secretly warned myself in my heart.

The sphere is not big, slightly elliptical, but it is very powerful.

If it is said that without the tens of thousands of years of interstellar travel experience, I guess I will definitely not be able to take this galactic water polo...!
Eight winds were blowing, and in the path beside my Tianwaitian Xinxin, a passing Yixing man saw the water polo of Halley II, ran out with a smile, grabbed the Galaxy water polo, and flowed back.

Halley No. [-] didn't even see it clearly, because it was too fast, too fast.

He thought that this water polo was useless at all, so he sighed involuntarily, and said, "Damn it, it leaked air after not being used for a long time. Forget it! Boy, I'll give you another fireball for fun. How? It's done, this time it won't disappear for no reason."

I secretly elated in my heart.

If it is said that he restricted the specific form of our fighting skills from the very beginning, if we can only fight with strength but not with fighting skills, then I am really completely dumbfounded!
Fighting skills, if you want to challenge me, Emperor Xinghe, it means that you are challenging all the Yixing people on the entire Xinghe Continent!

I secretly rejoiced in my heart, this time I hope that guy really understands the hidden meaning in my heart, and just kill him in seconds for me.

The fireball of Halley [-] is actually not that big, it is only the size of a chicken in my eyes, but the mystery of fire energy and firepower hidden in it cannot be underestimated!

The fireball, with its ivory-yellow tail, shot at me as quickly as a man lighting a torch.

I closed my eyes slightly, feeling a little unnatural.

Because I was born with the fire attribute, I was very excited when I saw anger.

Inside the Heart Sutra, several fire unicorns were ready to move.

But after all, they were still half a beat too late, a little girl who was happily swimming in the river of my heart jumped out with a plop, grabbed the fireball and went back to the river of my heart!
On the other side, in the lawn on the bank of the small river, there is a little boy standing silently watching the little girl's every move.

Seeing the little girl jumping out, he took the fireball away without hesitation. He straightened the yellow hair hanging beside his ear, and said to the little girl with a smile, "Xiaoyu, why are you doing this? I am of the fire attribute! The one you took is not as good as my little finger! Why didn't you take me? I stand here every day, waiting for you to take me, and you just won't...! Hey...you'd rather have one You don't want me for a second-rate or third-rate little planet! Why?" The little boy said with a mournful face, yelling loudly at the string of bubbles in my small river.

"What are you shouting for? Don't you see that Mr. is worrying about this Harley II? I don't want anything from you. If you still know that you are one of Mr.'s Dharma Guardians, go out and destroy him. I want to practice. Don't bother me anymore. Otherwise, I will pinch the interstellar sound frequency between us." A series of impatient voices came out from the river, and said fiercely to the little boy Got up, said.

For every ghost under the moon, there must be a child under the sun waiting, maybe this is the fate of me and Qiuyue!

One yin and one yang, when combined, all things will be born, and when divided, the world will end!
This, in fact, is the truth of everything, the polar law of the three realms of heaven, earth and man that ordinary people do not know, and they are not willing to believe it.

The little boy listened to Xiaoyu's words in my heart, and immediately agreed to her: "Xiaoyu, I will definitely help you kill the rebels on the Galaxy Continent. You wait for me. I will come to find him after I kill him." you!"

After the little boy finished speaking, a golden ray of light instantly cut Halley II in half from the top of his head to his heels.

A good mountain was divided into two dark and barren iron streams, which gradually disappeared inch by inch before my eyes.

A tooth-yellow dragon ball was grabbed by the little boy, and Youhu returned to the lawn on the north bank of the My Heart River.

The eight winds tore through the air, and it seemed to be tense up one after another.

I closed my eyes slightly, not wanting to watch all the feeble beings on the Galaxy Continent go to waste.

(End of this chapter)

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