
Chapter 512, Galaxy Rebellion.

Chapter 512, Galaxy Rebellion ([-]).

The storm was pouring down on the Star River Continent, and no one knew why.

However, I knew very well in my heart that it should be Harley [-] who brought a large group of rebellious and reasonable mobs who were about to kill him.

Because I just killed his second brother, he should have sensed it.

As the saying goes, brothers are connected to each other, and the bones that lead are connected to the scriptures, so there will be inductions!

The raindrops on the Galaxy Continent are completely different from the raindrops in our Nine Heavens. The rain here devours souls, devours gold and eats animals. It is very powerful and cruel... In short, it is hard to describe.

I took a look at the spiritual power shield of my domineering immortal energy, and it was about to be peeled off layer by layer by their ghost rain, and I felt a pain in my heart.

If you don't leave now, Qiuyue and Yuyan will surely die in this storm!

Thinking about it this way, I didn't even dare to delay my speech any longer, and quickly rushed into my fairy hood, holding Qiuyue with one hand and Yuyan with the other, at a speed that surpassed all light and sky currents. , and quickly withdrew from the muddy swamp on the bank of the Star River.

Yuyan still wanted to talk, so I sent her a sealed green cloud. Qiuyue looked at it, suppressed a smile, and blessed me with a cold moon's clear light and speed-up spiritual power, and we flew across the galaxy in an instant and returned to the No Sky Little Wonderland.

"Damn, let this kid slip away. Master, look quickly, there is still a small piece of debris that has not been completely wiped out by the bone erosion star rain, it seems to be the fairy energy shield of Yi Xingren!" A young man Yi Xingren's voice came from afar from the bank of the Xinghe River.

"This is not the newly born emperor, it must be that old thing, damn it! Master, we... we may be late." The voice of another middle-aged man also came over, and he seemed to be a little emotional got up and said.

"Yes...! Erha was also deceived by him, otherwise, he couldn't have died without saying a word, and he didn't leave us with a breath. Now The new emperor is not easy! You should know the way he cleans up Erha. If he collects the stars smoothly this time, he may have reached the unity of the three stars at this moment! There are two more interstellar light-years, This kid may really want to be five-star. Forget it. Let’s catch up first. We must completely wipe him and his attribute planet from our Galaxy Continent before the Galaxy Conference is held. Go, hurry up and chase!" An old voice snorted coldly, and he talked to the others without any haste, and said.

Judging from their conversations and the degree of fluctuations in the space clouds, I guess he only brought a dozen Yixing people with him at most, but their strength should not be bad, and they may be much stronger than the previous Erha Woolen cloth.

In fact, Erha’s strength is not weak, it’s just that he puts on a high hat, the five aggregates are not empty, and uses his own shortcomings to attack the other’s strengths. If he doesn’t die, there is really no reason at all!

"Old man, what should we do? They are still chasing and killing your apprentice!" Qiuyue glanced at Yuyan, deliberately omitted the word ink, and asked me.

"It's okay! I can't catch up anymore. The combination of two stars is already invincible in the stars, not to mention that this child is now a three-star star, and I have passed on both the Emperor Armor and the Emperor Soul, let alone Harley One and a group of people." Rubbish star players who have failed to jump the dragon gate, even if the old Xinghe ghost behind them goes out in person, it may not have much chance of winning! Let's go. It's okay, don't be careful." I laughed and said to her .

"Ah! Old man, no wonder you took Sister Yue and me and fled back to the Nine Heavens! So you don't have any protective armor! Hehehehe, it's the first time I've seen you so afraid of death." Yu Yan couldn't help interjecting Talked up, said.

"Little girl Pianzi, what do you know? I'm afraid of death? Your brother just wants to help grandpa clean up the Nine Heavens as soon as possible, so that the Three Realms can be full of vitality again! You... ...! Are you just so contemptuous of your family's old age? Hurry up and don't talk too much. Otherwise, the Yixing people will come after me, and I'll be the first to throw you out." I couldn't help laughing Woke up, teased her to play, said.

"Old man, don't say a few words! Don't delay the serious business at the Xinghe Conference. If I'm right, the old ghost Xinghe has never appeared before! Are you really So confident?" Qiuyue asked me a little dissatisfied.

From 99 Chongtian all the way to the east, we came to the territory of 33 Chongtian in a short while. Except for the withered and messy thatch and the cloud and barnyard fog, there is no fairy spirit in 33 days.

On the top of Laojun Danlu Ruins, several bony cloud rats with mutated symptoms dragged their exhausted bodies and staggered on the tattered piece of cloud, which made people feel sad. I want to cry but have no tears.

Maybe they are looking for something to eat, but they don't even seem to be in the mood to call out anymore.

I quietly opened the fairy eyes that I had sealed for many years, and sure enough, I saw that their spiritual eyes had been closed, and their naked eyes were also half-opened and half-closed!
"Boss, why did you bring us to this garbage dump? Aren't you going to Jiuchongtian? Are you really not afraid that I, Sister Yue and Sister Yue, will clean up you together? We can't find the way, and it's not reliable at all. "Yu Yan talked to me in a trance, heartlessly, and said.

"Yuyan, don't blame him, it's been 33 days here. I can't go back to the past! They were all destroyed by Wutian and those Xingtian villains, and now all the spirits are also destroyed. The unknown people have all been swept away!" Qiuyue also became a little sad, and couldn't help but choked up, and said.

"It's not the evildoer in our Three Realms, or the ghost of the old Xinghe ghost who has been hiding in the dark depths. Look, these mice are wearing Xinghe copper bells. They jingle the bells as soon as they leave. The sound is amazing. It’s a distance of tens of millions of light years! It’s not made by Jiuchongtian and the demons and ghosts within 33 days!” I whispered to Qiuyue.

"Wow... let's go back quickly! The old man doesn't know what's going on now. Old man, hurry up." Qiuyue begged me for the first time, and said.

Ok!After all, it's my master, so I can't make him feel cold, can't I... Thinking of this, I can't help speeding up the pace of recovery.

(End of this chapter)

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