
Chapter 516, Galaxy Rebellion.

Chapter 516, Galaxy Rebellion ([-]).

The eight winds remain motionless, under the snow clouds in front of the Shuangjiu Peak in Andromeda, there are many weak and unknown lives dormant, and no one from Yixing knows which planet these lives come from.

As the former Galaxy Emperor, my armor body and emperor soul have already been handed over to the next Galaxy Emperor, so at this moment, I myself can't see through all the weird interstellar rebels in front of me!

However, the emperor's seal of the new emperor is still in my hands, so his Xinghe order of hundreds of thousands of Yixing people can't be used at all at this moment, so he can't really see the opponent's strength and origin!
Because the emperor's jade seal has not yet been delivered, and the ceremony has not yet been completed, although the emperor's heart in ink and wash at this moment has attained the reality, it has not yet truly enlightened.

At this moment, like me, although he can sense the existence of these abnormal beings, he still cannot see through their unknown origin and true purpose!
Along the periphery of Shuangjiu Peak, there are dozens of black and red cloud silk golden rays lined up in a row, and they are also very subtle, almost invisible to the naked eye!

However, the waistline of Shuangjiu Peak was drawn with deep marks one after another by these thin lines, as if they had been tied up with steel wire ropes by an invisible force. They have already gotten a lot closer to each other without knowing it, which also caused the snow-cloud flat in the middle of Shuangjiu Peak to be a little bulging.

However, those ignorant beings are obscure and still hidden, allowing these external environments to change at will, they just cling to each small piece of broken snow cloud of their own choice, and they all remain unchanged. Look, very poised!

Above the snow cloud, the croton-like Yixing people were completely surrounded by this sudden change, and began to feel a little restless.

"Everyone, we have been waiting for a long time, and we have not seen the arrival of the master, and the new emperor has never met, should we retreat? Everyone, the Andromeda Shuangjiufeng has begun to hurt each other , the snow clouds on the ground are also a bit strange! This has never happened before...! Let’s talk about it, let’s see, should we go or not?” An older Yi Xing He growled loudly and complained, and said.

"Naturally, the 36 strategy is the best! Neither the Great Emperor nor the new Emperor came. None of us can resist these interstellar rebellions. Without the Emperor Soul and Emperor Star Light on the Galaxy Continent, we are here just like the newborn Babies are no different, what are you going to use to fight these traitors? If you don’t go, I’ll go by myself. If you stay here, you’ll lose your life sooner or later! Maybe, I’ll have to give my life here.” Another Yixing man also said loudly When they met, they shouted loudly and said.

"You can't go, the key to the Galaxy Continent. If everyone leaves, the Emperor Dragon Palace will definitely be handed over to those traitors from the Ghost Horse Twin Stars. We must not be so irresponsible. We must help the Emperor to guard this place." The last piece of pure land on Pianxinghe Continent can’t be lost anymore! Otherwise, where will you go to play with the little balls in your hands in the future? Don’t leave, no one can leave.” A bald Yixing man was so angry He jumped into a rage, and sternly scolded the two people in front of him, shouting.

... Just when these Yixing people without the protection of the Emperor Soul were at a loss, I had no choice but to jump out.

"Autumn water is born on the south coast and becomes the universe in the northern Xinjiang continent. Fireworks are born in the north and form the vast sea in the south of Nanshan. There is a law in the world of mortals: the land of Kun is vast, and the virtues carry things, starting from Yiwei and ending in Kuichou; dry The sky is vast and all-encompassing. When Jiazi sees it, Renwu hides it. If it doesn’t move, why not us? Everyone who plays Xing, don’t move. When you step out of Shuangjiu Peak, you will inevitably die and fall into the sky. If you don’t know the wormhole of ignorance that others dug for you, it will be too late to regret it!” Walking on the snow-cloud field between the Shuangjiu Peaks that is not so flat anymore, I was lukewarm He tried to persuade them to come, speaking with sincerity and sincerity.

"Ah...! It's Mr. back. It's Mr. Hui!" A small thing emerged from under the snow cloud, and flew towards the colorful cloud at the farthest point of the snow cloud between Shuangjiu Peak directly in front of it. And went, and kept shouting loudly while running, said.

"Mister is back? Why is there no movement here at all? Even Shuangjiu Peak has been strangled by others, and it is about to collapse! Gua Wazi, don't deceive yourself? If you are scared out of your wits by others, don’t be so startled! Shut up! If Mr. arrives, these tortoise fatigues from the spooky galaxy (interstellar swearing: the meaning is similar to bastards) dare to come here Let's stay at Shuangjiu Peak? Run slowly, why panic? Soldiers come to block the water and come to Tutun, ghosts come to wait on the magic weapon, shut up quickly!" An old man with a head like a goat, white hair and black beard, with a hand in his hand Holding the twin stars of earth and wood, and stepping on the ruthless planets of water and fire, he scooped out the house of white flowers and grass surrounded by colorful clouds, scolded the little thing lightly, and said.

"Master, little thing, I didn't lie to you! The words that just passed over the snow cloud like a breeze, only Mr. He can say that kind of obscure outer space words! What the hell? Xi ah, when I heard my blood surge, my whole body became full of energy, so when I was happy, I ran to report to Master, you old man!"

The little thing stood in front of the old man in a regular manner, turned sideways to let him go forward, and then followed behind step by step, explaining to the old man, and said.

"Yang Tangwei, you came at a good time. Everyone can't use the planets they control normally now. It seems that they were swept away by some kind of alien space evil spirit, and they can't lift the interstellar super soul power! Look, We are all dwarves! If we continue like this, we will definitely die.” A small man with milky red hair like a sweet potato cried helplessly with this Yang Tangwei and said.

Seeing this slightly taller goat man, the densely packed dwarves became much quieter without moving.

The few people who said they would open the way before gradually calmed down.

"At a time like this, don't say you can't get out of this area, even if you really want to go out, do you think you can guarantee that your planet and your life will not be taken away by the garbage man of Ghost Horse Double Star? Everyone has to believe it. Sir and the new emperor, they will come back as soon as possible, and I am responsible to tell you that Shuangjiu Peak will not be invaded by foreign enemies so easily, and it is impossible to collapse. You think he is from the depths of the world* * Tower? Keep quiet for me, as long as the master and the new emperor come, we can completely wipe out this group of garbage traitors from the ghost horse galaxy! Everyone must keep calm and don't mess up your own position first." Yangtang Wei breathed out lotus flowers, and with his voice, bursts of white fluorescent air flowed into the deep hearts of every Yixing player present.

After only a short while, the snow cloud returned to its former innocence, and it was vast and gray again!
"Hoo...!" Standing on the top of Shuangjiu Peak, Shui Mo breathed out a deep breath, and felt relieved instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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