
Chapter 517, Galaxy Rebellion.

Chapter 517, Galaxy Rebellion ([-]).

When the wind blows, it is usually the time when the charge horn is sounded.

There is a saying that is very good: if Dongfeng does not make friends with Zhou Lang, Tongquechun will lock Erqiao deeply.

That's because Zhou Lang doesn't understand the way of heaven, just like my generation of heavenly beings, when the east wind blows, gold and iron horses are invincible.

"Master, I'm coming down too." The ink turned into a white cloud, and lightly landed on the snow cloud that had returned to its original appearance. Immortal energy and spiritual power overwhelmed the screen, and he spoke to me in a very happy and dignified manner, and said.

"I'm going, can you see me? Why have you been going all the way, kid? You still...haven't been five-star yet?"

I looked at the sun, moon and stars above his head, with earth and wood stars on his feet, and water and fire stars on his shoulders, but there was no golden little star, so I was a little surprised, and asked him casually.

"Master! How is it possible? Here, the golden years can't easily see people! Otherwise, the hostile people will be wiped out in an instant! Master, I dare not let it be exposed to the public's eyes. Oh! Cough cough, it’s just that it’s okay to use them to fight with other Yi Xing people separately, but if I use the Five Star Lianzhu, I really can’t figure out the trick at this time!” Shui Mo explained to me embarrassingly got up and said.

Because people who are predestined to meet each other interstellar, I also manifested my real body, looking at this little apprentice in front of me with a smile, this generation of Xinghe Emperor, I couldn't help but smile.

"Ah... it really is the emperor who has returned. This... four-star armor, wearing stars and wearing a moon for the sun, could it be that... you are the new emperor?"

The old man Yang Tangwei also laughed. He looked up and down carefully at the young boy in front of his eyes, and asked about ink and wash with some doubts.

"Not yet! You have worked so hard to support the Shuangjiu Peak from being overthrown by the traitors, and your strength should not be underestimated! Could it be that... you have already been five-star since you came?" Shui Mo hurriedly bent down to talk to him Yes, said modestly.

"Ah...it turns out that the new emperor has been watching all the time! The old man is blind, deaf and dumb, and he didn't realize that the emperor is in our Shuangjiu Peak Emperor Dragon Palace! It's a sin!" Yang Tangwei followed Xiao Shui Mo started to apologize, and tremblingly apologized to him, said.

"Where is it! It's because ink painting is not good, and I racked my brains for a while and couldn't come up with a plan to defeat the enemy, so it happened like this! Teacher, father, you alone support this paragraph that shouldn't have come. If you say that, old man, you will be a shame boy! Dijun is my master, and his old man is here too, let's ask his opinion!" Ink Mo changed the subject When it came to me, he said helplessly.

I know that without the emperor's seal of Emperor Soul and Dragon Heart, ink and wash, even if it is five-star Lianzhu, is nothing more than a very good star game master, and it doesn't have the courage and deterrence to unify the galaxy continent and the interstellar space!
"Ahem! Shui Mo, you have already come to Longmen and entered Dragon Palace. Now that you have five stars in succession, Master may simply pass on the throne to you! These rebellions on the Galaxy Continent are aimed at you, how to deal with it when you ascend When God takes the throne, go and deal with it yourself! Everyone, don’t panic, everyone, the new emperor is already five stars in succession, and it is more than enough to deal with these thieves! All line up, let’s open up the world, and prepare to pass on the emperor Xi." I laughed and talked to them loudly, saying.

"Ah! Sir, you are back too! Thank God, the Galaxy Continent is safe and sound! All eight-wind interstellar travelers, raise the east wind, send the sound of white thatch on the star altar, and raise the Galaxy battle flag!" Yang Tangwei trotted after hearing my words Then he went back to the small white house between the two peaks of Shuangjiu Peak, and while walking, he loudly ordered the altar opening ceremony, said.

From his fresh, refined and hearty voice, I can tell that he must be very happy at this moment, and he has swept away the haze and depression before!
"Hey...it's really not easy. It's not easy to support it alone for so long! It's not easy! How can a four-star Yixing player have such a strong strength? Master, I don't quite understand it!" Shui Mo looked at him far away. The shambling back of the past asked me a little puzzled, and said.

"Look carefully, you will understand everything in a while!"

I smiled mysteriously, became noncommittal with him, and said.

All the Yixing people on the Galaxy Continent have seen my real body at this moment, and the previous restlessness has gradually subsided, and they all automatically lined up into two teams in an orderly manner, leading to the The thatched huts inside the white fluorescence left a clean and flawless avenue, all of which were lying on the ground, and the planets they controlled were like glass balls of different colors, neatly placed on the snow cloud next to them , colorful and crystal clear, it is really eye-catching!
"call out……!"

Outside Shuangjiu Peak, a short and heavy sigh sounded very penetrating and fell on the snow cloud in front of us, revealing a black hole the size of a fist, bottomless!

"Sir, let's pass on the throne first! I'm afraid this guy is going to fight us to the death! Knowing that the two generations of emperors have returned to Shuangjiu Peak safe and sound, I reckon they are going to attack us!" Yangtang Wei said He spit out human words and spoke to us at the frequency of the mortal voice, said.

Yi Xing people who have never entered the Hongchen Inn, they do not understand this language. Among the people present, only Shui Mo and I can understand it.

"Master, is there still time?"

Shui Mo looked at the dark and deep hole between me and him, and asked me worriedly.

"It's okay! With Yangtangwei and Bafengyixing people in the battle, there must be time." I closed my eyes slightly, smiled lightly, and answered him neatly.

"Ah...Master, why are you so calm? Let's send someone to watch it! This..." Shui Mo tried to persuade me, but stopped talking.

"Don't worry about it, close your eyes, read the interstellar space soul receiving platform, don't talk, don't think about it, follow the rhythm of the master, and use the Hongchen Mind Learning as the foundation, let's upload the emperor's soul cloud scripture platform." I use the Hongchen Mind Learning The sound frequency and his heart language and star wish rose, said.

"Okay, Master!"

Shui Mo agreed, closed his eyes obediently, exchanged his heart for his heart, and entered my spiritual consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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