
Chapter 596, The Emperor's Soul Stepping Down the Starry Sky.

Chapter 596, The Emperor's Soul: Flattening the Starry Sky ([-]).

In a world without wind, breathing should be a very relaxing and joyful thing!
However, on the vast and boundless Milky Way Continent, the great gods gathered together for their own interests and so-called dreams, making the already very thin air become more and more tense and somewhat bleak in an instant. It's over.

Difficulty breathing is the most direct catalyst for war.

The great gods from all walks of life began to become restless because of difficulty breathing.

Regardless of whether they are enemies or friends, they began to enjoy killing and stealing goods, and all of them would suddenly kill the people around them, purely to temporarily enliven the atmosphere by the flying of their blood, supplementing What about the nourishment in the air!
So that they themselves can obtain nourishment at the fastest speed in the shortest time, and exchange for the fresh required airflow in real time!
"Bo!" With a loud sound, the black dragon was stuck in the back by Nian Yazai's stick. As the saying goes, it's hard to guard against a madman beating his father in the nest!

"Yazi, are you crazy?" Muyun Beast suddenly yelled in fright.

Shui Mo was concentrating on watching Mo Xuan and the horse-faced giant fighting back and forth among the clouds. Hearing the yell of the Muyun Beast, he immediately reacted. He picked up the gold, wood, water, fire, The small earth five-star ball immediately spun quickly.

The violent storm broke out in an instant, followed by lightning and thunder, and the Galaxy Continent erupted one after another.

The stars all over the sky are instantly covered by the thick red clouds like sheep all over the mountains and plains, and the vast universe suddenly becomes like a May sky covered with red clouds in the depths of the world of mortals.

The dazed consciousness of all the little fairies came to their senses in an instant, and each of them held the Jiutian Mingyue knife in their hands, and looked at each other, all of them broke out in a cold sweat!
"What's going on here? Why are your own people beating up your own people? Nen Yazi, you are good enough! Even Master Black Dragon dares to sneak attack, are you going to die? You..." Yang Jia Nan held up his Jiutian Mingyue Knife, and was about to sneak attack on Shuiyue Misty Rain beside him, when he heard the sound of thunder passing by his ears, he also talked about Nianyazi with some embarrassment.

"Ah...! Nenyazai, do you know who your mother is?" Holy Spirit looked at the single-leaf ebony in Nianyazai's hand, and it disappeared without a trace as soon as it was inserted into the back of the black dragon. He couldn't help asking got up and said.

"Ah...! Uncle Holy Spirit, why did you ask such a question all of a sudden? When I was young, I heard from my brother that we belonged to the dragon clan outside the sky, and the two dragon eggs that fell when we passed the 33rd heaven! Maybe there would be no such thing at all. Parents! Who are the parents? I don’t know. You have to ask my brother, he may be able to know something if he’s happy!” Don’t be confused by the Holy Spirit’s questioning That's right, I became a little confused, and asked about the Holy Spirit.

After this guy finished speaking, he went to see the Muyun Beast without waiting for the Holy Spirit's response!

"That's all! That's all! It's all old sesame seeds and rotten millet. Why mention it? Holy Spirit, please help me to see if the wood that the little bastard stuck in my back can be pulled out? Hurry up! Come on! I'm going to fight with the ghost-horse double-star elf in a while!" The black dragon looked at Niaoyazi who was running towards the Muyun beast like a fan, and turned his head to ask the holy spirit when he was a little disappointed.

"Uncle, all the wood has disappeared into your black black iron armor! There is no trace left, don't worry! Your body is still intact now! Is it right, Paixiu?" Miao Miao continued until now. , before he dared to speak loudly, said.

"That's right! Don't bother talking about it, Mo Xuan is still dueling with Ma Mian Yi Xingren! Everyone is watching, we can't beat us so we can change." The Holy Spirit knew that the black dragon was a little sad, so he deliberately brought up Mo Xuan The horse-faced chess star came, and he spoke carefully, and said.

"Don't worry! I know that there is still a ghost-faced Yi Xing who has not yet appeared. If he dares to go up and help in a while, I will not be idle anymore. We are two brothers and sisters, but the first guardian of the Empress. They destroyed our Galaxy Continent and the interstellar space, so don’t worry, uncle. Brother Mo Xuan and I will be with you for everything!” Shui Mo has been carefully watching Mo Xuan’s dragon bone fan change constantly Qiandi is fighting with Mamianyi Xingren's long spear back and forth. From time to time, some unlucky children, little Xingxing, fall from their weapons into the starry sky and go straight into the black hole!
"Sister, you are now my mother's successor, the new female interstellar emperor. Before my mother left, I said that I want to level the starry sky! The next step is up to you." Shuiyue Xiaoyunyu smiled, looked at the Lingyu smoke in the forest in March, and said very slyly.

"Sooner or later, I will pass it on to you. Do you still dare to treat yourself as an outsider? Show me Mo Xuan, and don't let him plant on your brother Shui Mo's territory. It would be too shameful, and also It will hurt the self-esteem of all of us! Remember, this Mamian Yixing man is not a good person, not to mention insidious and cunning, he has never been merciless in his strikes! Keep an eye on it, the air is surging over there, five Yun Bukong and the dark clouds hit the ground, probably the ghost-faced Yixing people want to do some tricks. Look out, little girl! Don’t mess around." Yuyan pointed to Mo Xuan and Mamianyixingren in the air, and pointed to the western tornado Like a mushroom cloud, he said to Misty Rain in a low voice.

"Sister, don't worry. Mo Xuan won't lose. I gave Dali and Sister Long's little penguins to him. It is estimated that Ma Mian Yi Xing will transform into a rabbit's tail in a while. No more! Hahahaha." Xiaoyuer in Shuiyueyun laughed loudly at Yuyan like a manly woman, and said.

"You girl, it's okay to be generous on your own, and you still have to drag Sister Long, hey...! Don't drag your sister and me again. I dare not dispose of the emperor soul body that my mother gave me. Can you Leveling the starry sky depends on its good fortune! Keep an eye on them, Brother Shui Mo and I are going to clean up the ghost-faced star players." Yu Yan said helplessly, and then quietly asked Shui Mo, who was closely watching the battle in the sky. The emperor passed by.

Seeing Yu Yan and Shui Mo's solemn faces, everyone didn't dare to say much. They all held the Jiutian Mingyue Knife tightly and stared intently at Mo Xuan and the horse-faced old man in the air, feeling overwhelmed. Going to the ground, dong dong dong, only playing drums!

"Shui Mo, don't patronize Senior Brother Mo Xuan, there is movement behind, it seems that the other guy is about to move too! Be careful." Yu Yan whispered to Shui Mo who kept holding the five dragon balls and watching the battle silently.

(End of this chapter)

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