
Chapter 597, Emperor Soul's Stepping into the Starry Sky

Chapter 597, Emperor Soul: Stepping into the Starry Sky ([-])

It's easy to hide a sharp spear, but it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow. The ghost-faced Yixing has been hiding in the depths of the dark clouds, his copper-bell-like eyes stared at the ink and ink, without blinking, and kept thinking about how to get rid of them. The five small stars like meteor hammers in Shui Mo's hand were snatched by it!

It's a pity that his heart is not good, and his evil thoughts move the wind, and the little fairies and little fairies have already noticed his existence!
Yuyan opened the Interstellar Wisdom Eye, and the seven-color dragon crystal magic stone popped out from his mind, and rushed into the heavenly gate of heaven and earth, all eager to gather together, and in an instant, all the devils on the Galaxy Continent Scanned it clearly and clearly.

"This...the Emperor Soul Light has seen the enemy thoroughly before it is activated! Why did Leng Qiuyue hide her strength for so long?...Why?...She is obviously much stronger than the old man! But ...Why does she act like this?" Yu Yan fell into deep thought, couldn't help talking to herself, and said in a low voice.

"Sister, don't guess. Is it possible that Mom still wants to slap Dad in the face in front of outsiders? If you are like Mom, I guess Brother Shui Mo will definitely have sex with you, and soon It’s a little Yuyan! Hahahaha, if you don’t believe me, try it, Bailu Mountain is fun, isn’t it, Lu Xiaobai?” Shui Yueyun Zhongyu cheered up Yuyan with a smile, and said.

"You talk too much! Xiaobai, don't follow her around. The enemy has already touched us, and we are ready to fight." Yu Yan deliberately avoided the topic of her little sister, and said.

Shui Mo was so engrossed in watching the behemoth slowly approaching from the red cloud that he didn't hear the chirping chatter of Yu Yan and the other girls.

The battle between Mo Xuan and the horse-faced man has become fierce at this moment, and they are all surrounded by dark clouds, and they are fighting here and there. It's a joy!

"Skinning...? So you are a ghost-horse double-star horse-star man, a guy who refines stars and turns into a human being! Hahahaha, within tens of thousands of years, you must not be able to refine horses and stars into these gangsters who are strong and energetic! I am lucky enough to meet you today. Senior big man, Mo Xuan is really lucky in three lives! Hahahaha, happy! Happy!" Mo Xuan has never met an opponent in his life, and now he has been fighting back and forth with the horse-faced man for a long time. After scratching the opponent's skin, he could not help but become more energetic, and he started yelling while fighting.

"Boy, is this skin peeling? It's just the iron flakes and rust on my grandfather that hasn't been touched for thousands of years! Hahahaha. But you're not bad, boy! You don't have a single star, just rely on one The dragon bone fan is a method beyond the sky, and I have been fighting with grandpa for so many days. Kid, who are you?" Ma Mian panted and complimented Mo Xuan loudly, and said.

"You old man, talk less and pay attention to your own flaws. Xiaosheng Shui Moxuan has followed Mr. for many years and learned some superficial things from him. Old man, if you give up now, the handsome team will return to your world and restore the peace of the Galaxy Continent. We can still do it Make friends. After all, you are the only one who forced Xiaosheng to do his best. If I kill you, I will not bear it! If I want to fight again in the future, I think it will be rare to meet a good opponent again. Why don't you think about it carefully, let's stop here, how about it?" Mo Xuan smiled slightly and said to him.

"Boy, how old are you? How dare you talk to me like that? Grandpa, I won't agree to you. What can you do to me? Where's your little water bead? Let it go! It's not gone, right? Haha Haha." The horse-faced man kept laughing and said, not daring to idle his hands, blinking his eyes one after another like ghosts and elves, and continued to greet Mo Xuan densely like raindrops up.

"When the wind comes, the wind blows and the clouds disperse, but when the rain comes, the flowers don't thank you! Fireflies laugh in the clouds with thin fans, and the wind blows and the rain never stops." Mo Xuan nodded and lowered his eyebrows, and the jade tree transformed into a beautiful woman like white jade. The dragon bone fan was also turned into a flimsy feather fan by him, and then slowly shaking the fan while shaking his head, he recited the poem and wrote it right, and talked to the horse-faced player with a half-smile, and said.

The spooky elves, like stars in the sky, were stirred up by the weak wind from Mo Xuan's fan, as if they couldn't move their legs. They just spun around in front of the eyes of the horse-faced old man, and they didn't want to get close to Mo Xuan's eyes. Xuan!

"Hehehehe! The old boy must be out of action now!" Muyun Beast grabbed Nen Yazai's hand, couldn't help laughing, and said.

"You kid, just like your dead ghost master, you will be coquettish and playful all day long, and after a while, the feather fan and towel are lit, I think you are still pissed? Hahahaha, but you are pretty It's interesting! Besides, it has the demeanor of the originator of the interstellar ranger!" The horse-faced man glanced at the Muyun beast, and then he laughed loudly, and said to Mo Xuan in a disdainful manner. Got up, said.

While speaking, this fellow silently waved the black long sleeve in his hand, and it immediately turned into a Zen stick with a horse's head and a horse's face, and then the older man yelled and stepped on the black clouds, killing and running in a hurry Mo Xuan came.

The Mamianyi Xingren elves flying all over the sky disappeared immediately, and no one knew where they had gone!

"The little sesame spots on the Star River Continent are all scattered, it must be the boss! Ah, can your calligraphy and study cover it? And Qiuyue, can you and the old chosen successor be able to live in the place? Why did you come here? Listen to the old ancestors, go back and have a look! Don’t ruin the children, it would be a pity. It took tens of thousands of years to find such a few proud people Disciple, it would be a pity if it fell into the hands of those monsters." The old ancestor closed his eyes slightly, and talked to Qiuyue and me with a slight smile, and said.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, the old ancestor, everything has been arranged by Qiuyue and I, there will be no mistakes! Oh, yes. Qiuyue, take out your Nine Heavens Bright Moon Mirror! Play the ink painting for the old ancestor too Their current battle situation, so that the ancestors will not waste their divine power again. Hurry up!" I laughed, knowing that the ancestors wanted to see the current battle situation of Shui Mo and the others!So he whispered to her and Qiuyue and said.

"Hasn't it been passed on to Yuyan? You ask me to take it now. What should I show my ancestors? I don't have any brains at all. Besides, can the Nine Heavens Moon Mirror be used in Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland? Except Haitian Longjing The Philosopher’s Stone, the other magic weapons here are like sea urchin stones, right? But the brain is showing off in front of the ancestors.” Qiuyue glanced at me, hung me a bit embarrassedly, and said.

"Qiuyue is right, don't say that you gave Yuyan, even if you didn't, this kind of heavenly thing has come to our Haitian Miaoyin Realm, it's just a meteorite, what can it do! It's my ancestor, I will do it myself !” said the old ancestor, and drew a circle in front of us with his hand, and a piece of water mirror with rippling water appeared in front of our eyes.

"Whether it's Andromeda, the Ghost Horse Double Star Grand Canyon, or your Tianwaitian, there can't be no water. Once there is no water, how arrogant the method and Taoism are, it's just a decoration. Look at it. Careful, how did the children level the starry sky on behalf of Qiuyue! I’ve said the ugly things before, you two want to be lazy, if the hometown of Jinling Yuexia suffers disaster, don’t blame me for not reminding you two. Good! Just watch!" the ancestor said, and suddenly opened his eyes, a sharp skylight shot into the water mirror, and there was a soft sound, and the water mirror began to be crowded with people's voices boiling up .

"Damn it! Boy, can you change this broken fan? It's like falling asleep slowly, so that I almost fell asleep! Can you have something exciting? Like a plague god How can you continue to fight sickly?" In the water mirror, a horse-faced star player yelled loudly, and a horse-headed Zen stick was not polite, and kept attacking Mo Xuan's vital gates, which was a bit shocking. People are very disdainful to operate methods, and they do everything they can, and they all shine in his hands!

"Look carefully, the one in the black cloud is the real master, the ghost horse double star master, that is, the guy who knocked you down into the world of mortals himself! I guess, he will use the ghost-faced starman's mask to deal with the little one It’s ink and wash!" The old master Zong talked to me and Qiuyue with a smile, and said.

"Old Ancestor, it turns out that it's all under your control! No wonder we can't kill us no matter how hard we beat! Hahahaha, you cultivated him with your own hands. You, the old man, must know better than anyone else how much he weighs. No matter what kind of apprentices he brings out, they will naturally not be able to escape your old man’s eyes! You are old, don’t worry about them! Nothing will happen! At that time, the old man deliberately put water to lure them into the world of mortals, to cross your old age Those juniors! Don’t be fooled! Hahahaha." Qiuyue looked at the old ancestor like a child, but seemed to understand everything very clearly, So he didn't dare to lie to her old man, and told her honestly.

"Yueyue, your elder sister, I know, I know, ah, can you still do things under the eyes of your ancestors at eight o'clock in the evening? Forgive him, he doesn't dare, and he doesn't have that ability yet! I'm just careful about mine. A group of little jade souls! Don’t be ruined by him.” The old ancestor climbed up Qiuyue’s pole proudly, and said to her very happily.

Qiuyue gave me a sideways glance, and made a face at me without her ancestors on her back, and raised a big middle finger.

Little girl, you are looking for trouble with me!

(End of this chapter)

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