
Chapter 666, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 666, Fierce battle against the world of mortals ([-]).

Make trouble!
It is the blame that must be blamed.

Yanyu put Leng Yuyeyue away and was about to explain it to everyone when Holy Spirit and Aunt Lan came back.

So the boys started talking to Aunt Lan and Sheng Shengling about what happened just now.

"Aunt Lan, I'm afraid this monster is trying to play tricks on us." Hearing what everyone said, Holy Spirit turned to Aunt Lan and said.

Lan Gu took a look at Misty Rain, knew that she understood the reason, looked at her as if nothing had happened, and then said to Holy Spirit and the others: "This is a big water monster in the mouth of the river. It has been practiced for more than 1 years. He is governed by heaven and not by earth, and he is unwilling to obey the orders of the emperor. He only believes in the Rakshasa, the demon Shura, and regards Shura as a god. He is respectful and never dares to disobey the order of Shura! The purple-blue Four Seasons Human Emperor Grass planted by the ghosts can come and go freely, and within a few hundred kilometers, he is the only one with this strength. It must be him."

"You mean..." Holy Spirit seemed to confirm his judgment, nodded, and agreed with Aunt Lan.

However, she only spoke halfway, and Yan Yu couldn't hold back any longer, she yelled loudly, and said: "Looking at your guessing and guessing, I am really speechless. Isn't it just a toad that wants to eat swan meat? Stop playing, hurry up and save people."

"Grandma, you know his background! Then you're still pretending to be confused with all of us here? Miss, let's go quickly." As soon as Holy Spirit heard that Heilong and the others had been arrested, he immediately urged Yu Yan It's time to save someone, she said impatiently to Yu Yan.

"Aunt Holy Spirit, don't worry. Senior brother and I will rush over first, nothing will happen, don't worry!" Before Yu Yan could agree, Shui Mo immediately agreed to Holy Spirit.

Talk, he is about to catch up!

Yuyan grabbed him and said, "What are you in a hurry for? Do you know who took Hei San and the others? If you hurried over like this, you're going to be someone else's prisoner? Do you despise yourself as a prisoner in the interstellar space?" What if there are fewer captives? Ask about the strength of the other party first. If you and Brother Mo Xuan also become captives, I will have no face to go back and explain to the old man and Leng Qiuyue! Let the younger sister talk about it first. , this little girl is hiding it very well! Don't worry."

"Sister, look at what you said, why did I hide it so deeply? I just suddenly remembered it just now. Think about it carefully. After passing Caochangmen Street, where is the most likely way to the west? What about our headaches?" Misty Rain said unhappily.

"Of course it's... the Black Cloth Clam Essence Island! Ah...! I see, it's the Clam Essence that has been transformed into a human body all day long, and is wrapped in black cloth to make it airtight! No wonder the Black Dragon Master Uncle and the others will be caught by others! Hahahaha." Shuiyue couldn't help but laughed loudly, and said with a smirk.

"Why...? You all know him? The only two idiots, Shui Mo and I, don't know that there are such monsters in the Three Realms? You... If you know, why didn't you say it earlier? Hey, can you tell me? Hei San and the others have suffered a lot." Yu Yan said without tears.

"No! Miss, we didn't even know there was such a person!" Qilin and Suanni both fell, revealing their identities.

"Why is this? Dali, do you know that there will be such a person along the way?" Yuyan questioned Dali Ghost King inexplicably, and asked.

"I don't know! This guy should not be in the Five Elements, nor in the Three Realms! Otherwise, I wouldn't know about it." Dali Ghost King touched the ghost unicorn on the green head, and he agreed with Yu Yan with some embarrassment. .

"Then we have met a super big shot?" Yuyan asked depressingly as she became more and more puzzled.

"What kind of bullshit super big man? It's something that has always been inferior to a frog in a well, a toad." Yan Yu said angrily, and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's hurry to save people. Let's talk about this toad as we walk along the road." Lan Gu listened to them talking for a long time, but no one could explain the origin of this toad clearly. Children, so they urged them to hurry.

A group of people hurried to the Heibu Clam Essence Island, and Lan Gu carefully explained the general history of the Heibu Clam Essence to Yuyan and the others along the way.

It turns out that this guy really has two talents. He was originally a tea pet in Chang'e Palace in the Nine Heavens and Bright Moon Realm. Because he fell in love with a swan kept by the Queen Mother in Yaochi to guard the house, he sneaked out of Guanghan Palace and walked along the road. Tianhe, lurking all the way to the fairyland at the source of Tianhe, wanted to confess to the swan at the door, but never thought how the swan could look at it with lumps all over its body?

So he quarreled with the swan in a fit of anger, and this quarrel alarmed the fairy in Yao Chi who was feeding the little goldfish.

The fairy kicked him out and scolded him, and brought him to sister Chang'e. In a rage, sister Chang'e demoted it to the mortal world, and let him repair it in the Hongchen Inn for another 1000 years before allowing him to go back.

Who would have thought that when this guy came out of the mortal world, he would have nothing to love about.

The Asura girl passing by saw through his thoughts, so she turned into a little swan, walking past him deliberately in a fairy-like manner.

When this guy is heartbroken, how can he see a woman?

What's more, it's still a little swan?

Seeing that he took the bait, the Asura girl reprimanded him in the tone of a swan, and then half pushed and half fulfilled him on the spot, and they became a dewy couple overnight.

This guy has tasted the sweetness for the first time, so it's okay?
The desire swells, and I want to share the bed with that Shura girl every night Shengge!

Seeing that he has extraordinary immortal energy, the Asura girl can snatch a large amount of immortal energy and soul power from him every time she sleeps together, but after a long time, she despises his ugly appearance, so she is not willing to agree to him .

This fellow is also soft-hearted. From then on, every time since then, he has made it a condition for the Shura girl to be a cow and a horse, so that others can absorb his immortal energy and soul power, so that he can obtain instant physical and psychological pleasure for a while. .

This time, he was an enemy of Xiaoxian's team on his own territory, and he was also inspired by the Shura girl!

Disobedient, the bed is not allowed to touch, let alone human.

"In this case, it's not right that he is not in the Five Elements! How can someone who can go to Yaochi to chase girls not be in the Five Elements? I can't care so much. Now that I know his background, Shui Mo, Mo Xuan, you bring Qilin and Suanni rushed to catch up first, and ended him for me, and rescued Hei San and the others. Hurry up!" Yuyan heard that it was Chang'e's sister's plaything trick, so she called Shui Mo and the others to rush to save people. road.

"Wait! Shui Mo, you can only watch but not act. Don't reveal the secrets of your Emperor's real body, or our previous efforts will be wasted! Remember, let Mo Xuan and Qilin deal with him." Lan Gu stopped Ink and the others, who were about to leave again, told Ink to say.

(End of this chapter)

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