
Chapter 667, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 667, Fierce battle against the world of mortals (thirteen).

As the mountain road became steeper and steeper, the grass color gradually became soft and short, and the color gradually returned to normal, just like pine needles.

Yu Yan and the others breathed out a sigh of relief, the soles of their feet were more than a foot off the ground, and they walked slowly towards the west.

The more Yu Yan thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. Why didn't she feel the slightest bit about the weird situation around her?

"Aunt Lan, Uncle Holy Spirit, are the things you said true? Why can I see things that my little sister can see, but I can't do anything when I see them! It's because my immortal energy and soul power have disappeared. Or am I sick?" Yu Yan thought for a long time and still couldn't figure it out, so she asked about Aunt Lan and Holy Spirit.

"Oh! I said Comrade Yuyan, my dear lady! You are about to become the wife of the emperor, why do you need immortal energy and soul power? Don't you still have Qilin and Suanni, and even Is there a five-star lianzhu protecting you? If not, you can turn over the heavenly book! You can also use your Jiutian Mingyue knife! You may really not know, but the heavenly book is actually the greatest magic weapon for you and your brother-in-law." Yan Yu talked quickly, and blurted out the words without thinking.

Is what Misty Rain said true?
Yuyan began to murmur: When she was a fairy in the past, she wanted to be with the ink red dust, and to be its dew couple for 100 years, but now..., what's wrong with me?
"Don't think about it! You can't believe everything your little sister says. Yu Yan, what the emperor's wife said is just a name, and it won't affect your immortal energy and soul power! You have These reactions are because your Leng Yuetian Xin Ling was left in Leng Yue Xiaoxian Palace by us! Do you still remember that your elder sister Yue opened a restaurant by the Qinhuai River more than 1 years ago? At that time, she and you are now It's almost the same, but you can rest assured that those who take the mission to do justice for the heavens will have the protection of heaven and man, so don't be afraid." Aunt Lan laughed and said to her in a low voice.

"Hehehehe! It's here. It's almost there, look quickly! Isn't the cloud-shrouded mountain in front of you like a huge toad like a giant toad, isn't it the Clam Mountain?" Yan Yu looked at the fairy-like mountain in front of her, and said loudly with excitement. cried out, shouted.

"It looks like it! Little girl, take a closer look, is it really a mountain? I look at this mountain and it looks a bit strange, it seems to be wriggling!" Shuiyue also saw it, she seemed a little scared Said to Misty Rain in a low voice.

"Second sister! Are you afraid that it will eat us in a while? Don't say it looks like a mountain, but it is really a mountain. If we dare to block our way, we will level it. I I don’t believe it, the old fool who dared to move mountains tens of thousands of years ago, are we not as good as him? Hahahaha, we are gods.” Misty Rain jumped up and down and was eager to try, she said very loudly Said.

"Yanyu, don't move! Tell Mo Xuan to take Qilin and Suanni over to have a look first. I look at this mountain a little strangely. After Mo Xuan, Qilin, and Suanni pass by, let's see if you are in the clouds Master Heilong and the others, don’t be too busy trying to scare them away. Find out, come back and report, we’ll wait for your news here.” Looking at the clam fine mountain that was swaying slightly in the clouds and mist, the holy spirit ordered solemnly Thinking that Mo Xuan and Qilin are here, he said.

"Okay, teacher."

Mo Xuan agreed, and he was going to take Qilin and Suanni there.

"Wait a minute! Mo Xuan, if something unexpected happens, use your true energy to send the Dragon Bone Fan back to report. Remember, release all your immortal energy, soul power and spiritual power, and send the Dragon Bone back." Aunt Lan Said to Mo Xuan in a low voice.

The night dew on the grass is crystal clear, and the essence of the night is shining under the moonlight, as if preparing rouge and water powder for the fairies, it is really a bit unbearable to trample on!

The dark blue irises are shining under the moonlight, as if to tell people: This is the only passage to the Western Paradise!
Seeing Mo Xuan and the others walk into the curtain of clouds and mist, the Holy Spirit Department became overwhelmed with emotion, and said, "This guy is not a monster from our Middle Earth, maybe he is a foreign species. "

"How did you see that! Brother Holy Spirit?" Aunt Lan asked Holy Spirit.

"I don't think this guy looks like a toad in our land, but a huge bullfrog! I heard that more than 1 years ago, a sage from the west came to our east to preach and vowed to figure out our Kunlun. Where is the road to immortal cultivation and ascension in the ruins, and then they can lead this immortal road to their west. When he came, these toads helped him along the way! These toads have been from the west Escorted him into the Kunlun Ruins, and the sauce on his body was sucked clean by the missionary, so he turned into a bullfrog, not a bullfrog, and a toad, not like a toad! These toads stayed with the missionary in the Kunlun Ruins After a while, and for unknown reasons, they all walked out of the Kunlun Ruins and came all the way along the Yellow River, and then they came to our Central Plains!" Yan Yu added what Lan Gu and Holy Spirit had said.

"Little sister, you are not ambiguous at all! You know the ins and outs of this alien species from the west! Hehehehe." Shuiyue was rendered speechless by Misty Rain's yelling. After getting up, it took a long time before he said with emotion.

"What's the matter? I also know who the missionary is. Hahahaha, his name is Yehehua. Mingli wanted to come to our Kunlun Ruins to practice immortality and preach, but secretly he came to steal the way to heaven! Hahahaha, but he No matter how tight your little calculations are, it can't match the insight of our Houtu Emperor. When he was ready to go back, he secretly replaced the ghost road with the heavenly road in his scriptures, and let him bring back the slaughter and famine Waiting for the disaster, sending new troops to the gate of hell! Hahahaha." Yanyu laughed and said without holding back.

Just when the Holy Spirit was about to scold her, a gust of wind blew by, and the dragon fracture fan fell from the air. Her whole body was scorching hot like fire, and Youzi was still emitting faint smoke!

When Aunt Lan saw it, she pointed at the lotus flower jade and turned it into a monster with a dragon head and the body of a cow. People started talking, and said, "Aunt Lan, there is a toad and a big bullfrog fighting over there! They I tied up Master Heilong and the others with the evil wind, and waited for their wind to come out to win or lose, and then I will share and eat the meat of Master Heilong and the others!"

"Long Gu, I got it. Then you rush back and send a letter to your Uncle Black Dragon, saying that we have a way to catch the monster, so let them wait patiently." Aunt Lan said to Long Gu nonchalantly.

Keel received Aunt Lan's instructions from the Dragon Clan, and trotted back and forth with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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