
Chapter 78, Snow Moon.

Chapter 78, Snow Moon.

In the world of ice and snow, a sliver of the setting sun fell from the peaks of the Daxue Mountain in the west, and the Venus bleached his eyes from the east, and jumped out of the clouds with a plop.

A faint light blue halo spread from the southeastern sky, circle after circle, it kept spreading!
"Xueyue! It must be Xueyue. Uncle Holy Spirit told me when I was a child, when Xueyue was born, the world was in conflict, and the devil king was in chaos, and there was no one to contend with." Shui Mo said with a big laugh.

"Ink! Tell me, are you a human or a demon?" Seeing Ink's excited and joyful look, I said to him very unhappy.

"Master! These are all what Uncle Holy Spirit said. She also said: Devils slipped out of the Western world back then, and future devils will still come from the West. Because the Western world has no faith, no virtue, indulgence, incest , Killing, robbery, chaos, etc., etc., are all tricks of the devil. Uncle Holy Spirit said that the western world may be the descendants of the devil, so if we want us to stay away from any place, it is best not to contact them, so as not to break The virtues of our oriental civilization." Seeing that I was upset, Shui Mo secretly glanced at me, and then explained to me.

What the Holy Spirit said is not wrong, the current government of the Republic of China is completely Westernized, and something big may happen...!I secretly told myself.

At this moment, Xueyue has completely emerged from the white clouds of oriental civilization, like a flawless white jade plate, hanging on the top of the eastern mountain where the north and south poles are white.

Yuyan and Qiuyue didn't care about the dispute between me and Shui Mo. They held hands and stood happily in front of us, admiring the beauty of the frozen snow and moon in the polar region, and kept admiring each other.

"Yuyan, sister didn't lie to you, right? Isn't this place beautiful? It's icy and snowy, and no one comes to disturb us. We can enjoy life and love in peace. How happy we are!" Qiuyue said, closing her eyes slightly. Eye.

Yuyan gently agreed to her, and she has already been intoxicated by this magnificent holy land of frozen snow and moon...!
"Ink ink, what Uncle Holy Spirit said, just talk to me, don't gossip around! Remember, just know it yourself, don't tell anyone else about it." Worrying about him messing around Said, causing trouble to the upper body, so I told him to say.

"Understood, master." Seeing what I said, Shui Mo agreed to come without hesitation.

"What are you two whispering about? Such a beautiful Frozen Holy Land, if you don't just enjoy the scenery quietly, why are you making a fuss?" Seeing me and Shui Mo chatting for a long time, Qiuyue couldn't turn her head. Happy to say we have a channel.

"Keep arguing, sew your mouths shut! Hahahaha!" Yuyan covered her mouth and snickered.

"I really can't talk anymore! Especially ink painting and Yuyan, you are mortals cultivating immortals, and the smell of fish meat in the Hongchen Inn is still very strong, which will attract the attention of evil spirits and heretics. Moreover, there are many demons locked inside Xueyue. Hearing the sound of Hongchen Inn, it will arouse their desire to return to the earth. If they accidentally leave the water, the end of the world will come. There have been enough catastrophes in the real world over the years, but there should be no more accidents " Qiuyue said to us resentfully, looking at the snowy moon shining deep in the clouds.

"How do you know what Taiyin Xingjun did? Qiuyue, you can't be...!" I was so scared that I quickly covered my mouth and didn't dare to say any more.

"Don't talk nonsense! I have nothing to do with Mr. Xing. Otherwise, do you think the Jade Emperor will give me to you, a poor scholar? Not only to protect you, but also to be a girl. I will take over my job. But it's not worth it." Qiuyue said coldly, feeling sad inwardly.

I know, if the Jade Emperor didn't use her father to explain things, I guess she would!Hmph, you may not be willing to serve me for the rest of your life!Even if it is three or five days in this world, it is probably very difficult.

I opened up the real world where my mind was empty, and wanted to take a good look at who Qiuyue really was? ...Why did the Jade Emperor choose her? ...

"Don't mess around!" Qiuyue pressed my hands, stared at me and stopped me for the first time.

"Why? If you don't tell me, can I go and see it myself?" I asked her.

"No! Why do you have to be more serious about this? Aren't I standing beside you alive now? Why do you want to look through irrelevant old almanacs?" Qiuyue said to me very helplessly.

"Although the meal you eat for 1 oceans is essentially the same as the meal I eat for [-] copper coins, everyone is full. But now I am worried about which meal you are not happy with. Ah! Because at the [-] yuan dinner table, who are the people sitting at the dinner table? Everyone seems to be estranged from each other, and each has their own ghosts; and my meal for ten copper coins is just the two of us, my wife and I, and there is no suspicion. , there is no quarrel, no estrangement! Yes, there is only happiness and happiness in the local area! Tell me, don’t I really need to replay the old things in the past?” I tilted my head and said to Qiuyue with a smile.

Although, even I don't know what I'm talking about!

"What a mess! Is it a place to eat and drink? Don't worry, I will tell you in a few days. You don't have to use your soul power and immortality to measure and calculate everything. The calculation is so delicate. What's the use? You don't want Miss Ben to protect you. Why don't you save your immortal energy and soul power so that you can defeat the enemy when the time comes. You're doing something wasteful and thankless, what a shame! Yes." Qiuyue pouted, she suppressed her smile, looked at me and said.

"Sister! Don't talk to them. Look, there is ink color inside your snowy moon. What a cool ice and snow ghost! There is still someone waving a brush in the snowy moon! It's so weird! It's so weird! "Yuyan yelled suddenly, staring at Xueyue, while tugging at Qiuyue's sleeve, she kept stomping her feet and said.

It was obvious that the people in Xueyue who waved a brush were not good people, and Yu Yan was quite frightened.

"Miss, don't be afraid! I'm here." Shui Mo saw the strange image in Xueyue, jumped in front of Yuyan, and said loudly while gaiting.

"Look! I told you not to talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, it's all right now! I've alarmed the devil inside, watching the moon and flowers, this time I'm in big trouble. Hey!..." Qiuyue said, floating away Flew to Xueyue.

"Why are you still here? Why don't you help, hurry up!" Seeing Qiuyue flying towards Xueyue, Yuyan immediately ran over and grabbed me, pulling and tugging at the ground, urging me.

That's right, these two little girls have something to hide from me and Shui Mo!The two sisters must have something to hide from us.

Seeing that Qiuyue was going far away, I immediately floated and chased after her.

The ink smear inside Xueyue is getting bigger and more obvious... The shadow of the swaying brush is getting taller and thicker, and its movements are getting faster and faster...

"When the snowy moon appears, see the plague; during the plague god's snowy moon, the devil turns over the pen and inkstone; turns over the pen and inkstone, turns over the pen and inkstone, one stroke of one magic eye, one stroke of one magic flame..." A woman's voice came from Xueyue like a ghost. It began to sing inside, and the more it sang, the more terrifying it became, the more it sang, the more miserable it became, and the more it sang, the more chilling it became.

It was creepy to hear, and I felt chills all over my body!

I forcibly endured the fear deep in my heart, and quickly chased in the direction of Qiuyue.

I kept telling myself: Even if I die, I still have to protect Qiuyue, because now only she can control the situation and save all mankind.

(End of this chapter)

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