
Chapter 79, the fearless Xueyue ghost.

Chapter 79, the fearless Xueyue ghost.

Xueyue struggled in the depths of the white clouds, crumbling and gradually becoming darker!The color of ink goes from light to deep, and when it invades, it gnaws at its soul, its eyelids droop, and its face is dripping with emerald green jade...!Seeing it, it is gradually turning into a gigantic magic drop box...!
"What should I do? Qiuyue." When I caught up with Qiuyue, she was standing right in front of the magic box, staring at the gradually darkening moon...

"The Xiaodao comes into heat once a year; the devil moves his mind once in ten years; the Dao has a yin and yang in a hundred years; it is rare for a fairy to meet a true person in ten thousand years! We really shouldn't be touched by the common thoughts of the world! If we activate this time, there will be hundreds of millions dormant in Guanghan Palace. The evil fetus of the year—the ghost of Xueyue, you are in big trouble! Alas!..." Qiuyue looked coldly at the darker and darker moon, while she stared at the black moon in front of her. , while explaining to me simply.

"The snowy moon appears, turning the world upside down; the spring thunder disturbs New Year's Eve, heavy snow flies and chills the bones; people sit at home, and disaster comes from the sky; the western sky wants to bring out the devil, and the eastern catastrophe cleanses the soul! Autumn moon, no, Jinling City..." I Pinching his fingers and chant casually, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and yelled loudly at Qiuyue.

If the western world attacks the eastern soul field again, it will be no joke!After all, the earth has now entered the era of hot weapons, and the lethality of this damn big firearm cannot be underestimated.

"What's supposed to come will always come. Don't be nervous. Let's suppress Xueyue and the villains in it first." Qiuyue took out a circle with one positive one reverse one red one purple one from her arms. A Mingyue scimitar lacking the symbol of Yin-Yang Moon Soul came, and she held it tightly in her hand. She stared at Xueyue's changes, and told me coldly.

I saw that she was facing a formidable enemy, so I took the initiative to close my crow's mouth and silently watched her and Xueyue!

"Remember! When I fly into Xueyue later, you will turn on your blue seal light and end spirit light, and build a seven-star rainbow bridge for me in front of Xueyue. Remember!" Qiuyue finished. , turned into a ray of white light, and shot into Xueyue like lightning.

Like a white lightning bolt, Xueyue swayed slightly, and then returned to the dimness as before, making people creepy and obscure!

"Hahahaha! Palace Master Lengyue, don't come here without any problems! I said, sister, today is a good day for my Xueyue to be reborn. You came here at the first time, did you bring something good for my brother? Hahahaha ...! Judging by the speed at which brother recovers, little sister, do you have a sweetheart?" A voice like a bell came from the snowy moon, and the icebergs at the North and South Poles couldn't help being shocked!
Oops!I don't know where it is going to be unlucky again, this vibration, the world is restless!Why!It's all my fault, I shouldn't have other messy thoughts about Qiuyue...!
"Brother! Your magic is too weird, right? Dad wants you to rest in Xueyue so that you can get rid of the evil energy in your body as soon as possible. Has Xueyue's extremely cold and bursting air cultivated this virtue?" It was Qiuyue's voice talking to the demon coldly.

"Hahahaha! Little girl, do you really not know or are you just pretending not to know? If you want to completely eradicate the Demon Cult and avenge our father, no one can be relied on. You can only make yourself stronger That's fine. Don't tell me you're still like Dad, believing in those gods and gods? They're all invisible and intangible things, so don't be fooled by them." Which Xueyue is that? Ghostly voice.

From his hoarse and rough voice, it can be heard that he is a middle-aged man who has experienced great changes.

"Brother! I don't care what other people do or say, but you are my brother! I don't want to see you fall into the devil's way, sink deeper and deeper, and finally walk on a road of no return." It can be heard that Qiuyue said in a low voice. There was a lot of helplessness and anxiety hidden in the choked voice.

"Don't be careful, brother is free and proper. If one day brother really can't come back, don't be soft when you meet, remember what I told you when you were young, don't hesitate, don't doubt! Just treat it as a help Brother is doing a favor. How about it, Qiuyue?" That middle-aged man seemed to have some secret with Qiuyue.

hey-hey!These brothers and sisters, for the old master of Lengyue Palace, they are now very, very dangerous.

No, I have to stop him.

Thinking this way, I released the light of the blue seal and the light of the last spirit, and built a rainbow bridge in front of the dark snowy moon!

Then, I flew into Xueyue!

"Hahahaha! A little scholar, you insist on running out to do justice for the heavens. You are still a few bones away from serving our little sister. Don't be too self-confident. Asura's magic net is not that simple!" He, Qiuyue's eldest brother, he blocked me with a gray air wall and said.

"Since you are Qiuyue's eldest brother, why didn't you listen to her advice? Do you have to go farther and farther on the road of demons and heretics, and get deeper and deeper?" I knew that I couldn't fight him, so I stood by his dark air wall Besides, he persuaded them earnestly.

"You won't understand the pain of losing a loved one, so you don't need to pay attention to me. By the way, don't get close to me in the future, it will damage your cultivation and virtue." Xueyue said to me with a smile.

"Go back! Qiuyue, I see that you have a good home, so my brother is relieved! You go back quickly, the saint of Asura is destroying Jinling Jade Soul, if you don't go back, the golden boy and jade girl may disappear forever in human society. At that time, even if you find a new golden boy and jade girl, it will probably be too late. Go!" A strong air current threw me and Qiuyue into the blue seal light I released earlier In the light of the last spirit, he returned to the snow in an instant.

Qiuyue watched Xueyue gradually sinking into the clouds, she sighed a long time, turned her head away in disappointment.

I didn't dare to ask more questions, so I could only follow her quietly, walking back step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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