
Chapter 794, Magic Mountain.

Chapter 794, Magic Mountain ([-]).

When everyone was watching, a big red pot lid popped up from under the cave.

The original golden-yellow giant wood had already been burnt into a jet-black pot gray by the iron pot, and pieces of pot ash really scattered on the top of the pot like dust.

As if someone was throwing dust on purpose, Suigetsu and the others coughed non-stop.

"Don't move! Wait until he emerges completely."

The holy spirit looked at the thrush, then at the dragon crystal magic stone, and whispered to everyone.


After a loud noise, the cave disappeared, and a red-covered giant like Mount Tai had already appeared under the feet of Shui Mo and the others.

Looking at his head that was steaming like a pot lid, everyone was so frightened that you looked at me and I looked at yours, and they didn't dare to breathe out.

"This is gold in the earth, no better than us stone immortals! Who can volunteer to meet him for a while, and it is best to eliminate him directly? Let's just give him a one-off."

Yuyan looked at the friends around her, and discussed with them in a low voice.

"Miss, don't look for anyone else, let me and Huamei go down and deal with him."

The Dragon Crystal Sorcerer came up from behind Yuyan and whispered to Yuyan.

"You and Thrush go down alone? You are so small, compared to others, you are like two little ants in front of an elephant! Can you beat him?"

Heilong seemed to be a little worried about them, but when he said it, it was more suspicious, he said with a smile.

"Don't worry, master. Elephants can't kill flying ants! Hahahaha. The king of the earth fights the gods, the earth grows gold and the naive, everyone thinks it's a volcanic eruption! Hahahaha, I think it's good, Everyone will know the strength of Senior Brother Long Jing in a while."

Shui Mo was so amused by the description of the black dragon that he immediately clapped his hands, he said happily.

"Old black dragon, you just take a good look at it. After a while, that guy should kowtow to us and beg for mercy. What's the use of it? First, it can't be eaten, and second, it can't be worn as clothes. It's a waste of food to die alive." What's the point of wasting coffins and land? Besides, sisters don't need to eat and dress! Hahahaha, you big guys just wait and see, the show will start soon."

After the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone finished speaking, he lifted the thrush and went straight to the top of the big devil's head.

"Patriarch Longjing, are we going to grow up to be as big as him?"

After all, Huamei is an honest child, and after hearing too much nonsense about Longjing and Heilong's competition for seniority, she really believed it.

"What kind of ancestor! In the entire Three Realms, there is only one ancestor in our Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland. Call me Master Uncle, or Auntie. Hahahaha! I am about the same age as your Master and the others."

The Dragon Crystal Sorcerer laughed, and quickly explained to this honest child, saying.

"Ah...! Master Uncle, then we need to change a bit first, grow bigger before fighting him?"

Thrush asked again timidly, and said.

"No, often the more advanced the method is, the less it has any method. Let's let this guy have a method and he can't use it. Come with me."

The Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone couldn't help but laughed, he touched Thrush's little face, and said to her with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he took the thrush and wandered around on top of the fellow's bald and dark head.

They walked carefully for a long, long time on a piece of black land the size of a football field, from sunrise to sunset, until the moon was clear and the wind was blowing, and then they sat down helplessly, taking a long breath of immortality .

"No, I have to rest for a while, I can't even walk by myself. This guy, where will he hide his energy, primordial spirit, and knock on the door?..."

The Dragon Crystal Magic Stone sat down on the ground, and couldn't help talking to himself.

"How to play it? Master uncle."

Thrush didn't quite understand, she asked very puzzled.

"Simple, didn't the old black dragon just say that we are now little ants? Let's just be ants, no need to change, just start to make holes in his skull, let him drag out his brain bit by bit, let Then ask Suan Ni to bring down a wave of Red River Valley blood fish, and if you don't want it for a second, you can kill this guy."

As the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone said, it took out an embroidery needle from its sleeve, gently placed it on the top of the big monster, and then took out a small bright red hammer.

"Pick up the embroidery needle, wait for it to grow a little bit, and then stand it upright and stabilize it. I'll knock off this fellow's heavenly cover."

The Dragon Crystal Sorcerer whispered to Thrush.

"Is it useful? Uncle Longjing, why do I feel that we are smashing stones with eggs? Don't let him find out later, it will be bad."

Huamei was a little bit afraid, she whispered to the Dragon Crystal Philosopher's Stone.

"You silly girl, if a fly stings a buffalo, can you know if there is no blood on the buffalo? We just need to push this magic needle into his head and kill him with one stroke. Even his mana will be sealed for him. He can't do anything other than die and die! Don't talk nonsense, quickly hold up the magic needle, I see the opportunity and I'm about to knock it off."

The dragon crystal magic stone was walking back and forth on the strange head, looking left and right, but it has been a long time since he made a move!
"Uncle, stop spinning around me all the time, it makes me dizzy."

Huamei was fooled by the dragon crystal magic stone, and she honestly grabbed the long and thin embroidery needle, and sat in the center of the black iron pot cover, still daring not to move!

"Hehe! So you've already prepared it! Hahahaha, right in front of you, but looking around, I'm also drunk."

As soon as the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer heard what Huamei said, he discovered the deep blue iron scar on the lid of the big black iron pot, which was right where Huamei was standing!
"Move back two inches, hold it steady, I'm really going to smash it!"

At some point, the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer's Stone transformed into a fist-sized crimson hammer, which kept flying up and down in her hand.

"Is this a slightly lighter scar?"

The thrush eyes are also particularly vicious. After she finished, she moved a little and knew where it was.

"Yeah! That's right there. Hold it up, let me go down with the hammer, let go quickly, and let's fly to the sky immediately, don't look back, just fly to the top of the fairy cloud and talk about it."

The Dragon Crystal Sorcerer whispered to Thrush, and said.

"Uncle, you are still not sure! You also said that you sealed him and killed him with one move. It's almost too much saliva to talk big."

The little thrush's oriole-like voice sang with the dragon crystal magic stone under the mushroom cloud.

"You don't have to worry about whether he is smart or not, just do it first, okay?"

Dragon Crystal Magic was about to break out, but upon hearing Thrush's words, he immediately stopped, confirmed with her, and said.

"Uncle, I know! Hurry up and smash it! Your magic stone needle has started to grow bigger, if you don't smash it again, I'm afraid you won't be able to smash it in."

Thrush hands were sore, she kept urging the dragon crystal magic stone.

"Okay! I'll count one, two, three, and we'll let go and fly into the clouds at the same time. Remember, I'll start counting."

The Dragon Crystal Philosopher's Stone and Thrush confirmed the slogan for the last time.

"one two Three……"

Following the three slogans of the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone, she raised her eyebrows and went straight to the sky.

Below the mushroom cloud, there was an earth-shaking wailing sound.

Then there was a gust of crimson high-temperature air that exploded from under the big black iron pot with a bang, and sparks flew in all directions, igniting the eight bare areas around the sea level.

The black clouds and mist filled the air for a while, making people unable to open their eyes and see nothing.

"Oops! Want something bad."

Heilong suddenly felt hot under his feet, as if he was on fire, and he screamed in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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