
Chapter 795, Magic Mountain.

Chapter 795, Magic Mountain ([-]).

Thrush hands were sore, she kept urging the dragon crystal magic stone.

"Okay! I'll count one, two, three, and we'll let go and fly into the clouds at the same time. Remember, I'll start counting."

The Dragon Crystal Philosopher's Stone and Thrush confirmed the slogan for the last time.

"one two Three……"

Following the three slogans of the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone, she raised her eyebrows and went straight to the sky.

Below the mushroom cloud, there was an earth-shaking wailing sound.

Then there was a gust of crimson high-temperature air that exploded from under the big black iron pot with a bang, and sparks flew in all directions, igniting the eight bare areas around the sea level.

The black clouds and mist filled the air for a while, making people unable to open their eyes and see nothing.

"Oops! Want something bad."

Heilong suddenly felt a scorching heat under his feet, as if he was about to be burned by fire, he screamed in fright.

"Take off! Take off! The sky is going to change under this mushroom cloud."

The black dragon yelled loudly, rose from the mushroom cloud, and flew into the sky early.

By the time he flew up to the top of the fairy cloud, the Holy Spirit and the others had already arrived without landing.

"I'll go! Holy aunt, you didn't make a sound when you slipped away! You were almost burned by that guy's firepower. It's so dangerous, so dangerous, so dangerous!"

Heilong wiped the sweat from his face and said in horror.

"Your own ears are not good, who is to blame? Xiao Longjing said a long time ago that if he pierced that guy's celestial spirit cover, he should run away quickly. Don't tell us all that you didn't hear it! Hehehehe."

The holy spirit was not angry, and she did not look at the black dragon, but looked at the gradually melting mushroom cloud under the cloud's feet, and said with a smile.

"Hehehehe, just watch! The mushroom cloud will soon turn into a torrent of hot steel."

Muyun Beast has always been the best at capturing the information in the clouds. She found the kind of high-temperature red clouds that have not been seen in a thousand years floating in the low sky, so she couldn't help laughing and said.

Different from a volcanic eruption, the mushroom cloud itself was like a deflated ball because of the leakage of the spiritual energy supporting it, and it had already swelled like a sun-drenched trumpet flower.

No matter how beautiful the flowers are, they are still weeds when they wither.

No matter how awesome a character is, he will die if he loses too much blood, and he will be powerless to recover.

Like Wutian Clone, a dazed young man who has just come out of the earth, and was let go of Tianling with one move, the same soul is scattered, and he doesn't know where to go leisurely...!
"Hahahaha, the mushroom cloud has really deflated. Look, everyone, it turns out that Wutian is a small mountain god! After the collapse, it immediately becomes an endless blue magical hill!"

It wasn't until this time that Huamei realized that the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone hadn't lied to her at all, so she clapped her little hands and jumped for joy.

When everyone looked down, what kind of pot head was there?

The original super big mushroom cloud is not a mushroom cloud, but a plastic bag filled with gas. At this time, it was scalded by high temperature, and as soon as the gas came out, it turned into a pile of useless film-like crumpled things. It kept falling.

"Hey, how many plastic bags have you eaten! The skin has turned into a plastic bag, it looks so scary."

Yang Jianan looked at the wrinkled and shrinking skin of Wutian Clone, she sighed a long time, and said to Miao Miao and Muyun Beast.

"In this world, there has never been love for no reason, and there has never been hatred for no reason. There must be an effect if there is a cause. This plastic product is brought into the magical world by Wutian! Think about it, old ancestor I can't stand his big move anymore, let alone ordinary people? He has been tinkering with plastic products for tens of thousands of years, and he has already wrapped himself in plastic! Remember that big pot of endless stew? There are a lot of plastic particles in it. Otherwise, the big pot of infinite stew has been boiled in Hongchen Inn for decades, and the bodies and souls of those demons and evildoers would have been boiled into crackers? You all said yes Isn't it?"

Heilong shook his head, sighed for a while, and then spoke slowly to everyone, said.

"As the co-author, you already knew the ins and outs of Wutian? Why didn't you say it earlier? It caused us to delay for so long in vain."

The holy spirit became angry, so he scolded the black dragon.

"Holy aunt, don't blame Third Brother Hei! Don't blame him. Since the moment Jiutian demoted him to go down to the world, he has completely forgotten about the past. I suddenly recalled the scene when I was fighting with Wutian at the mouth of the Three Realms. Otherwise, why didn’t you think he didn’t talk about it just now? Besides, what can I do if I know it? No one can break it except for the method that my husband gave me. You have no plastic soul!"

The Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone looked at the gradually wrinkled and shrinking skin of Wutian, and immediately explained it to the Holy Spirit.

"You are kind! You are a family, so naturally you talked to him. Come and fool me, an outsider, together?"

Seeing that the dragon crystal magic stone helped the black dragon to speak, the holy spirit said a little unhappy.

"Then why don't you say that your master is also a member of our family? Holy lady, I'm watching you two get married and have children, don't be jealous! Don't say I'm a rock, even if I'm not, I can't be with my little one." The black three! Our spirits in Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland are not allowed to have sex with their own family members. Otherwise, why do you think Mr. would enter the Lingxiao Palace? There are so many dragon girls for him to choose from. Ah! Hehehehe, don't be jealous."

The Dragon Crystal Magic Stone smelled the jealousy of Jiutian Laomao, and immediately explained to her, saying.

"It's no wonder our little fairy from Jiuzhongtian, Xiao Xiantong, is going to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland to go to elementary school and junior high school! It turns out that God and our ancestors did this on purpose, and the original purpose is to let everyone fall in love! Hahahaha."

Muyun Beast, Yang Canan, and Nan Shiqing and the little fairies heard the truth about the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer's Stone, and they couldn't help shouting in unison up.

"Okay, okay! Don't be so crooked. One by one, all of them are out of shape. Uncle Long Jing, you are just a blind cat who met a dead mouse and succeeded in a sneak attack. Look at you. That's right. Next time, Wutian will definitely change his method. This is just a temptation, if you don't believe me, take a closer look, what has become of that guy now?"

Yu Yan looked at her teacher with a different face, and immediately put on a face to her aunt, the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone.

"I said, miss, this was a one-shot kill when he was unprepared! It was given to me by my husband, and I didn't make the decision on my own. Could it be that he wanted to let that guy turn us all into his volcanic eruption?" The iron is flowing, okay?"

The Dragon Crystal Sorcerer's Stone was thrown by Yuyan once back then, so she was naturally a little unhappy, and when she heard her call her name directly, she was a little unhappy.

"Aunt Long, don't be angry. Take a quick look below, that guy seems to have turned into a fairy mountain! The fairy air is floating around, so tempting."

Seeing that the heroines were starting to quarrel, Shui Mo immediately changed the subject and said to the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer's Stone.

When everyone watched, a mountain covered in clouds and mist suddenly appeared at the feet of the immortals.

"Aunt Longjing, can we go down now?"

With an idea, Miao Miao also put on a high hat for the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone, and asked her honestly, said.

"Wait a minute! This is still that guy's ecstasy formation. It is a magic fairy mountain deliberately created by Wutian to obtain our fairy energy and spiritual power! Look carefully, everyone, this is a magic fairy mountain with gossip layout, not a real one. A fairy mountain in the sense. In the center of the Eight Diagrams, is there a thin black and red line? Look carefully."

Dragon Crystal Magic said to everyone with a smile.


When everyone looked at it carefully, their faces changed drastically, and they all exclaimed in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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