
Chapter 92 Let you know how powerful my sister is!

Chapter 92 Let you know how powerful my sister is!
"Are you going to let me go or not? My sister will give you 2 minutes to think about it." Yuyan said coldly to Chang Xiao.

"Little girl, don't play hard with your fourth brother Chang. Your fourth brother Chang specializes in dealing with ruthless people. I beg you quickly, fourth brother, if he is happy, he can talk to you about anything." Chang Chang smiled evilly and approached Yu In front of Yan's eyes, she was about to kiss Yuyan's little cherry mouth!
"Aren't you disgusting! Have you eaten garlic? Your mouth smells so bad." Yu Yan took a step back, suppressing her anger, and calmly and restrainedly said to the so-called common sense brother in front of her.

In fact, she didn't want to beat someone up on the first day she entered the cram school!
Otherwise, if Mommy finds out, it is estimated that the seal of this poor student will never be broken by Mommy!
"Smelly man! How can there be someone who doesn't smell? You can still be like you, little girl, fragrant and tender! Come on, come on, you don't need to apologize, give brother a kiss, and our account will be written off. Come on...! "Chang Xiao smiled and pressed it tightly, squinting his small eyes with open teeth and claws, and was about to go up to kiss Yu Yan.

This little brat!Hey.

"Don't...! Chang..." Hua Nongying shouted!
"Slap!", before Hua Nongying could yell out, Yu Yan had already slapped Yu Yan heavily on Chang's smiling face.

"You dare to hit me? Don't you want to hang out in Jinling City?" Chang Xiao couldn't laugh anymore this time.

He felt the burning pain on his face was unbearable.However, what hurts more than the five finger marks on his face is his little heart that has never been hurt!

Also, no one has ever dared to treat him like this!Even the teachers and principals of the school would often smile when they saw him, but they would always bow their heads and say hello.Whatever happened, they would rush to help him deal with the aftermath.

This is his grandma's, where did the daredevil come from, dare to beat me?

"Don't think about it, do you? Fifth, sixth, stop her for me, brother must kill her today!" Chang Xiao smiled and gave orders to his subordinates viciously, it seemed that he was going to come for real.

"Hehe! You guys? It's not enough for my sister to fight! Come and provoke me." Yu Yan said with a sneer.

"Don't be intimidated by her, stop her. If I eat it, I'll give it to my brother." Chang smiled with a black face, drooling and yelling!
Yes, if you don't really integrate into life and society, you won't know how beautiful Yuyan is!

No wonder these little brats didn't even recognize her mother when they saw Yuyan.

If it's not soft, let's go hard.

"Okay! My sister will give you a little memory." Yuyan snorted coldly, and knocked Chang Xiao to the ground with one punch.

The white tennis shoes stepped on the chest that always smiled, and she asked him coldly: "Little bastard, remember to buy a pair of new shoes for sister, these shoes were dirty by you, sister can't wear them anymore . Remember?"

"Sister, I know I'm wrong. Sister, I'll buy it for you tomorrow. I'll take you to school. Sister, feet... feet... My heart is so congested that I can hardly breathe. I... I'm going to die. Sister, I beg you, adults don’t remember the faults of villains. Just show your hand high and let me go!” Chang Xiao was beaten half to death, how dare he speak hard?
"Are you agreeing to sister? Why next week, sister's new shoes didn't come, so you don't need to use them! Remember." Yu Yan tried hard to press the button with the anger of killing people, and said coldly.

"And you two, don't let my sister meet you on the street next time, otherwise, I want you to look good. Get out!" Yuyan angrily moved away Chang Xiao's little feet on her chest, and reluctantly walked away from Chang Xiao. Xiao Xiao stepped over and walked into the classroom quickly with a smile as if nothing happened.

"Yuyan, come on! Come here quickly." Hua Nongying stood up from her seat, waved to Yuyan non-stop, and shouted loudly.

Yes, who would dare to bully her in the future?There are school girls who want to reconcile, so I think I can rest assured to study my homework.

"Hua Nongying, do you come to tutor every day?" Yu Yan walked to Hua Nongying's desk and asked her.

"Yes! Yuyan, let's sit together. Come on, I've wiped the stools for you. Sit down." Hua Nongying said while helping Yuyan tidy up the tables and chairs.

Yuyan wasn't too polite, she didn't sit down until she finished cleaning up.

A big sister is a big sister, everywhere is a big sister!

"Hehe! Huahua, you come to tutoring every day, and I haven't seen you improve in your studies!" Yuyan said to Hua Nongying casually while putting her schoolbag on the desk.

Hua Nongying smiled awkwardly, and said submissively: "Yes. But now I've made some progress, I've moved up one place! Hehe."

"Hehe! That's fine. I don't know which unlucky guy actually snatched your throne? You have to thank him very much." Yu Yan said with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you! I must thank you. Yuyan, my good sister, I am thanking her right now!" Hua Nongying said with a smile.

"Now?...?...?" Yuyan confused her.

No way!Are there any students in this cram school?Yu Yan couldn't help but searched around this small classroom.

The small classroom is really small, there are only six or seven tables and chairs, and there are six or seven students sitting sparsely. Counting the three masters who are in a daze at the door, it does not exceed ten digits!

Chang Xiao got up from the ground, took a hard look at the rain and smoke in the classroom, turned his head, waved to the two little buddies who were like assholes, and said angrily: "Stinky bitch, you wait! Fifth child , Sixth, let's go!"

The three little kids disappeared into the teaching building of the cram school in a flash.

"Yuyan, let me introduce you to the students in the class, okay?" Hua Nongying patted Yuyan's ass with a smile.

"Forget it! If there are any others in our class, just let me know. For the others, forget it." Yu Yan said to Hua Nongying coldly.

"Oh! Alright. But, it's just you and me in our class. Apart from the two of us, there's no one from the same school." Hua Nongying said to Yuyan disappointedly.

"Wow! In our class, who succeeded you and became the throne? Come on, I'm a little interested in this." Yuyan took out the book in her schoolbag, put it gently on the desk, and said solemnly Said.

"You really don't know? Do you really want me to tell?...?" Hua Nongying hesitated for a moment, and said as if embarrassed.

"Yes! Otherwise?" Yuyan opened the book and said unhappily.

"Here! Only this great god can grab the throne of prince in our class." Hua Nongying pointed at Yu Yan, and said to Yu Yan in a very cautious and small voice.

"Ah? Me!" Yuyan doubted in disbelief.

Quickly opened the schoolbag and took the stack of test papers that the eldest mother had packed up.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

It's really unsightly!

(End of this chapter)

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