
Chapter 93, Jinling's new 1st sister.

Chapter 93, Jinling's new first sister.

In Jinling City, who is the real first sister?Liuying does not speak, if the wind does not explain!

Every era will have some legendary black corners, where there is no law of the king, and there is no reason to speak of, everything is decided by the fist!
Simple, brutal! !But it's also quite efficient...!
What's more, at present, what Yu Yan is facing is a great era of war and chaos, when heroes are born, marrying a husband depends on his strength! ...!
As long as the fist is hard enough, BMW will have it, and the beauties will have an appointment, and everything will get better and better.

"Hey! Be careful of the new girl, everyone stay away from her. If you offend Brother Chang, you will definitely die. If you don't believe me, just wait and see...!"

"Don't be loud! Let's stay away later. I guess, judging by common sense, this matter is not over yet. Do you believe it or not? Just wait and see, according to Chang Si's narrow-mindedness and his arrogant appearance, he must be Will bring people back to kill. Have a good show!"

"Oh! It would be a pity if such a beautiful girl were to be trampled and ruined by those barbarians! Hey!..."

"Don't say a few words to each one, don't get into trouble. I guess, this girl is not simple. Look at Hua Nongying, since this girl entered the classroom, she immediately stopped playing with Chang Si, and decisively changed her family. gone."

"That's right! After all, they are classmates, and they know the details of this newcomer best."


A group of scumbags started chatting about Yuyan in a low voice.

"Uh! Cough cough. Pay attention, everyone! Now, it's up to me, Hua Nongying, to introduce our new classmate grandly to all the students. Do you think it's okay?" Hua Nongying patted clapped hands, and stopped the students from muttering in a low voice.

"Okay! Good! Good!..." The students finally gained confidence and shouted loudly.

After all, now that the boss is beaten away, this Hua Nongying is the number two female!She is not afraid of her boss, we are afraid of a ball! ... Many students suddenly became enlightened.

"My good sister, everyone should know that she is the eldest sister of our Jinling Girls' High School. Everyone, she is also the eldest sister of our cram school now! If anyone is not convinced, you can come out and challenge!..." There was a slight pause After a moment, Hua Nongying scanned the classroom sharply.

Everyone shuddered!According to the careful thinking of enduring dissatisfaction, each lowered their noble heads one after another.

"Ah! It seems that everyone has no objections. Well, please welcome our new classmate, our eldest sister—Miss Lin Yuyan." Seeing that the other students stopped chattering, Hua Nongying chatted a lot. They all looked at Yuyan and herself, so they stood up happily and introduced Yuyan to everyone.

A series of scattered applause rang out.

"Welcome big sister, welcome, welcome, warmly welcome!..." A mob, the scum of the scum, shouted independently!

"This new boss, classmate Xiao Lin, hurry up! Changsi will bring someone to trouble you in a while. They are fierce, especially for a beautiful girl like you. Hey!..." The chaotic applause gradually faded away, and a male classmate reminded Yu Yan in a low voice.

"That's right, these people, even the principal and teachers don't dare to mess with them! Get out of here, student Yuyan." Another alumnus of Brother Chang also agreed!

Children speak freely, their mouths betray their hearts.

They didn't agree with the report on the first day at all, and it was the eldest sister who took up the new position! ...

"It's really here! Take a look..." A female classmate pointed at the soldiers outside the window and shouted loudly.

Everyone stood up and leaned over to the window one by one to watch. Sure enough, a few soldiers came over aggressively! !

Chang Si valiantly led a few soldiers, and his subordinates, the fifth and the sixth, led the way, and they were about to enter the classroom after a while.

It can be seen that these people have never entered Ruo school before, this is the first time in history.

It seems that fourth brother Chang is indeed angry, and at the same time he is going crazy! ...!
It's also strange that there is no teacher in such a cram school! ...?
"What do you want to do? Fourth Chang, besides doing things at school, can you do other things all day long? Could it be that you really think that our teachers are just a display?...!" A teacher With a student, he appeared in front of Chang Laosi and the others.

The teacher reprimanded Chang Chang with no confidence and said with a smile.

"Mr. Shui, you'd better leave it alone. This time, I'm going to see blood. You can't control this matter, and you can't afford it! Look at the fingerprints on my face, damn it, she thinks she is a Tathagata Buddha Ah! Wuzhishan? Teacher Shui, please step aside, my fourth son Chang doesn't want to hurt the innocent, besides, you are my teacher." The fourth young master of the Chang family also played cruelly with his teacher.

"Fourth Chang, if you have any grievances, call them to the school gate to settle them. Don't make trouble inside the school. This will not affect you well." Teacher Shui said to Old Four Chang in a low voice.

"Mr. Shui, it's not that Chang Lao Si doesn't give you this face, it's that Chang Lao Si doesn't have any face anymore! In front of so many classmates, she is such a little girl, she dares to hit me Chang Lao Si. Get out of the way, Teacher Shui Otherwise, Chang Sike will be offended!" Chang Xiao couldn't be funny anymore, his face was still hot, and his heart was full of fire.

The fire is raging, exposing his rascal face, even if his mother is there, I guess he won't show face!

"Xiao Chang, you...listen to me...!" Teacher Shui looked at the coldness on Chang's smiling face, and seemed to want to retreat in his heart, but he met him as soon as he came out of the tutoring room!
Why!Come out one step late, it's fine!Teacher Shui felt guilty for a while.

On the opposite side, there are a few soldiers who regard life as worthless!
There is a saying: When a scholar meets a soldier, you can't tell why it is reasonable!

Ok!We should think of a way to get out as soon as possible, so we can't get involved in this matter. ...

However, Teacher Shui really thought too much, Chang Lao Si didn't take him seriously at all!Straight into it.

Teacher Shui stood at the door of the classroom, he and the student beside him were stunned!
"Which new female hooligan? Stand up for fourth master!" She often laughed and laughed, but this laugh was more terrifying, the kind that wanted to kill people.

"Sister is here? Scoundrel, who are you scolding? Don't you think you were not taught enough?" Yu Yan stood up.

"Yuyan, bear with it!" Hua Nongying said in a low voice, tugging at Yuyan's group.

After all, she still has a lot of fear of this Fourth Grandpa Chang, and she also has psychological shadows!
"Brother is here to deal with you today, I see that you are still stubborn." Chang Chang said with a grin, and strode towards Yu Yan.

A few soldiers followed closely and squeezed into the narrow desk aisle.

Something is really going to happen, something big is going to happen!
(End of this chapter)

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