The knight in the abyss

Chapter 143 Erotica

Chapter 143 Erotica

"How could this be..." Brutal clenched his fists tightly, "Do you want us to avenge her, ma'am? Tell us who killed her, we must make those people pay the price!"

"I admire your sense of justice, but things are not what you think. After all, Elotesia is a Tanar'ri born in the abyss. When she is killed on the main material plane, her body will immediately die Reborn in the abyss." Falling out of favor and shaking his head lightly at Brutal, "When he realized what happened, that angel immediately came to Sigil to find me, hoping that I could help rescue his lover."

"Why did that angel come to you?" Lancelot asked suspiciously, "What will happen to this succubus paladin after he is reborn in the abyss?"

"It's not surprising that the angel came to me. As one of the few succubi who openly betrayed the Tanar'ri clan's way of doing things, I was fortunate to be respected by certain people." The face of falling out of favor was very calm, without any complacency "As for Elotesia... According to my sources of information, she has been captured again. If nothing is done to interfere, there is only one fate waiting for her, which is to be sacrificed on the cursed stone platform of the Twelve Trees." offering."

"Where is Twelve Trees?" Lancelot had to ask again, "Is that the name of a certain place in the abyss?"

"That's right, it's the name of the No.12 layer of the abyss." Kara Lin answered his question, "It is said that it is a holy place for demons, named after twelve towering giant trees. In the shade of the giant tree There is a huge stone platform below, and any evil spell cast on it will be multiplied."

"I am amazed by your wealth of knowledge." Out of Favor smiled at Kalarin, "In ancient times, the Tanari invited twelve Brahma servants to the abyss in the name of a peace conference, each representing A good god. Through a series of plots and betrayals, the demons finally bound these gods to twelve giant trees, sacrificed them through an evil ceremony, and filled the entire plane with evil energy forever. Since then, this level has become a sacred place for the Tanar'ri, and the stone platform commemorates this... 'great' deed."

"I see." Lancelot nodded, "What do you need us to do?"

"My information source can confirm that she has not been escorted to the Twelve Trees. Her former owner is preparing a grand sacrifice ceremony there. Although we cannot know her current location, we can go to the No.12 floor. There are not many passages, and after excluding other possible options, we have locked on her next destination: Instant Fortress, the only portal leading to Twelve Trees on the Wanyuan Plain."

"What kind of place is this instant fortress? How are we going to get there?"

"Momentary Fortress is the stronghold of the Doomguard, a faction of mortals dedicated to bringing ultimate destruction to an early conclusion. They believe that demons are the best tools to achieve this goal, and demons are happy to hire these mortals to create wars that can destroy the river Styx. A sailing battleship." Judging from her out-of-favor tone, she has no sympathy for this faction at all, "That fortress is more than 2000 miles away from here, and it has to pass through the territories of dozens of demon lords, so it is obviously unrealistic to go directly there. But Fortunately, my intelligence source has sent a subordinate who will summon you directly through the summoning ceremony."

Having said that, the blond succubus took out a ring from the pouch beside him, and Lancelow realized that the ring seemed to be made of pure gold.

"There is still a short time before the agreed summoning time. At that time, as long as you hold this ring, you will be teleported to the instant fortress. Your task is to rescue Elotesia before everything is irreversible. The blue eyes that fell out of favor stared straight at Lancelow, as if directly observing his heart through his eyes, "So, are you willing to accept this commission, Captain Lancelow?"

The human knight did not rush to answer, but turned to look at his companions.Everyone either nodded to him, or returned a firm look.

Confirming that no one has any intention of backing down, he gave the long-established answer to the fall of favor:

"We accept this commission."

"Thank you. I admire your courage and kindness." Out of Favor bowed to everyone again, then took out a small pendant and handed it to Lancelot.

Lancelot looked at the jewelry carefully, and found that there was a bust of a succubus painted on the pendant.It was a heroic succubus with short black hair reaching the ears, a pair of ruby-like eyes on a delicate face, and a pair of slightly curved horns about half a foot long on his forehead.

"Is this the portrait of Elotesia?"

"Yes, but the function of this pendant is not only to help you identify the rescued object." Falling out of favor smiled softly, "This is a magic item made by that angel, as long as you point it at Elotesia's direction, it will heat up slightly, and it can take effect within a range of 300 miles. But only people with good intentions can hold it, and anyone in the evil camp will feel that this pendant is as hot as the flame itself."

"Great. With this pendant, we can prepare in advance!" Brutal rubbed his hands excitedly, "I don't know how strong the enemy is?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know." Out of Favor looked very apologetic, "I suggest you make full use of the role of this pendant, do a good job of scouting after you find the target's trace, and determine the number and strength of the enemy before launching an attack."

"We will act cautiously." Lancelot nodded. "The last question, if we succeed, how will we return? Or where will we take Elotesia?"

"The summoning will end in seven days, and you will be teleported back here immediately. If any of you grab her, she will also be brought back. Elotesia may arrive in two or three days Instant Fortress, after you successfully rescued her, I am afraid you will have to find a way to survive the few days of waiting for the end of the summoning."

"No need." Tijana's voice suddenly sounded, and everyone turned their heads to find that the succubus lord had already appeared at the door.She walked in straight away, but she put away that unique pride on her face.She greeted the Fall of Favor with a tone of respect Lancelot had never heard:

"Good afternoon, ma'am."

She then turned to the human knight and threw an amulet with the symbol of Shuangqiao Town to him, "No matter where you are in the abyss, if you recite my name three times to this emblem, you will be teleported back to Shuangqiao Town immediately. You can take up to eight people with you, if they wish."

 Thanks to ok2001, Abyss King, kangchenxi for the monthly votes, and 96-style dried salted fish, half a cup of tea water, frost mourning, lazy egg ignorance, cat slave who raises cats in the cloud, tumbling big salted fish, royal fox fairy, fdidiggo, Not so-called, Xi Lie's Tomb, Writer Qian Qiu Lun Floating Life, Mirror Shadow Art and other book friends' recommendation tickets~ Your support is my biggest motivation~ By the way, I will ask for a wave of monthly tickets at the beginning of the month, thank you bosses!

(End of this chapter)

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