The knight in the abyss

Chapter 144 Amulet

Chapter 144 Amulet
"Thank you very much." Lancelot took the talisman, felt the magic energy in it, and carefully put it in his arms.

"Go early and come back early." Tijana threw down a sentence, nodded again to the fall of favor, then turned around and left from the door when she appeared.

Falling out of favor seemed a little surprised by Tijana's actions.After thinking for a while, she took out a delicate silk bag, poured out another ruby-like amulet from it, and handed it to Lancelot.

This amulet still has the body temperature of falling out of favor. When Lancelot held it in his hand, the red ripples in the amulet seemed to be flowing, as if a flame was sealed inside.Lancelot cast a questioning look at the disfavor, and said:

"What is this talisman for?"

"When you are facing an enemy that is completely invincible, you can use it to summon a powerful boost." Falling from Favor looked at the amulet with nostalgic eyes, "The way to activate it is to hold it, and then whisper to it: time Not your enemy."

"This amulet seems to have special meaning to you." Lancelow hesitated, "I'm not sure if I should carry it."

"So you must come back alive and return this talisman to me." The look in her eyes that fell out of favor showed that she was immersed in memories, "Many years ago, someone gave me this talisman, just like Tijana It’s like I handed you that talisman just now.”

"We will definitely bring back this talisman and Elotesia." Lancelot assured her, but he had already made up his mind that he would never use this talisman unless it was absolutely necessary.

What a terrifying existence that can make the succubus in front of him really belong?I summoned her lover, but after the other party 'arrived', he found out that the summoner was a man. He was anxious and would chop him up with a knife. How could he reason?

"I trust you." Out of Favor once again restored that elegant posture. "But you seem to have forgotten one thing."

"What?" Lancelot was really confused now.

"I forgot to ask about the reward for this mission." Disfavor seemed to be amused by Lancelow's cute reaction, "I'm afraid that angel can't pay you gold, but he can pay you gems worth [-] gold coins , and any other reasonable requests. If any of you die in this mission, as long as you can bring back a complete body, he can also resurrect your dead companions."

"Oh, thank you very much." Lancelot scratched his head in embarrassment.As a mercenary, it is not a good habit to forget to ask for the task reward.

At this moment, the golden ring shone like water waves, which was a signal that the summoning was about to begin.

Everyone came over one after another and reached out to hold a part of the ring (Ekmon used his teeth).The Lady Out of Favor bowed to them again, and said softly:

"I wish you all the best."

Lancelot's field of vision was gradually filled with brighter and brighter magic light. He felt as if he suddenly lost weight, and his body was just floating in the void, but everything returned to normal the next moment.

He found himself in a dark underground cave, with some kind of complicated magic circle under his feet, and a human male wearing a tattered robe was standing in front of them uneasily.Judging by the multicolored lights flickering around him, at least a dozen defensive spells were in effect.

"Very good, I thought something worse would be summoned." The man said, his voice was much older than his appearance, "Before you speak, listen to me. I was only ordered to come Complete this summoning ceremony on the outskirts of the fortress. Who you are and what you are doing here is none of my business, and I don’t want to know, so I won’t answer any of your questions. Now, go back to the ground from that hole, and Forget about meeting me, okay?"

"Understood! It's so long-winded." Brutal replied angrily, and was the first to take the lead to walk out of the cave.The others also shrugged and followed the dwarf out.Lancelot stared at the man blankly until everyone left, then he nodded at him and turned to leave.

Just after they stepped out of that cave, the cave behind them collapsed with a bang, completely burying the secret of their coming here.As for the man who summoned them here, there must be a secret passage in the dark corner of the cave, and the other party must have sneaked away from there.

Lancelot turned to observe their current environment.Everyone is standing on a small hill, surrounded by the typical dry, cracked and dusty land of the Wanyuan Plain. There are almost no clouds in the sky, and the dark red sun is bigger than it should appear in the sky. A little higher.

And on the plain not far away, stands a huge and dilapidated stone fortress.A large part of the outer city wall has collapsed, and I am afraid that it cannot provide any defensive function. A large number of low and messy buildings are scattered among it; the central fortress itself seems to be relatively complete, but at this moment its gate is open, and there is no guard at all.

Lancelot's spiritual sense suddenly moved, he turned his head and looked aside, and Frost Slash had already appeared in his hand.

Everyone was used to his extraordinary perception ability. Although the human knight didn't say anything, they all took out their weapons and prepared for the enemy's imminent appearance.

From behind the small hill, a team of four Berserkers walked out.After seeing Lancelot and his party, these demons seemed to be taken aback for a moment, but they didn't intend to rush over to fight immediately. Instead, they looked at them warily and continued to move towards the fortress.

Since the demons don't take the initiative to cause trouble, everyone is not interested in fighting for no reason.In fact, unlike the terrifying impression left on people on the main material plane, the demons in the abyss will not kill people as soon as they see them like lunatics (at least those whose intelligence is no less than mortals).This is because for most demons, once they die in the Abyss, they are truly dead.

Although as a demon, he is enduring terrible pain from his body all the time (especially for low-level demons), most demons believe that it is better to be alive than dead, so demons in the abyss will try to restrain themselves to avoid getting involved in unnecessary fights, although their chaotic and impulsive nature does not want it to be so.

Of course, demons are more than happy to poke some eyeballs and pull out sections of gut if they're sure the subject won't fight back.

Lancelot took out the pendant with the portrait of Helotesia, put it in his palm and felt it.

The pendant was icy cold and did not emit any supernatural heat.

"The goal seems to be far away." Lancelot explained to his companions, "Let's go to that fortress first."

 Regarding the behavior of demons in the abyss and in the nine prisons, many official modules and settings have mentioned that once the demons are killed in the home plane, the consequences are much more serious than when they are killed in the material plane. At least they are taken advantage of by the enemy because of resurrection, and at worst they die completely, so the behavior of demons in the lower planes is not so "crazy". Demons are mostly there to play (or let off steam), unless they have a mission.

(End of this chapter)

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