The knight in the abyss

Chapter 145 The Structure of the Universe

Chapter 145 The Structure of the Universe

On the way to the Momentary Fortress, Ekmon shared with them a lot of knowledge about the Doomguard, the owner of the fortress.

The Doomguard is one of the many factions in Sigil, and when it comes to Sigil, one has to explain the structure of the multiverse.

Simply put, there are three planes in the multiverse: the Inner Plane, the Prime Material Plane, and the Outer Plane.The bottomless abyss where they are now, the nine prisons where the devils live, and the wasteland where Sigil is located, all belong to the outer plane.

Since there are outer planes, there are naturally inner planes as well.The inner planes are various elemental planes, including the earth elemental plane, the fire elemental plane, the positive and negative energy planes, etc. The basic constituents of the world come from the inner planes, and the etheric world will The plane is tied to the Prime Material Plane.

The main material plane, also known as the transitional plane, is the plane of mortals, and it is also the home plane of Lancelot and Brutal.Here, the matter from the inner plane collided and combined with the will from the outer plane, forming countless races and a vast world.But while there appear to be an infinite number of worlds on the Material Plane, it is generally believed that they are all on the same plane, separated by great distances.

The Outer Planes are inhabited by gods and demons, as well as petitioners, mortal inhabitants, and various other creatures.Though somewhat incomprehensible, the thoughts, desires, and emotions of the mortal minds of the Material Plane directly shape the Outer Planes, and some gods are born entirely because the faithful wished for such a god to exist.That's why the known area of ​​many of the Outer Planes is larger than all the Prime Material Planes combined. After all, mortal imaginations have no limits.

All the important outer planes have a clear alignment orientation, such as Baator Hell is lawful evil, and the wild is chaotic good. Another argument is that it is precisely because of the clear alignment orientation that these planes are is important'.The environment and creatures of different planes vary widely due to differences in camps.Here, concepts such as good and evil, order and chaos, which originally existed only in the minds of mortals, take concrete form—and fight to the death.

So, if you insist on drawing a map of the outer planes, Sigil is indeed in the center of the map, but only in the center in a conceptual sense-this is the bottomless abyss of chaos and evil, and the other is In the seven heavens of lawful goodness, the absolutely neutral Sigil City can only be drawn in the middle.

But don’t get me wrong, the center in the conceptual sense is not equal to the center of the multiverse. A bottomless abyss is probably bigger than all other planes combined, and some hidden planes will not be drawn on the map at all. .In addition, Sigil City is not the most prosperous place in the universe. It is not bad for people in opposing camps not to fight in Sigil City. This fragile order can be maintained thanks to the mistress of Sigil City—the mysterious Ms. Pain.

The reason why she is said to be mysterious is because most of the people who have seen her are dead.Those few who survived to see her huddled in the shadows, trembling and whispering the horrors of the Lady of Pain.

But the Lady of Pain doesn't rule like a secular king. She never asks the residents of Sigil, and doesn't bother to communicate with anyone. People only know that she doesn't like it from the unlucky ones she killed. What, one of the most important ones is: Don't talk about Lady Pain in public, not even mentioning her name a little louder.

But no one can deny that this ruthless lady guards the city of Sigil. It is because of her relationship that the divine powers, abyss lords and devil princes can be kept out, and the angels, devils and demons who come here All honestly, at least on the surface it must be.

It is fifteen factions that keep the city running (at least some of them try to keep the city running).These factions are both political and philosophical. They all have their own views on the future of this universe, the fate of mortals, and the ultimate truth.

Some sects believe that life is full of all kinds of pain, and only real death can achieve eternal liberation; some sects believe that the soul will reach the peak of mortals in one life through continuous self-improvement in continuous reincarnation and become a divine power exists; there is also a faction that believes that everyone who commits a crime should be punished justly by the gods, and their task is to send every guilty soul to accept God's judgment (this purpose is usually achieved by ending the sinner's life ).

The Doomguard faction, on the other hand, believes that death is the ultimate fate of the entire multiverse, the ultimate relief from toil and pain.And the meaning of the word "guard" in their names is also very clear. What they guard is the arrival of this ultimate decline, preventing any fool from trying to delay or reverse this process.

Of course, it would be better if it could help to make the ultimate decline come sooner.So they work very happily with the demons - the Doomguard make warships, weapons, and armor for the demons, and all they ask in return is that the demons use these items to cause as much destruction as possible.And as long as it is profitable, the demons are naturally happy to maintain this cooperative relationship.

But don't think that the Doom Guard is an inherently evil organization. They just believe that the ultimate decline is equal to the ultimate liberation, and they coincide with the demons in the goal of destroying the world.

So when a group of people passed through the broken city wall and entered the inside of the fortress, not only did no one come up to attack them, but a guard came up to ask them about their intentions and whether they needed any help, although his tone sounded entirely enthusiastic response words.

According to Ekmon's suggestion, Lancelot claimed that they were a group of mercenaries who came here to buy some weapons and equipment.The guard pointed them in the direction of the armory, where they could find a bar and an inn.

After the guard walked away, the group of people naturally went straight to the bar.Wherever it exists, bars are the best place to learn about an unfamiliar place, as long as they exist, if you're sure you can handle any nasty provocation.

Walking a short distance east along the ruined city wall, everyone soon came to a block full of taverns and shops.Touching the storage bag with gold coins on his body, Lancelow led the crowd towards the largest and least dilapidated tavern.

The tavern is four stories high from the outside, and each floor has an area of ​​more than 3000 square feet.Judging from the sign, the name of this tavern is called 'Dried Rose'.All the windows of the tavern are tightly closed, only the 'open' sign at the door shows that the tavern is expecting guests.

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(End of this chapter)

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