The knight in the abyss

Chapter 161 The Importance of Bathing

Chapter 161 The Importance of Bathing

After a quarter of an hour, Lancelot's body moved slightly.

The mysterious tiefling left directly through teleportation magic, but the human knight's spiritual sense was like looking directly into the eyes of the scorching sun, and it was only at this moment that it fully returned to normal.

The carnival in the camp was still going on, the mercenaries were playing with their new equipment excitedly, bragging to each other about how many battles they would win and how many heads they would cut off with such weapons.

But human knights learned long ago that nothing is free and that everything has a price, especially in the terrible plane of the abyss.These guys accepted this obviously malicious gift with peace of mind, either out of extreme self-confidence or extreme stupidity. Lancelow felt that the latter was more likely.

He took out the pendant that could sense the target, but the pendant was still cold.He has been out for two hours tonight, and has traveled nearly 150 miles. He should go back after exploring for another two hours at most.

Lancelot hung the pendant around his neck, hesitated for a moment, and decided to change direction and search towards the southwest that the mysterious man said.If there is still no response after walking 150 miles, then either the target is still far away from the instant fortress, or he has completely misdirected.

After confirming that he was far enough away that no one in the camp could spot him, Lancelow galloped again.

The Abyss is quieter at night than it is during the day, and although nearly all demons have good darkvision, hunting at night tends to be more strenuous.Although demons don't need to sleep, they will still feel tired. For those original demons and cowards who are always running away, the arrival of night means that these miserable guys have managed to live another day.

Lancelot, who was galloping in the night of the Wanyuan Plain, would find groups of low-level demons gathered together from time to time within the scope of his spiritual perception. For him, this was a safe signal—their existence meant There are probably no powerful monsters around, or the conscription team sent by the demon lord (it is also a food requisition team), otherwise these weak guys who are similar to goblins would have been wiped out long ago.

After advancing about a hundred miles again, Lancelow finally felt the pendant on his chest react.

He immediately found an open space and stopped, holding the pendant in his hand.

This magical item with a succubus head painted on it exudes heat slightly higher than body temperature, telling Lancelot accurately that Elotesia has entered the detection range.

He held the amulet and turned it around a few times, and found that when facing a certain direction, the temperature of the amulet was a little hotter.

Lancelot retreated about a hundred feet in the opposite direction, the temperature of the pendant dropped rapidly, and finally became unresponsive.When he moved forward again, the temperature of the amulet quickly rose again.

"I found it." Lancelow looked in that direction and said softly.

He also noticed that this time he only advanced about fifty feet before the temperature reappeared, which meant that the target was still moving rapidly.

Lancelow quickly sketched a rough orientation map in his mind.Tonight he first walked south for about two hundred miles, and then walked west for about a hundred miles, and the amulet pointed most south-by-west when it reacted the most.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that the team escorting the succubus was still at least five hundred miles away from the instant fortress. For a demon who didn't need to rest, it would take about two days to complete the journey.

What disturbed him even more was that the location of the target was exactly in line with what the mysterious tiefling businessman had said.Lancelot even had a guess that the trouble that the team escorting Elotishia had to turn around might have been caused by the forces behind the tiefling.If the other party really has such great energy, why don't they do it directly?
Lancelow didn't think that it was also a helper that Elotesia's angelic lover had found.No matter what the purpose of this group of people is, it is impossible for him to give up the succubus paladin to them.And judging from their intelligence gathering capabilities and the generosity of their actions, this hidden force behind the scenes must be a very difficult opponent.

It was already the darkest night in the Wanyuan Plain, but it also meant that dawn was approaching.Lancelot started to walk back, towards his companions.

Two earth crystals reappeared in his hands, and the aura of heaven and earth contained in the gems flowed into his body continuously.Time may be much tighter than he expected, and the enemy's situation is also very difficult. Lancelow must return to his best condition as soon as possible.
"Lancelot hasn't come back yet?"

Sitting in a comfortable chair in the royal suite, Brutal ate a basilisk sandwich with beer and asked Ekmon questions.

"Not yet, but the boss is definitely not dead, I can still be sure of that."

"The barbecue here is really good." The two cheeks of the halfling gourmet ate, "It's just a bit too salty, next time I will try to see if I can improve it. The butcher shop in Shuangqiao Town can occasionally Seeing the basilisk, it is said that this dangerous creature is actually easy to deal with in front of experienced hunters."

"It's good to have some food." Kara Lin had finished his breakfast and was standing by the window, looking at the pedestrians coming and going below, many of them were demons who went to the Twelve Trees for a 'pilgrimage'. I really want to walk into the portal in the fortress and go to the level of the Twelve Trees, which is very meaningful for understanding the culture of demons."

"The premise is that those demons don't feel that your existence is an offense." Ekmon complained, "Of course, as long as you are strong enough, you can visit Shendi Laville as a brothel."

"What are you talking about? So happy." Lancelow's voice came from outside the window, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see Lancelow's figure flashing by, and he was already standing by the window.

"Boss! You're back!" Ekmon floated over happily, "Boss is awesome, I wandered around the wilderness of the abyss at night, and nothing happened!"

"Because all the low-level demons wandering in the wild are low-level demons, I basically didn't encounter any danger." Lancelow shook his head, "This trip is still worthwhile, and I have gained a lot of information...Wait a minute, what about Aramiel? ?”

"It's soaking in the bathtub." Brutal showed a disdainful expression, "These elves really have a lot of trouble."

"The ritual of praying to the fire-haired lady requires cleansing one's body, standing in the water of a pond or bathtub, and looking at an illuminated mirror." Kalarin kindly reminded, "Don't forget where we drilled from last night. Come out, it’s normal to take a long time to take a shower. And if it wasn’t for his magic, you would have become an ice sculpture now.”

"His magic is indeed very useful." Brutal admitted reluctantly, "but I will never believe in a god who requires believers to take a bath every day!"

"If you don't take a bath, it's unlikely that love will take care of you." The elf's happy voice sounded, and Aramir came out of the bathroom fully dressed, "Ah! Lancelot, you're back, what's the matter news?"

 Thank you yfgg for the monthly ticket Erlian, thank you~ I have been a little bit stuck in the past two days, there is no code for a word, and I am designing the outline of the next section of the plot (I have a draft called the adventure module haha), fortunately, there is something left Draft hehe.I originally wanted to save a little more for the next month’s double update, but now it seems that I can’t do it... strive to achieve double update next month XD
(End of this chapter)

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