The knight in the abyss

Chapter 162 How the Pastor Becomes Stronger

Chapter 162 How the Pastor Becomes Stronger
"You seem to be in a good mood." Lancelot looked at the elf in amazement. The other party's face was radiant, and his aura seemed to become stronger.

"Is there anything better to prove the greatness of love than Elotesia's redemption? I begged the goddess to give me strength to save this poor succubus." Alamir said devoutly, "And I also Blessed by the Goddess."

"Just wishing you all the best?" Ekmon flew around the elf, "Even I can feel that you have changed obviously..."

"The goddess also gave me new magic spells and powers." Aramir couldn't hold back the smile on his face anymore, "Now I can cast 4-level magic spells."

"Fuck!" Karaline couldn't help but swear, "Mages need to do a lot of research, experimentation, and practice if they want to acquire more advanced spellcasting abilities, and us mediocre people without talent have to waste countless expensive magic spells." scroll materials, and you, you, you magic spellcasters, rely only on rituals and prayers..."

"And piety." Aramir looked at Kara Lin with a smile, "But the most important thing for me is that you must sincerely believe in the ideas represented by your gods, and do your best to practice His will. Huo Fa Madam is the goddess of love and beauty, and the corresponding domain is life, and our actions of killing the corpse mountain monster and saving the succubus paladin are what the goddess is happy to see, so she is so generous to me."

"Well, I have to have a good chat with Uncle Werther later to see what specific requirements Father God has for us." Brutal sighed, "I hope it doesn't include having to take a bath every day."

Everyone laughed at the dwarf's words, and then Lancelot introduced the results of his investigation, especially the mysterious tiefling businessman.

"This man is so disgusting, he actually uses my name." Ekmon muttered dissatisfiedly, "Judging from what he did, he must not be a good guy."

"We must not let Elotesia fall into the hands of that Guarado." Alamiel said nervously, "We should set off immediately!"

"According to what Lancelow saw, that mercenary group is not small. They can't go too fast. We are small and fast, so it's not a big problem to catch up with them." Karaline rubbed his chin, "Lancelot The summoned abyssal steed can bring Brutal and Ekmon with me, and I can also cast spells to summon mounts, but I’m afraid it’s not as strong as Lancelot’s. At most, I can bring Korra with me. In this way, the problem of Aramiel remains unsolved , his plate armor is not light."

"How about we go buy a horse?" Brutal suggested, "I see there are stables at the door of the tavern. Maybe the owners of many horses never opened that heavy door again..."

"This is a way, but it's best not to let the tavern owner know that we are leaving." Kara Lin frowned, "I don't trust him, who knows if he will leak our whereabouts to someone."

"I agree." Lancelow nodded, "We will pretend to go to the ordnance area to buy weapons later, and then find a chance to leave directly. Although we will be discovered sooner or later, it should still buy us some time. As for the mounts The problem... I have some ideas about the guy I summoned, if not, I will go to other places to see if I can buy it."

"What about the room rate?" Brutal lamented. "We paid for the room for three nights! Are those shiny gems just wasted?"

"How much money are we missing?" Ekmon looked at the dwarf with disdain, "And have you forgotten what the lady who fell out of favor said? After the work is done, the reward is gems worth 5 gold coins! You can lie on it and sleep , just to experience the life style of dragons!"

"It makes sense." Brutal replied with blank eyes, obviously already caught in some kind of fantasy.

After finishing their equipment, everyone left the tavern and walked towards the armory of the fortress.Weapons and equipment are the main source of funding for the Doomsday Guard. The so-called armory is actually only open to the public at the entrance hall. The walls are covered with various weapons, and there are many strange weapons that Lancelot can't even name.

The customers here include mortals and demons, and the well-equipped soldiers of the Doom Guard maintain the order here, and the demons who visit this place have also learned that it is best not to make trouble here, because the employers of the Doom Guard are all The real bosses in the abyss, they are all very satisfied with this arms supplier - if they can reduce the supply to their opponents, that would be even better.

After getting in and out of the crowd a few times, Lancelow made sure that no one was watching them, so he slipped out in a remote corner with everyone.

Walking under a section of the abandoned city wall, Lancelot closed his eyes and sensed for a while, to make sure that there was no one around, then pinched a few spells and released a protective shield to isolate sound and spiritual prying.

"Where did you learn these miraculous spells?" Karaline looked at Lancelot curiously, "I'm pretty sure they weren't cast through the magic net at all."

"The power of these spells does come from myself." Lancelow nodded without further explanation.The next spell he cast, Kara Lin, was much more familiar, and it was the summoning mount spell.

In the eyes of scholars, Lancelot completely relied on precise gestures and incantations to imitate the process of casting magic, but the magic is that the magic net really recognized his casting method.Although the mount technique is only a 1st-level spell, Lancelow completed this spell completely without knowing the principle.

It's like an illiterate person who silently wrote an article only by relying on image memory - if his imitation is accurate enough, people who know this kind of characters can completely understand what he wrote, the so-called readers here It is the magic net, which is why Lancelow can cast spells.

As the human knight's spell was completed, the warhorse reappeared with hooves, mane, and tail ablaze with fire.It is already known that these creatures are nightmares, whose ancestors were once noble flying horses, but were transformed into their present form by demons with a wicked and cruel ritual.

As soon as this nightmare horse appeared, it would habitually bite at the guy who summoned it, but it just hit Lancelow's prepared fist, and was directly beaten to the ground.

The demon war horse whimpered and got up, its head pressed down, and its hooves stomped restlessly on the ground.For some reason, Lancelot could faintly understand what the other party meant, and he was probably admitting to him that he hadn't called him for a long time, so he didn't recognize him right away.

"Haha, you bastard." Lancelot rubbed the opponent's neck, "I strengthen you a little bit."

The abyssal creature stared at him in confusion, but Lancelot just pressed his hand on the opponent's forehead, slowly mobilized the true energy in his body, and whispered apologetically to Nightmare:

"This may hurt a little, hold back."

 Thank you Xi Lie Tomb for the recommendation ticket, Aoli!


(End of this chapter)

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