The knight in the abyss

Chapter 176 The feeling of love

Chapter 176 The feeling of love
Tijana led the two guests, pushed the door and walked into the room of the lady who fell out of favor.

This elegant succubus was reading a book by the window sill, when she heard the door open, she raised her head, and met the eyes of the man who was walking towards her.

"I brought this back for you." The Nameless stood in front of the disgrace, and put the fiery red talisman on the blond succubus, "It shouldn't have left you."

"I am safe in Tijana's castle, and those entrusted by me need your support more than I do." The blond succubus looked at the man tenderly, and the other two succubi in the room were very clear The meaning of that look.

Very naturally, the man lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the red lips, without any scruples about the others around him.

"Hmm." Tijana had no choice but to remind her of her existence.

"Ah, I'm so sorry!" Falling out of favor slapped Wuming's chest and pushed him away, and the latter sat down on the bed beside him.

"I brought her back." Tijana tried to pretend that she didn't see anything just now, but her tone was very light, "Take her away as soon as possible, you know very well that this place is not suitable for a paladin to stay for a long time."

"Hello, dear lady who has fallen out of favor." Elotesia bowed, "I have known you for a long time, I really did not expect to meet in such a situation, thank you very much for your help, this is a Great kindness."

"We have all embarked on a similar path, and it is necessary to help each other." Falling out of favor smiled softly, but his face immediately became serious, "You are very clear about your current situation."

"Hmm." The succubus paladin's expression darkened, "I...I don't know what to do next."

"I have discussed your situation with Tijana in the past two days." Out of Favor glanced at the succubus lord next to him, "She mentioned a place name, Androlina, and we both agree that it may be the most suitable place for you."

Hearing that name, Elotesia's expression froze for a moment, but hope gradually lit up in her eyes.

"Going to the territory of the Mother of Demons will be a difficult and dangerous journey, but there is no other place that is more suitable for you to spend the next 99 years. Think about it." Out of favor smiled, "But make a decision as soon as possible, every extra day you're here increases the risk of being discovered."

"Don't think about it, just go there." Elotesia seemed to have made up her mind, "I'll write a letter to Erdin right away, and then I'll leave immediately..."

"Don't be so anxious, you still have time to recover your strength and get ready for this journey." Tijana turned and walked towards the door, "Come with me, I think Madam Out of Favor needs a little privacy now..."

The other two succubi were slightly reddened by her explicit words, the paladin quickly bowed, turned around and caught up with Tijana who had already walked out the door.

"She's expressing her dissatisfaction with your actions just now." Out of favor, she tilted her head and looked at the scarred man, whose eyes seemed to be admiring the most beautiful things in the world.

Facing the gaze of the blond succubus, the corner of Wuming's mouth showed a faint smile.He raised his arm to make a gesture, and a ghostly hand gleaming with silver light appeared out of nowhere, gently closing the open door.

"So, where have you been since we last parted?"


Elotesia quietly walked behind Tijana, shuttling through the huge castle.From time to time, she would meet other succubi living in this castle, and they all had great respect for Tijana, and that attitude was obviously not out of fear.She guessed and observed everything she saw around her, full of curiosity in her heart.

Half of them are curious about where the other party will take themselves, and the other half are curious about the other party itself.

The answer will be revealed soon.As a heavy door was pushed open by the succubus lord, Elotesia found that they were at the top of the castle, with an uninhabited city wall in front of them.

At this moment, it was evening in the Wanyuan Plain, and the blood-red sunset in the sky was about to sink below the horizon, struggling to cast its last ray of light, and dye the sky, the earth, and the town in front of us all red.

"It's beautiful." Tijana's voice came from the front. Elotesia turned her head and found that the succubus lord was concentrating on admiring the magnificent scenery with a very relaxed expression.

"Indeed." Elotesia admitted, "I've never paid attention to this side of the abyss before."

Tijana didn't speak any more, and the succubus paladin stood quietly aside, overlooking this legendary town from a height.

For a race like the Tanari with an infinite lifespan, 300 years is not a long time, but it was during these 300 years that Shuangqiao Town rose to become a force that cannot be ignored in the Wanyuan Plain. Even she, a succubus who spends most of her time on the Prime Material Plane, has heard of the huge blacksmith district and thriving trade in Twinbridge Town.

And its lord who is known both for his combat prowess and his beauty.

The physique of succubi is not suitable for the battlefield. In most cases, they will rely on beauty to solve the problem, which is a rarer and more effective ability.What was even more difficult to overcome was the psychological gap. When Elotesia decided not to rely on her incapacity and started training as a paladin, she never felt so weak.

Therefore, when she first heard about Tijana's deeds, she thought it was just a well-disguised Legilimator.But when she actually met the succubus lord, she realized that all the rumors about Tijana were not exaggerated.

"What's it like to really fall in love with someone?" The master who had been silent all this time suddenly said softly, his eyes still stayed on the setting sun, as if he was just talking to himself.

"It was confusing at first." Helotesia smiled, "You find that you often think about him and want to meet him whenever you get a chance; but when you are together, it's just a normal conversation It makes you happy; you want to own him, to possess him, but you don't want to use charm to distort his mind; you like his appearance and character now, and you don't want him to corrupt or degenerate."

The succubus paladin watched the setting sun gradually sinking into the earth, his eyes shone brightly.

"But what really makes you feel that something is wrong is when you find yourself wanting him to be happy."

After saying these words, she turned her head to look at Tijana, and found that the latter was still staring at the void with bewildered eyes, as if she was not listening to her at all.

So Elotesia didn't speak anymore, and felt the scorching breeze of the Wanyuan Plain in silence, brushing over their huge wings and black hair, until the red sun in the distance completely disappeared under the horizon.

"time to go."

The succubus lord's voice sounded again, and he turned and walked in the direction the two came from.When Elotesia came to her senses and followed quickly, she only saw a calm and proud figure from her back.

 This chapter is really difficult to write, hahahaha, thank you book friend Jieran for the monthly ticket, and brothers for the recommendation ticket, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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