The knight in the abyss

Chapter 177 The Demon King of Wind

Chapter 177 The Demon King of Wind
Tijana sent the succubus paladin to the room that had been arranged for her in advance, and a dwarf craftsman was waiting in the room. He would discuss the latter's favorite armor style and weapon preference with Helotesia.

Elotesia accepted the help of a demon lord with conflicted feelings, even though it was a simple matter for Tijana.

The succubus lord then returned to her throne room. Her snake demon generals had already left, and only a few deputies were still monitoring the screen in the detection crystal.She glanced at the sand table and confirmed that there was nothing she needed to stay here for the time being.

Almost subconsciously, Tijana cast a teleportation spell.The moment she finished casting the spell, she regretted it a little, but the magic had already taken effect, and the succubus figure disappeared in place.

"Good evening, my lady."

She stood in the dining room of Hagrid Manor again, and in front of her was the human knight with a familiar smile on her face.

Seeing that smiling face, Tijana felt angry for no reason.

You find yourself thinking about him a lot and wanting to meet him every chance you get.The paladin's words sounded in her mind again, which was the source of her unhappiness at the moment.

Lancelot was taken aback by the succubus lord's expression, quickly put away his smile, and asked:
"What happened? Is there anything I can do?"

"Ah! Sister Tijana!" Little Isa's surprised voice came from the kitchen, holding a plate of delicious grilled fish, "Are you here to have dinner with us? Please sit down!"

"Can we have this honor?" Lancelot's deep and soft voice coupled with the aroma of food made Tijana temporarily forget the reason for her anger.When she regained her senses again, she found that she was already sitting on the first chair that was exclusive to her at the dining table.

Damn it, this is the second time she lost her mind today!What's wrong with me...

The sound of liquid being poured into the glass drew her attention back to reality. Lancelow was pouring the wine politely, and Lancelow's partners came over to say hello one after another. She was overwhelmed as she recovered from her distraction.When the halfling chef came over to say hello last, everyone raised their glasses to her.

"To our great lord, Tijana."


Lancelot touched her glass, and everyone's glasses collided.Everyone laughed and drank the red liquid in their cups, and then attacked the food on the table.

"Brother Lancelot! Tell me about your adventure!"

"Oh! This experience is too bizarre. There are zombies, ogres, monsters synthesized by undead spells, and even Barlow and the deep hell fiend!" Lancelow pointed to the dwarves beside him, " Your Uncle Brutal almost turned into an ice sculpture!"

"Wow!" Little Isa's eyes were about to burst into stars, "What are you doing?"

"It all started when Sister Tijana suddenly called us over that day..."

In addition to Little Isa, there was another loyal audience of him, and that was Tijana.The succubus lord pretended to be concentrating on enjoying the food, but his attention was actually on Lancelot.

The devil's physique allows food to be digested instantly. Apart from the pleasure of eating, she doesn't feel 'full', so she didn't notice that she ate about three Plutos. And the dwarves are the biggest eaters besides her.Of course, when it comes to food that she doesn't make herself, Cora eats just as much.

I have to say that Lancelot has a great talent for storytelling.When he talked about the tiefling also named Ekmon showing his true body and fighting the Ballow flame demon who was summoned, even Tijana stopped what she was doing and listened intently. his narrative.

"Wow, listening to what you said, it feels more exciting than what we saw with our own eyes." Brutal pouted, "The Balrog moved too fast at that time, and the whole body was covered with dazzling fire, so many I didn't see the details."

"That Balrog, isn't it?" Tijana cast a questioning look at Lancelot, who nodded.

"Wow." Tijana sighed and shook her head, "With that guy's strength, it's not a big problem to become an abyss lord. He really deserves to be a man who fell out of favor with a lady, hehe..."

Lancelot suddenly felt that the food on the table was not so delicious.Falling out of favor is also a succubus, but what is the strength of Anonymous?At least he is an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage...

"What a wonderful story." Tijana picked up a napkin and wiped her mouth, and she suddenly realized that she was showing too much interest.

"By the way, you looked very serious when you first came here. What's the matter?" Seeing that Tijana seemed to be in a better mood, Lancelot asked this question cautiously.

Hearing Lancelow's words, the succubus lord put down the tableware in his hand, turned his head and stared straight at Lancelow.That look doesn't look like admiration, and it's certainly not disgust. In short, it's very strange, and the human knight who looked at it felt terrified.

"Eroticia's business is not over yet." Tijana finally looked away, picked up the glass and took a sip, "You have to send her to the 471st floor of the abyss as soon as possible, Androlina."

"Ah?" Lancelot showed a puzzled expression, "Won't Madam Out of Favor take her away?"

"She returned to the abyss in the form of rebirth." Tijana squinted at the human knight. "Within 99 years, the succubus paladins will be trapped in this plane, so don't even think about leaving."

"Then why not let her stay in Shuangqiao Town?" Alamel asked with some disappointment. If he was given enough time, he believed that he could make Elotesia a follower of the fire-haired lady.

"Because it's not safe for her here." Tijana glanced at Kara Lin, "Aren't you a member of the Dark Order, please explain to everyone."

"The Wanyuan Plain also has a name called Pazunia." After hearing the name Androlina just now, the scholar has been in a strangely quiet state. It was not until Tijana called him that he broke away from his contemplation. "Perhaps there is no supreme lord on this layer of land, but its sky is all under the rule of the wind demon king Pazuzu."

"We heard that devil mentioned this name before, and you also introduced me to this abyss lord before." Lancelow looked at the scholar curiously, "But it's not that he has no interest in matters on the ground that he is so interested in the abyss." Are there no enemies among the lords?"

"It's not completely absent, it is said that Lord Wu'an and the Demon King of Wind are not easy to deal with." Kara Lin showed a nerdy smile, "It is probably related to the succubus queen Meicanxiet. Grazte asked Meikan Everyone knows that Xiu Te failed in courtship, and the lover relationship between the Wind Demon King and the Succubus Queen is an open secret."

"The whole abyss is unknown to that baboon." Tijana added quietly.

 Thank you book friend ok2001 for your monthly pass. The precious monthly pass is the greatest recognition from book friends, thank you!Thank you also to all the book friends who voted for recommendation.Now the average subscription is 43, and the highest subscription is 80. Although the results are not good, I am very happy for the recognition of all the veterans.The author is also working hard to improve the efficiency of code words. There is a high probability that there will be double updates next month, and I will strive to eat a month's subsistence allowance haha~
(End of this chapter)

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