The knight in the abyss

Chapter 178 The Important Person

Chapter 178 The Important Person
"But the conflict between him and Graz'zt was only limited to words." Kara Lin continued, "The biggest reason why the abyss lords don't regard him as an opponent is because the Wind Demon King didn't show any ambition to expand the territory. He won't gain real benefits in conflicts, but will expose his back to those more dangerous opponents."

"But what does this have to do with Elotesia's not being able to stay in Shuangqiao Town?" The dwarf folded his arms and looked nonchalant, "Since this Pazuzu likes the sky, let him stay in the sky. "

"Let me remind you first, don't just say that name casually, as long as you repeat it three times, the Wind Demon King can hear your call." The scholar said to the dwarf with a serious expression, "This is what the ancient Lord Obiris pursued. Something more...pure. He enjoys the process of corrupting innocence, purity, and integrity into suffering, cruelty, and evil, and the representatives of these virtues, the paladins, are the wind demon king's favorite prey."

"And I don't like having a paladin in my town, even if she's a succubus." Tijana added aloud, and at the same time glanced at Kararin, "About Androlina, you How much do you know?"

"The 471st floor of the abyss, the territory of Cang Ye, the mother of demons." Kara Lin replied cautiously, "It is said that there is... the only fortress of kindness and hope in the abyss."

"Huh?" It was Brutal's turn to be surprised this time, "What do you mean? Is that mother of demons a good person?"

"No, no, that's not the case at all..." Kara Lin shook his head like a wind chime, "Cang Ye is one of the oldest Obiris demons, and she can be considered a veteran among Obiris. She also She is also the mother of many powerful Tanari lords, including Graz'zt, the Lord of Darkness, Lyposio, the Baron of Laziness, Ucarik, the Lord of Shackles, etc., all of whom are big figures in the abyss. Some A more daring idea even goes so far as to suggest that the entire Tanar'ri are somehow descended from her."

"In this case, why is there a fortress of kindness and hope in her territory?" This time it was Alamir who asked curiously, and he was obviously very interested in it.

"Do you still remember the history of the abyss I told you about?" Kara Lin looked at everyone expectantly like a teacher who set up a question, "About how Tanari overthrew the rule of the Obiris demon clan and became the mainstream among demons. ?”

"You mentioned After Chaos, Misca the Tarantula, and an invasion that swept through multiple main material planes." Lancelot recalled, "Finally, when the Eratians from the King of Stars invaded the Plain of Abyss At that time, the Tanari, who were still slaves, broke out in open rebellion, facing the indiscriminate fire bombardment from the sky to attack their former masters. The empire of Obiris was destroyed, and some remaining strong men hid in the depths of the abyss , and the Tanari clan quickly occupied the entire Myriad Abyss Plain after the retreat of Eira's army, and have since become the undisputed masters of the abyss."

"Your memory is really good." Kalarin praised, "However, when the army of the Eratian clan had just entered the abyss, the mother of demons successfully deceived the consort of the star queen, Iskordel, and let him sign a contract A blasphemous pact that has kept an entire generation of Eratian children trapped in one of the deepest levels of the Abyss."

"Wow." Brutal listened with relish, "I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup this Cang Ye poured into that Escodel, but he would voluntarily sign a contract with such serious consequences..."

"Eskordel's mistake was unintentional, and he has died in the battle to defend those children. As a consequence of the contract, these remnants of the Eratian clan will never grow old, but they will never leave the abyss "Karalin spread his hands, "Mother of Demons originally planned to slowly torture these enemies, but the battle situation changed too quickly, Cang Ye found that the strength of himself and his allies was rapidly weakening, and the Star King Court also opened a portal, While still unable to take the children away, the Protectors can enter Andrinar directly from the Upper Planes."

"What about now?" Little Isa eagerly wanted to know the follow-up, "How are those children doing?"

"Those defenders fought desperately, and even permanently changed the environment at that level." This time, Tijana returned to the vampire girl's question, "It is said that in those places of love, there are beautiful The idyllic landscape, full of exotic flowers and verdant woodlands, is a sight that you mortals will love."

"Sounds really good, so how do we go to this Androlina, and how do we go back?" Lancelot asked.He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Tijana's tone of voice when describing Andrinna's environment was weird.

"There is only one route from here to Andrinna, which is the portal in the Great Abyss. You have to go west first, and turn southwest after seeing the walls of the Volcano Fortress. That area is already a war zone, stay vigilant, there is nothing Worse than finding yourself in the midst of demons and demon armies."

Tijana gestured with her knife and fork, magic flowing down her cutlery, turning a corner of the tablecloth into a map.

"You will advance about [-] miles in the wilderness. If you survive by chance, you will meet the River Styx again. It's just that the water of the River Styx at that section is red and looks like blood. Along the Continue this river of blood, and you will find Kai-Oin, the Tower of Bones, a giant tower that stretches from the depths of the Great Abyss to the ground."

"What does this Kai-Oin look like?" Lancelow asked seriously, "Why do you want to go there?"

"As its name suggests, Kai Oin looks like a huge spine, believe me, you won't miss it." Tijana smiled maliciously, "In the Tower of Bones At the bottom of the Great Abyss, at a depth of twenty miles, there is a neutral city named Moglondar. Since the structure inside the Great Abyss is always changing, only there can you get the latest map, otherwise you may never be able to Find the portal to Andrinal."

"I understand." Lancelot nodded, "When we finish the task, will we return the same way?"

"Use the amulet I gave you. Its magic power can be restored every 30 days, but then you will definitely feel that it is much better there than here, and you will never want to come back." Tijana said ironically, It seems that the human knight will never return.

"I will definitely come back." Lancelot looked into the eyes of the succubus lord and said seriously, "There are people who are important to me here."

"Oh? For example, who is there?" Tijana asked pretending to be indifferent, but her eyes were full of anticipation.

"Like Brutal's father, Barron..."

Before Lancelot could finish his sentence, Tijana knocked his head to the ground.As if he was still angry, the succubus lord stepped on him a few times.

 First of all, I would like to thank ok2001 students for their monthly pass~ The content about Android Linna and Cang Ye is basically the original setting of DND3E, but Kai-Oin and Moglondal are things in the 4th edition of Devil's Chronicles (the names are also transliterated by myself Yes, I searched and found no one who has translated this setting book), version 5 seems to have been moved to the gray wilderness?Regardless, the setting is just a framework anyway, and the author will develop the specific content by himself.Finally, thank you all book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, please increase your efforts~~
(End of this chapter)

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