The knight in the abyss

Chapter 182 Wanderers

Chapter 182 Wanderers

In the evening of the next day, Shuangqiao Town.

The blood-colored sun on the Wanyuan Plain had just sunk below the horizon, but the fall of night didn't seem to have any impact on the town.

At least it didn't have any impact on the southeast area where Hagrid Manor was located.

Lancelot's neighbors are a group of reclusive vampires.This race is associated with words such as evil, crime, corruption, and secrecy in most mortal kingdoms, but this is not the case in Twinbridge Town.They never hunt in the city, pay taxes to Tijana on time, and are enthusiastic about investing in business activities. They are simply a group of law-abiding model citizens.

But it is only on the surface, because little Isa is one of the victims of the blood race.Fortunately, the Earl of Barlowe, the former owner of Hagrid Manor, was dead, otherwise this poor girl would be a vampire spawn and be enslaved by the murderer who killed her forever.

The young vampire was currently hiding in a room on the third floor of Hagrid Manor, with two wooden daggers stuck in his waist.Her eyes were fixed on Lancelot in the courtyard below, who was holding a practice wooden greatsword, fighting with Brutal.Onlookers included Karaline, Aramiel, Cora, Brutal's father Barend, and even Tijana, the lord of Twinbridge Town.

The succubus lord naturally didn't come to see the training of human knights and dwarves. The highlight of tonight was the test of little Isha, to see if she was ready to become an adventurer.As the first part of the test, she had to stuff a dagger into the pocket of any onlooker, otherwise she could only stay in Shuangqiao town honestly and participate in Lancelot's group by listening. adventure.

While it was nice to sit at the dinner table and listen to the adventure stories told by the human knights, it made the girl even more eager to participate in those stories.

But she is also very clear that Lancelot's suspicion of her is out of concern for her safety, and this concern is very reasonable, just a trip to the market area to buy a piece of bread is enough to make people understand this plane terrible.Therefore, she, who only played bow and arrow games as a child, took the training seriously, even though many times of fatigue and setbacks made her on the verge of giving up.

Except for the succubus lord, no one else knew the content of the first test for little Isa. Everyone only thought that Lancelot and Brutal were warming up for a short 'test', and the battle between the two was always very interesting.

Bruto is already a very good fighter. In actual combat, the dwarf is as unstoppable as an iron ball full of blades, but this is not the case in the duel with Lancelot.Every time the dwarf just assumed an attacking posture, the human directly stabbed his weak spot with a sword, completely destroying the dwarf's emotions that had been brewing for a long time.

The fierce battle that everyone expected did not happen, but it was more like a farce like an adult molesting a child.

Brutal didn't feel any embarrassment about this. Killing the Toad Demon is easy, but being abused by a master is the fastest way to improve.Moreover, Lancelow will attack the same mistake more and more severely. If Brutal's brain can't remember a certain point, his body will also form a conditioned reflex due to pain.

And little Isa finally made up her mind, gathered her coat, and gently turned it out of the window.

The vampire girl was wearing an ordinary soft leather armor, which provided very limited protection, and its main function was to make the wearer's movements quieter and more concealed.

She clasped her hands tightly to the window sill on the third floor, kicked her feet on the wall below, then swayed her body lightly, and after a few ups and downs, she landed quietly on the ground, making Tijia, who had been secretly paying attention to her, A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Na's mouth.

No one knows how the creature vampire was born, and for quite a long time vampires have been lurking among the aristocracy of mortal society.But over time, some of their descendants inevitably flowed into the civilian class.The poor reputation of this race makes them discriminated against, and their appearance that does not age over time also makes them easily arouse the suspicion of those around them, and they often have to leave the place where they have lived for a while.

Therefore, any vampire, even those kind-hearted individuals who refuse to drink the blood of intelligent creatures, has more or less mastered some concealment and stealth skills in life.And their more agile bodies than ordinary people, their natural dark vision, and even their marginal social status all complement the rogue profession, and many individuals have become masters of this profession.

Little Isa was trained by a true master.If the succubus lord hadn't personally asked him for help, this master would definitely not condescend to guide a rookie like little Isa who is less than a hundred years old (the master's original words are, less than a hundred years old, even human not exhausted).

But the satisfaction of mentoring a studious young kin can be overwhelming, especially when the little girl shows great talent while still being humble.With her earnestness and diligence far beyond her peers, the vampire girl has made rapid progress. Even ignoring the various abilities brought about by her blood status, she is enough to become a qualified adventurer.

But here is the abyss, just 'qualified' is not enough.Now, the girl has to prove that she will at least not be a liability.

She moved quickly in the dim light, and quickly hid in the shadow of a group of dead bushes.Alamer has been trying to make the garden a little greener since he came, but so far his efforts have been in vain.

The undead breath released by the vampire would make the plants wither and twist, but she couldn't be blamed for this situation.It was the consequence of being neighbors to a horde of vampires who had lived for who knows how long, and little Isa's own coffin had mushrooms growing perfectly.

Her eyes swept across the audience on the sidelines again, and she carefully selected the most suitable target.

"Observation." This is the word that the master repeated most.As a rogue, the most important thing is to learn to choose the right target, use the right method, and achieve the right goal at the right time.Killing is only a method, and it is a method with a relatively low priority. This is the biggest difference between a rogue and other professions.

Cora was ruled out first.Due to their height disadvantage, halflings are a race with high vigilance by nature, not to mention that Kora is also a qualified wanderer. Little Isa doesn't think she can stuff a wooden sword into the head chef's small pocket.

Karaline looked like a good target.The scholar's movements are definitely not as agile as hers, and there are many pockets on his body that are suitable for throwing things in, but little Isa still ruled out this option.The reason is very simple, Kara Lin is not interested in the fighting in the arena - the scholar can't see any way at all, so the attention is not in the arena at all.

Barend seemed to be a feasible target, but the little vampire really didn't know the old man well, so it was difficult to judge the other party's reaction, so he finally locked his eyes on Aramiel.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of ok2001 students, and the recommendation tickets of several other book friends~ Please increase your efforts, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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