The knight in the abyss

Chapter 183 Instinct

Chapter 183 Instinct
Elves are born with keen senses, but also have good dark vision, logically speaking, it is not a good choice.But at this moment, Aramir's attention was all attracted by the humans and the dwarves. He watched every movement of the two of them intently, and imagined how he would respond if it was him.

Unlike the amiable bishops who wore solemn robes that little Isa knew before, the elves completely subverted her impression of priests, starting with the exquisite but thick full body armor.

Of course, she can't be blamed for this. A girl who lived in the court since she was a child doesn't have much chance to meet adventurers, let alone become an adventurer's priest.But in fact, Sune’s priests are pretty good. If it’s a church like Haim or Lathander that takes maintaining justice and fighting evil as its mission, people simply cannot They are distinguished from ordinary fighters.

After selecting the target, little Isa began to approach the elf carefully.The dim light around him provided good shelter, and he concealed his breath, movement and voice with the learned skills, as if he was just a shadow moving with the dark clouds.

Not fifteen feet from Alamer, she stopped again, biding her time.Lancelot, who had already noticed the spiritual sense, couldn't help applauding inwardly. Being able to sneak up to this distance without being noticed by others is already a very good achievement.

The human knight decided to put a little water.The movement in his hand quickened, and he made several fancy sword moves in a row, and little Isa also seized the opportunity Lancelow intentionally created for her, and quickly and quietly touched the back of Aramir, her eyes dripping. With a sloppy turn, he inserted the wooden short sword into the elf's boot, and then quietly retreated.

Tijana, who had been watching the whole process, couldn't help laughing, causing everyone to cast strange glances at her.

"I don't think it's funny." Brutal protested dissatisfied. "This guy has been trained as a warrior since he was a child, and I have spent most of my life by the forge."

"You still have the nerve to say that?" Barend reprimanded his son, and at the same time gave the succubus lord a little uneasy, "Most of the time you escaped from your mother in the streets of Fort Rivet. Spent far more time there than at the forge!"

"It has nothing to do with you." Tijana waved her hand and pointed at the place where the vampire was standing. "Little Isa is here, she is the protagonist tonight, isn't she?"

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and found that the little vampire girl was walking firmly towards the field, holding a wooden dagger in her hand.

"Good evening, Miss Isabella." Lancelot leaned on his weapon and gave a very formal knight salute to the little girl, "Are you ready to accept your second test?"

"Second item?" Brutal asked strangely, "What about the first test?"

At this time, Aramiel noticed something strange at his feet.He reached into the boot and took out a wooden short sword, which made the elf's face full of confusion.

"That's the first test." Lancelot explained with a smile, "Give it back to little Isa, I think you were a little too focused on watching it just now."

Aramir quickly realized what was going on.The elf showed a helpless smile, and threw the wooden dagger to little Isa, who accurately grasped the hilt of the dagger, and his neat movements made everyone's eyes shine.

"Be gentle." Brutal rubbed his right shoulder, which was repeatedly hit by Lancelow, and stepped aside in relief.

"When we are on an adventure, various unexpected situations will always occur, and we have to face the enemy alone." Lancelow slowly raised the wooden long sword, "When that happens, you can only rely on myself. Now I'm a..."

"Hombgoblin bandits," Brutal suggested.

"Well, the hobgoblin bandit." Lancelot nodded in agreement, "And you have to protect yourself!"

"Come on!" Little Isa said confidently, and at the same time assumed a posture of accepting the move.

Lancelot slashed diagonally downward with his sword, his strength and speed suppressed to the level of a commoner (it's actually quite difficult for him now).This is just a very common attack, just a greeting.

Little Isa didn't try to parry this attack at all, but took a step to the left, squatted down slightly, and easily dodged the sword.

But Lancelow didn't intend to let the little vampire go so easily.Immediately after, his wooden sword made a horizontal slash, directly hitting the opponent's waist, and the speed was three points faster than before.

The girl still chose to dodge this time, she squatted down deeply, the bottom of her body was almost touching the ground, she stepped her right foot lightly to the side, and slipped past Lancelot's attack again.

"it is good!"

Lancelow couldn't help but applaud little Isa's two dodges, but the movement in his hand didn't stop at all, the wooden sword quickly turned back, and then stabbed out twice as fast as before. The last strike of Luo's signature triple combo, this time aimed at the little vampire's chest.

"Don't!" Kalalin, who had been staring at the battle between the two sides, suddenly shouted, his voice full of anxiety.

Although Lancelot didn't understand what the scholar meant, he immediately stopped his hands.But little Isa exploded at an astonishing speed at this moment. Her body squatted down again, the short sword in her right hand held the long sword stabbed by Lancelot, and the short sword in her left hand thrust out obliquely, almost At the same time that Lancelow's movements stopped, little Isa's weapon also touched the armpit of his right arm.

"Are you okay?" Lancelot looked at the little girl with concern. The latter was in a very strange state at the moment. She was panting heavily, and the red light in her eyes was gradually fading.

"I... I don't know." Little Isa shrank back quickly as if she had been awakened. "My mind went blank just now. Although I have practiced this trick, I have never done it so fast..."

"A wooden stake piercing the heart is a deadly attack for a vampire. What you have in your hand happens to be a wooden sword." Karaline explained from the side, "You scare people."

"So just now, when faced with the threat of death, the body reacted instinctively." Lancelow nodded, "I have had that experience too, and my life was saved by the body's instinctive reaction more than once. Now Let's go ahead and see if we can get you into that state again."

Little Isa didn't really understand Lancelow's meaning, but she nodded her head and assumed the posture of attacking again.

 Thanks to Rolling Big Salted Fish for your vote~!


(End of this chapter)

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