The knight in the abyss

Chapter 186 Strange Patrol

Chapter 186 Strange Patrol
After setting up camp every night, Lancelow would spend an hour giving advice to little Isa, in order to improve her combat effectiveness as soon as possible.It has to be said that the talent of the vampire girl is unbelievably good, she knows many essentials, and basically does not need to be taught by him. Most of the time, the human knight only needs to play a strong opponent.

But so far, little Isa has not experienced a real battle.With Lancelot's spiritual detection, the places to camp every night have been carefully selected, and there is basically no danger.

The few attacks took place during the daytime. Under the command of human knights, the crowd avoided the large bloody army, but occasionally encountered some low-level demons whose intelligence was similar to that of wild beasts.In this wasteland away from the steel fortress of the Tanar'ri lord, there are still some low-level Obiris demons left.

Tanar'ri demons basically have a humanoid body shape, and low-level Obiris demons can't even be called creatures.

Take the abyss demon that they killed the most along the way as an example. This kind of demon looks like a bush from a distance, but when you walk in, you will find that it is a ball of meat with a huge mouth that runs through the whole body. And randomly distributed eyes and claws on other parts of the body.

That kind of image is a manifestation of madness and chaos. When everyone sees the Obiris demon for the first time, they will feel that their sanity has been strongly impacted.Fortunately, there are priests and paladins in the team, their abilities can help everyone resist this kind of shock, and avoid falling into madness just because they saw an Obiris.

Fortunately, apart from their scary looks, these monsters are not very powerful.Both Brutal's Hammer and Aramir's Determination can take them down with ease, and both share a passion for destroying these disgusting monsters.Lancelot also had to admit that when they were turned into a lump of meat or burned to ashes, the appearance of these Obiris demons looked much more pleasing to the eye.

It took them a lot of time to make frequent detours to avoid encountering the bloody legion. Ten days after entering this wasteland, everyone saw the red tributary of the River Styx.It took twice as long as originally estimated, but it was clearly worth it.

"This tributary of the River Styx is called the Blood River. It forks in the north at a place called the Plaguehorn, and the main trunk continues westward to another plane called the Red Prison Carceri; while the tributaries are The one in front of us, it goes all the way south, and finally flows into the great abyss."

Kara Lin introduced to everyone.As a scholar of the Black Order, he has already mastered the geographical knowledge of the first layer of the abyss, although it is also the first time for him to come here in person.

"The color of this it really red with blood?" Brutal's face looked disgusted, "and the smell is really bad."

"It should have been dyed red by the riverbed." Karaline shrugged. "After all, demons and demons have been fighting in this wasteland for centuries, and their blood has penetrated into every inch of land here."

"To be precise, it has been hundreds of centuries. The bloody battle has begun before the birth of the first mortal, and will probably witness the death of the last mortal." Skeleton Colonwell added, pretending to be I wrote an encyclopedia of the Outer Planes, although the edition is somewhat old.

"We'd better stay away from it." Elotesia suggested, "This is still a conflict zone, and Baatezu's navy may emerge from the water at any time."

Everyone naturally has no opinion on this.According to Tijana, as long as they walk south along the red river, they can reach the edge of the great abyss.And there is also Elotesia in the team. Before turning to the good camp and becoming a paladin, she stayed in the abyss for a long time, enough to serve as the team's guide.

Seven days later, the crowd reached the edge of a huge lake.This is the famous Lake Main, where the Blood River forms a lake, and from here several tributaries flow to the edge of the Great Abyss, forming waterfalls that flow down one after another.

Since this place is close to the Great Abyss, the Devil's Legion can easily get supplies from other levels, so the Devil's Legion can't advance to this place yet, making the surrounding area relatively safer.

And the Kai-Oin they were looking for, the Tower of Bones, was on the southeast horizon.The crowd began to move towards the landmark building, and after a while, smoke and dust rose in front of them, and a demon patrol quickly approached them.

Lancelow had noticed the group of demons just now, but he didn't order everyone to hide.The surrounding area is the sphere of influence of Moglondar - a neutral city at the bottom of the Tower of Bones. It may not be a good idea to deliberately avoid its patrols.

The demons soon came to the crowd.This is a group of large demons with a humanoid body shape, well-developed muscles, huge wings and long tails, and mouse-like heads. There are twelve in number.According to Kara Lin's previous introduction, this is Margaux, a not-so-intelligent mid-level demon, one of the more common demons in the Great Abyss.

"Stop!" The leading demon shouted to everyone, "Who are you and where are you going?"

Lancelow frowned when he heard this, these guys actually speak the common language?
"We're going to the city of Moglondal, isn't that what it says?" Brutal replied carelessly, completely unaware of any abnormality.

"Ah! Mogrondal, that is a wonderful place, with delicious food, soft cushions, and hospitable citizens."

"Yes, yes, what a great place!"

"I don't want to leave at all!"

There is nothing wrong with these answers in themselves, but it is extremely strange to say them from the mouths of these demons.Everyone felt something was wrong. Although Moglondal was a neutral city, its guards seemed to be overly enthusiastic.With a soft sound, Frost Slash appeared in Lancelot's hands.The human knight jumped off the horse and stopped at the front of the team.

"Don't get any closer." Lancelow swung his sword at the group of demons.Following his actions, the rest of the people became vigilant, took out their weapons, and got ready to fight.

"Oh, you don't have to guard against us at all!" These rat-faced demons showed smiles that shouldn't appear at all, "Let's introduce where we can find the best bars and restaurants in Moglondal City! "

"Come on." Lancelot swung his sword again, preventing the demon from approaching, "Who the hell are you guys?"

There was a look of innocence and confusion on the demon's face, another look that would never have been on these guys anyway.

"Are we exposed?" The leading demon turned his head to look at his companion, and the rest of the demons shrugged, which meant very clearly.

"Then we can only directly..."

The demon turned his head, but his declaration of turning his face was not finished.The human knight's long sword pierced out like lightning, smashing the second half of its sentence and throat.Lancelow is not that kind of pedantic knight. If he is determined to fight, he will not stand still and wait for the opponent to strike first.

 Thanks to Lei Youyan, Tumbling Big Salted Fish and Big Lost QAQ monthly tickets and other book friends for their recommendation tickets. Yesterday, I received 4 monthly tickets and 34 recommendation tickets, which shocked me. Red envelope, this is the best result in a single day~ Thanks to all the friends who voted monthly votes, recommended votes, left comments, and posted this chapter. This is a great encouragement to the author, thank you for your support~
  Note: Malgodemon is not my own creation. The original English name is malgodemon. It only appeared briefly in the fourth edition. I guess everyone has never heard of it... Of course, there are many honey settings in the fourth edition, such as the succubus When it comes to the devil, the whole family of Yugros joins the devil, I have no intention of adopting those...

(End of this chapter)

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