The knight in the abyss

Chapter 187 Information

Chapter 187 Information
The Margo demon clutched his neck and collapsed on the ground.As the vitality dissipated, its corpse, like molten metal, gradually transformed into a humanoid creature with gray-blue skin, smooth and hairless body, and fuzzy facial features.

"It's a shapeshifter! A big shapeshifter!"

A scholar's exclamation came from behind, and the battle broke out in an instant.

With a growl, Brutal swung his hammer, knocking the other demon to the ground.

"For Moradin's beard!"

Before the weapon could fly back, the dwarf charged forward with his shield in hand, knocking the other demon down.The hammer appeared in his hand, and Brutal swung it furiously, as if hitting a ball of iron embryo.As he attacked, the demon under him gradually changed back to the shape of the doppelganger, like a ball of clay.

"These guys are so ugly! Don't talk about beards!" Brutal complained loudly, "They don't even have a hair on their bodies!"

Another daemon slapped him from his kin's corpse, but the blow didn't break the dwarf's armor, it merely gave his rage a new target.

"Go to hell! Big change!"

Elotesia joined them in the hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.The succubus paladin wears a set of full body armor that fits the figure, and holds a sword and shield made of cold iron in his hand. These equipment are gifts from Tijana to the succubus compatriots.

Her fighting style and Bluto are completely two extremes.Most succubi do not have the excellent physical fitness of Tijana. Elotesia adopts a very conservative tactic: holding up the shield to let the opponent attack first, and then stabbing out at the moment the enemy's weapon is bounced. His own long sword is like a well-behaved knight attendant.

The usefulness of this tactic is beyond doubt.Although her situation seemed quite passive, the number of enemy attacks was far more than her counterattacks, but the enemy standing in front of her quickly fell down, with seven or eight transparent holes on her body.

At the rear of the team, Aramir and Karalin were busy applying various defensive magic and divine spells. As the team's spellcasters, they had to ensure their own safety at the beginning of the battle.The skull remained with them, acting as a protector.

Cora slipped into the shadows behind the big men, a shortbow in hand.As a halfling, she knew very well that it was not her job (unless it was absolutely necessary) to charge forward and fight ten against one.She waited patiently for her opportunity, occasionally shooting an arrow that caught the enemy off guard.

Lancelot was without a doubt the most efficient of all. It would be difficult for any demon, or shapeshifter, to survive three moves in front of him.The flying Frost Slash was like a beam of light, causing the enemies to fall one by one. Before the group of shapeshifters realized how terrifying Lancelot was, their numerical advantage was gone.

The morale of the doppelgangers crumbled when the magic missiles fired by Kalarin and the holy fire summoned by Aramir also began to take their toll.They tried to turn around and run away, but in the face of Lancelot's weird speed, this just made the killing a little faster.

Soon, Frost Slash's blade sank into the back of the last shapeshifter.With the enemy fallen, the fierce battle came to an abrupt end, just as it had begun.

But everyone didn't relax, because another Magomo patrol team had arrived at the scene, and they just stood not far away watching them fight.

Lancelot drew his long sword from the gradually deformed corpse, shook the blade to shake off the blood on it, and stared at the newly emerged demons without saying a word.

"It was a good fight." The leader, Margot, spoke in authentic Abyssal language, "They are a group of fugitives who were hunted down, you saved us a lot of effort, but unfortunately, there is no bounty, haha !"

"What did they do?"

Brutal stepped forward and asked.When Lancelot is on the scene, he always has a lot of guts.

"They took things that shouldn't be taken." The leading demon also came over, "Now, we are going to interrogate the prisoners."

Lancelot silently took two steps back, letting out the corpse in front of him.This time it should be the real Mogrondal patrol. Since the other party didn't intend to make a move, he naturally didn't want to have a conflict, but he still looked at the other party vigilantly, holding the weapon tightly in his hand.

The demon captain glanced at Lancelot, as if he was very interested in this human knight, but immediately turned his attention to the corpse in front of him.He pulled out a magic wand exuding lavender light from his waist, waved it in the air twice, and then plunged into the corpse of the doppelganger on the ground.

The light from the wand suddenly poured into the corpse, and a strange scene appeared: the corpse of the doppelganger turned over and sat up from the ground, staring blankly at the demon in front of him.

"Did you steal the artifact Sarrizdun's Eye?"

The information contained in the devil's first question startled everyone. Just when Lancelot was amazed that the devil's interrogation method was so straightforward, the doppelganger who came back to life actually spoke just like that.


Hearing this answer, the devil captain's attitude suddenly became very eager, and he hurriedly asked:

"Where is it now?"

"We lost it."

"Lost it?" The expression on the devil's face turned to disappointment, "How could it be lost?"

"It got heavier and it slid out of the bag by itself."

"Where did you lose it?"

"Near the Harpy Rift, it's about to climb out of the ground."

"Who instructed you all this?"

The shapeshifter showed a confused look on his face, and he said after a while:
"I do not know."

The moment it said its last words, the corpse fell down again, and the flesh and blood on its body dried quickly, making it look like it had been dead for a long time.

"Cut." The demon captain kicked the corpse away with a disgusted kick.Then it looked up at Lancelot, and asked:
"Are you mercenaries, planning to go to Moglondar?"

Lancelow nodded, this was the second time he was asked this question today.

"Then take this." Captain Demon threw something over.Lancelow reached out to catch it, and found that it was a strange emblem, which seemed to be made of a vertebra.

"This pass can save you a lot of trouble." The demon spat fiercely, and the caustic slime burned a small pit on the ground, "You really did me a favor, now I don't owe you what."

After speaking, the demon captain turned around directly, and left with his subordinates and the information he had just obtained.

"What a bunch of weird guys, huh?" Brutal sighed, then looked back at Karaline. "Scholar, what's with the stick that makes the corpse talk?"

 Thank you Lei Youyan for your monthly ticket, and everyone’s recommended tickets~ By the way, I would like to recommend a game to everyone, search for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms on steam, a free (ke) fee (jin) idle game, DND genuine Authorization, the game does not have a Chinese translation for the time being, but the mechanism is not difficult to understand. When I typed, I hung up to play haha~
(End of this chapter)

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