The knight in the abyss

Chapter 189 The Great Abyss

Chapter 189 The Great Abyss

The elven priest immediately understood what the scholar meant.He drew his Hammer of Disintegration, a trophy he had obtained from the Palace of the Succubus in Oasis Castle.In the past, when this weapon was held in his hand, it would emit a bright and warm light, but now there was nothing, just like an ordinary weapon.

But when he walked about thirty yards away, the hammer in his hand flickered and lit up again.The elf took a few steps back, and the light on the mace went out.

"Probably this is far away." Aramiel returned to the crowd, "The range is not that big, if you plan to use this to surprise the enemy, you'd better rush into the crowd first."

"Don't worry." Lancelot put the box into his arms, "If you use this thing well, it can really turn things around."

As the box was closed by him, the weapon in the elf's hand lit up again.Everyone immediately packed up their equipment and began to move towards the tower of bones in the distance.

On the way, they encountered several demon patrols, but when Lancelot showed the spine emblem, these patrols waved him and let him pass, although their attitude was still very bad.

When the sun above the head was about to sink into the horizon, everyone finally came to the huge tower of bones.Sensing the movement of the dimension bag in his arms, Lancelow released a little vampire who had just woken up.

"Good afternoon everyone!" Little Isa's cheerful voice appeared before her own.

"Turn around and look behind you." Lancelot smiled and touched the vampire girl's head. "You can't see this kind of scenery anywhere."

Little Isa turned her head as she said, and was immediately shocked by the magnificent scenery in front of her.

The Wanyuan Plain split open in front of her.The earth suddenly disappeared in front of it, replaced by a huge crack.The boundary of this crack cannot be seen with the naked eye. It extends from one end of the horizon to the other. The water of the Blood River slopes down from the edge of the cliff, forming huge waterfalls, and the inside of the crack is filled with red water. Fog, making it impossible to see its bottom.

If it really has a bottom.

"Welcome to the Great Abyss, also known as the Crack of Blood, the real entrance to the Abyss." Colonwell said quietly, "There are few places worse than this in the entire multiverse. Now please Look to your right, this is Kai-Oin, the famous Tower of Bones."

Little Isa turned her head, and the building that caught her eyes made her scalp tingle and her stomach churn.

If the multiverse were to hold an evil building competition, the Tower of Bones would be in the top ten.This soaring 'tower' is simply the spine of a huge creature, like a centipede clinging tightly to the cliff of the abyss, the knotty structure is enough to awaken the most instinctive fear in the heart of a humanoid.

The part of the tower above the surface has a radius of a thousand feet, and this is the thinnest part of the entire 'spine'.According to Elotesia's introduction, each section of the 'spine' is actually a huge hall, some halls are torture rooms, prisons, delivery rooms for cultivating demons, magic laboratories, meditation rooms, and even books The museum and the map room record the secrets that no one knows.

The back and forth stairs connected these halls, but it was definitely a terrible torture to climb the stairs one by one.If someone really did this and was not killed by the guards or traps in the tower, then after advancing twenty miles down, he would be able to come out from the bottom of the tower and reach the city of Mogrondal. The next destination of the line.

But not everyone can enter the Tower of Bones.Lancelot narrowed his eyes and looked up at the top of the tower. His spiritual sense reminded himself that there was an extremely powerful existence there, covering the top of the Tower of Bones like a dark cloud.

Some strange thoughts surfaced in the depths of his consciousness, whispering the desire for pleasure and torture, but the small bamboo slips in his consciousness emitted a layer of blue light, so that these whispers could only be heard in his sea of ​​consciousness. wandering outside.

"Do you feel that there are some dark thoughts in your head?" Elotesia walked over, "It's not your own thoughts, but the Lord Kai-Oin's. He is sitting on the top of the Tower of Bones. The power of this tower is held on the throne called the Siege of Malice. Anyone can go up to challenge his position. As long as you win him, you are the master of the Tower of Bones, but unless you are defeated by the challenger, you will forever You can't even leave that throne, you can only sit on it and overlook the kingdom that belongs to you in name."

Lancelow shrugged his shoulders. Naturally, he had no interest in challenging the lord of Kai-Oin, who seemed to be a captive of the tower, not its master.

Lancelot naturally didn't intend to walk down those steps, not to mention the mortal danger (or boredom) along the way, they were not qualified to enter the Tower of Bones in the first place.The emblem given by the captain of the demon patrol team is not that effective. Only the nobles of Moglondal City have the right to enter and exit the tower at will.

Another route to Mogrondal is even more desperate-free-hand rock climbing with a vertical distance of more than twenty miles.It may not be too difficult for a creature with wings, or a creature that can fly by magic, provided that he can deal with the inhabitants of the cliffs of the Great Abyss, mainly wild kasmo and fro magic.

This is not an unimaginable route. In fact, within the twenty miles between Moglondar and the surface, there are a large number of portals scattered, leading to all levels of the abyss.Although these portals are not the only entrances to the corresponding levels, most of them are still tightly guarded.

Those demons who guard the gates of the pit lords usually do not welcome visitors.Unless specifically instructed to do so, their daily job is to attack any creature that comes within sight, even if it's the unlucky ones who accidentally fall in front of them.

The Great Abyss has another feature, that is, demons whose strength reaches the lord level cannot enter, at least not in their normal state.Some scholars believe that the cause of this phenomenon is the red mist that permeates the entire Great Abyss. After all, it is the atomized water of the Styx River, while others insist that it is caused by some kind of energy related to the devil's origin.

In addition, teleportation magic of any kind is ineffective, except those that are naturally formed; the effects of prophecy magic are also severely suppressed in the Great Abyss, and it is difficult to rely on it to track a certain creature.In addition, there are no lord-level demons, and some more powerful mortal adventurers can be a little more arrogant in the Great Abyss.

But that's it.

Due to the lack of a powerful existence capable of suppressing all resistance, the nature of demons determines that it is difficult for them to control themselves from attacking others.The chaos inside the Great Abyss far surpasses other levels, and battles are happening almost every moment.Though overhead, demonic armies scramble to fend off demonic invaders, within the Great Abyss these chaotic and evil creatures indulge in never-ending cannibalism.

Of course, if the demons could stick together, the multiverse would already be theirs.

 First of all, I would like to thank Jieran for the monthly pass, thank you boss!Regarding the setting of the Great Abyss, I refer to a lot of the settings in the fourth edition of Igvilford’s Demon Chronicles, such as the abyss lord can’t enter, Kai-Oin, Blood River and Blood Lake, etc., but I also added a lot of private goods In it, for example, prophecy magic is suppressed and so on, and many creatures in it have been replaced by me (in the 4th version, the entire Yugoloth demon clan was deleted, and then changed into residents of the Great Abyss), Although there are many places where the setting has been changed in this book, I still want to say hello to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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