The knight in the abyss

Chapter 190 Morgrondal

Chapter 190 Morgrondal

In this case, as the only place that can provide security for outsiders, Moglondar is simply a bright light in the Great Abyss.In fact, despite the ubiquitous war, the Great Abyss is still the transportation hub of the entire Abyss, and Moglondar has logically become one of the most active commercial cities in the entire Abyss.

But a city that needs to climb twenty miles to reach it has no commercial value. No matter how attractive the sound of gold coins colliding in its grand bazaar is, it cannot attract businessmen and mercenaries from the entire multiverse like it is now. He and the robbers completed countless transactions that could change the situation of the bloody battle.

In fact, the most convenient way to go to Moglondal is by 'boat'. Lancelow and his party are standing by a pier by the Blood Lake at this moment, looking at the few tattered boats leaning on the shore.

"Is that all there is?" Brutal lamented, "They look like they should have sunk long ago..."

"Haha, that's the reaction of every gangster when they see a Styx ferry for the first time." Skeleton Colonwell laughed, "Look who those boatmen are, as long as the boat is controlled by them, it will always drift on the water."

Hearing this, Lancelow looked intently at the figures standing at the stern, and found that their bodies hidden under the cloaks were extremely dry, between skeletons and zombies, and the heads under the hoods were almost exactly the same as Colonwell—— The only difference is that there is a faint red glow in their eyes, while Lancelot's skull partner has a pair of eyeballs in the eye sockets that are no different from living people.

"Is that Duyinmo?" Karaline asked curiously, "I've heard of this kind of creature. Legend has it that they have the supernatural ability to control ships and are familiar with every terrain of the River Styx. As long as you pay enough for the boat, They can take you anywhere."

"It's not anywhere. It's not a place that threatens their own safety." The succubus paladin said, "They are the Yugoloth demons, and they remain absolutely neutral in the bloody battle. Whether it is Tanar'ri or Baatezu, Anyone who is willing to pay can get their services. These guides are hired by the managers of Moglondar to pick up any passengers who need to go to that city."

"I see." Brutal shrugged. "Then get on board, how long have we been out in the wild? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope to sleep in a bed tonight with the A solid ceiling, not a whirring tent blown by the wind."

Naturally, none of the crowd expressed any objection. They picked a boat that could fit all of them. Lancelow stepped forward to negotiate with Du Yinmo standing at the stern.


Facing the human knight approaching, Du Yinmo asked in a dry and hoarse voice, his eyes filled with anticipation.


Hearing that name, the expectation in Duyinmo's eyes disappeared. It scanned the crowd behind Lancelot and said dryly:
"Eight people, one hundred gold coins each."

"Can I pay with gems?" Lancelot had no intention of carrying little Isa in his pocket, or arguing over whether a certain skull could be counted as goods.In order to save this little boat money, he took the risk of angering the ferryman, and everyone is not short of this little money now.

"Okay." Lancelot handed an emerald to the hand of the ferryman. "The extra part is an offering to Charon, thanks to its servants for their services."

The actions of the human knight seemed to make Duyinmo a little friendlier.Charon is the protector of all demon-riding demons. According to Colonwell's reminder, any act of respect for Charon will make the journey on the demon-riding ship more comfortable.

Another well-known fact in the Outer Planes is that if willing to pay four times the ship's fare, Duyinmo will provide absolutely loyal services, even if it has been bribed to lead you into a well-established trap.But this time everyone doesn't need to do this, because the lords of Mogrondal City have reached an agreement with these boatmen, and all boats from Blood Lake to Mogrondal will arrive at their destination safely.

Everyone stepped onto the boat one by one, and the boat was just full, but it wasn't too crowded.

"Fasten your seat belt." The boatman Du Yinmo reminded, and everyone noticed that there were many flat belts scattered beside the seats.

"Are you talking about these ropes?" Brutal held up one of them. "What are they for?"

"Use them to tie yourself to the seat." There was an evil smile on the Duyinmo's face, "Tie it tighter."

"Think about those waterfalls." Colonwell reminded from the side, "The boat that ferries Yinmo will not sink, but it will not fly either."

Brutal's face collapsed, and the dwarf tied himself up firmly with the fastest speed, looking like a turtle that was only brought to the market by a peddler.

Everyone started to move, even Lancelot didn't try to be brave, but obediently fixed himself on the seat with two ropes.Du Yinmo's patient people took protective measures, and then lightly punted the boat, and the boat left the shore and headed towards a waterfall on the edge of the abyss.

"I suddenly felt that rock climbing is really good." Brutal looked at the approaching cliff with a pale face, "At least wow!!!"

Before he could finish his words, Du Yinmo suddenly pushed the pole hard as a prank, and the speed of the boat suddenly became extremely fast, rushing out of the cliff like an arrow off the string.

A second later, everyone found that the boat was completely vertical to the ground, and was touching the waterfall, accelerating towards the endless abyss below under the action of gravity.

Both Cora and Isabella screamed, but it was Brutal who screamed the loudest.The dwarf's voice even shook away the mist around him. It was obvious that he had accumulated too much energy these days with sufficient food and a safe journey.

Soon, the panic in the shouts disappeared, and everyone even began to enjoy this thrilling and exciting journey.The boat fell into the big pit at the bottom of the waterfall, and immediately jumped down from another waterfall; the sun naturally does not reach such a deep place, but the glowing mushrooms all over the cliffs and cliffs provide illumination for the surroundings, allowing Everyone can enjoy the scenery passing by.

Lancelot saw a large group of winged demons, dominated by the vlo, a low-intelligence, extremely vicious demon with huge feathered wings and a bestial body, resembling a cross between a humanoid and a vulture. bodies; another frequent demon was the kathor, which looked like a sickening cross between a fly and a human, and the overseer he had first met Brutal was.

These demons have no interest in the speeding boats, and the distance of twenty miles is not short, but after advancing at this speed of almost free fall for less than half an hour, the outline of the city of Moglondal Appeared below the crowd.

 Thank you ~ Weiyi~ for the monthly ticket voted by my classmates~ By the way, how Du Yinmo sails is my imagination. If the reader knows which official module has relevant descriptions, please point me to the way~
(End of this chapter)

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