The knight in the abyss

Chapter 193 Out of stock

Chapter 193 Out of stock
It's just that the bath water is really awkward.This is the spring water from the Black Pond of Blood Abyss, showing a pure black color, but not dirty.This is the only water source in the entire city of Moglondar that does not contain any poison, disease or curse, and can be directly drunk by mortals. Even Aramir's magic can't identify any problems.

But out of prudent considerations, everyone asked the pastor to create a large bucket of real clean water with the water-making technique, and use this clean water to rinse after taking a bath, so that at least they can feel more comfortable psychologically.

Brutal was the last to enter the bathhouse, and after the dwarves finished washing, the scene in the bathroom was like someone dropped an alchemical bomb into the cesspit pit, Kara Lin was even forced to use a magic to unclog the sewer, those poor The tube was completely blocked by the dwarf's shed hair.

The cool bath water not only took away the sludge from everyone's bodies, but also took away the fatigue of the journey, making everyone refreshed again.After an hour, everyone was ready to head downstairs and treat themselves to a meal.

Of course, out of prudent considerations, they still put on all the armor, with weapons on their waists and shields on their backs, as if preparing to eat a king's meal.

But of course they wouldn't do that sort of thing, and moral preferences aside, those skinless corpses hanging over the lake of blood are a good example of what would happen if they did.And to be honest, in the abyss, spending money is actually more difficult than earning it. Brutal has already thrown all the gems in Lancelot's dimensional bag, simply because the dwarves think they are too heavy.

After paying another topaz worth [-] gold coins, everyone enjoyed the most sumptuous meal since they came to the abyss. Although everyone still prefers Kora's craftsmanship, halflings will never find such a handicraft in Shuangqiao Town. What an abundance of ingredients.

In fact, Cora herself is the one who eats the happiest. This race has never been a picky gourmet—they will express their praise with the most simple attitude towards all food, that is, to eat it.

Due to Lancelow's generous shot, Pacos was very enthusiastic, but Lancelow naturally would not let down any vigilance because of the other party's simple and cute appearance, and always maintained a very respectful attitude. It's not difficult, because his spiritual sense is always reminding himself that this Pacos is more terrifying to him than the red dragon that bought gems in Shuangqiao Town.

The innkeeper in the shape of a halfling was running around to sell various goods and services to everyone. When he stood on Zhuobian for the third time, Lancelow asked what he really cared about in a very casual manner. question:
"Mr. Pacos, do you know where I can get an up-to-date map? We're looking for a route to a lower level."

"I am very happy to sell you such a map, in fact, this is also one of my main businesses." Pacos showed a strange look on his face, "but I can only regret to say that I can't give it to you The map is gone, at least not now."

"Why?" Brutal asked curiously, "You didn't even ask which floor we were going to."

"That's the privacy of the guests, but there are not many places worth visiting in the lower planes." The halfling boss raised his eyebrows at the succubus, "But the problem is not where you are going, but the recent lost in the city." After buying a very important item, even those aloof withered masters can no longer grasp the locations of the various portals in the blood abyss."

"Is it the Eye of Sarrizdun?" Lancelot said calmly, while paying attention to the other party's reaction.

"That's right." Unexpectedly, the cute-looking former Lord of Withering readily admitted, but he still smiled at Lancelot, "I heard that a group of passing mercenaries helped the city The patrols took out the doppelgangers."

"What exactly is the Eye of Sarrizdun?" Karaline couldn't help asking curiously, "I mean, what does it have to do with the locations of those portals in the Great Abyss?"

"From the outside, that artifact is just a black ball, nothing unusual, that thing is useless to you, only a few old guys living in the Tower of Bones can use it." Pacos shrugged Shrugged, "The only use I know is that you can use it to view every corner of the Great Abyss, and then draw a map that is very important to this city. Unfortunately, shortly after the artifact was stolen, here There was an earthquake, and that meant the portals were thrown out of place again."

"Why is the map so important?" Little Isa asked curiously, "Can't you come here directly by boat?"

"Because this is just a transit point, my beautiful lady vampire, the final destination of the businessmen who come and go here is often elsewhere." The halfling boss spread his hands, "If those withered masters don't want to find a way to get Sasha back as soon as possible... Eye of Rezdon, this city will soon lose its value."

"In your capacity, you must have obtained the latest information." Kara Lin looked at the lovely former Lord of Withering hopefully, "The group of shape-shifting monsters failed to take away the artifact. The eyes are still in the great abyss."

"I did hear about the news, but I'm sure not as early as you guys." Pacos grinned at the crowd, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"It is true that we defeated the group of shapeshifters. They are not particularly difficult to deal with." Lancelot admitted directly, "We need to get the map as soon as possible. Is there anything we can do?"

"Oh, are you dissatisfied with my room and food?" The halfling boss said in a fuss, but Lancelot could easily see that the other party was just putting on a show.

"Those are great, but they're not free." Lancelow shrugged. "We are a group of mercenaries, and finding things is also our business."

"The Great Abyss is no better than the plain environment of the Ten Thousand Abyss Plain." Pacos giggled, "Please trust the Withered Lords of Moglondar City, they must be more anxious than you now, believe that The artifact will soon be back in its room in Kai-Oin. Until then, why don't you just stay here and trade your shiny gems for all the awesome services I offer you?"

Lancelot knew that there would be no results if he continued the chat, so he changed the topic to some local customs in Moglondal City, and then ended the conversation politely.

Later in the day, everyone gathered to discuss the next action plan, but unfortunately they had too little information, and finally failed to draw a conclusion.

Brutal came up with an idea: go to the street to get some information about the current wither masters, and see if it is possible for Lancelot to kill one directly. A map is definitely not a problem for a withering master.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets. I have been very busy at work this week. I thought I would send it later today, but luckily I finished it in time~~

(End of this chapter)

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