Chapter 194
This plan sounded too crazy at first, and everyone shook their heads when the dwarves first said it, but when everyone tried to point out the absurdity, they realized that the plan was very feasible.
At least the first step of this plan, investigating the strength of the current withering masters, is not too difficult.If the final conclusion is that Lancelot is indeed strong enough to defeat a Blight Lord, then...

The people didn't discuss that possibility in depth, because they still know too little, whether it's about the title Lord of Blight, or about the city itself.But tomorrow's action plan has been determined, and that is to go to the streets and learn about everything related to the withered lord.

Although this was just a plan full of uncertainties, it was still better than having no clue at all, and it calmed down everyone's restless hearts.Brutal, Karaline and Cora were soon attacked by sleepiness, and the three of them happened to share a bed, and the others also went to rest in their own ways.

Except for Elotesia and Little Isa, one doesn't need to sleep to recover her strength, and the other doesn't sleep at night, so they are logically responsible for keeping vigil for everyone.

Two beautiful women are huddling on the sofa at this moment, planning to chat until dawn, just like they did when they were camping in the wild.During the journey of more than ten days, their friendship quickly warmed up after a few nights like this, and Elotesia found that she liked this innocent and kind little vampire girl, partly because she saw herself in him. shadow.

And Lancelot sat cross-legged in a quiet small room alone, doing his daily meditation and Qi training.Everyone is used to the special way of 'resting' of human knights, and they are not surprised by it.

During the three weeks of traveling here from Shuangqiao Town, everyone did not experience any intense battles, and the true energy in Lancelot's body was completely restored.He felt that he was only one breath away from the Great Perfection state of the Qi training period, and the true energy in his body would no longer be able to increase by then, and that was the best state for hitting the foundation building period.

But so far, every time he completes a cycle, his true energy will still increase by about one ten-thousandth. Although the ratio is very small, it can't be hidden from his own spiritual sense.Maybe at the end of the next Sunday, he will find that the time for foundation building is ripe, but before that, the human knight must settle down and repeat this process over and over again.

After completing 81 [-] Sunday moves, Lancelow stopped and entered a state of meditation.What makes him tired is not the physical feeling, but the consumption of mental power.According to the small bamboo slips, physical body, spiritual power, and spiritual consciousness are the three basic qualities of a cultivator, but there is no way to exercise the spiritual consciousness during the Qi refining period.

However, Lancelow felt that his spiritual consciousness would still increase slightly after exhausting himself through cultivation and resting fully through meditation.Every time he practiced, the number of weeks he could persist in increased, which is the direct evidence.

Meditation is a wonderful state.His consciousness is very clear, and he can clearly understand the slightest movement around him. As long as he wants, the whispered conversation between little Isa and Elotishia outside can be as clear as thunder; but he also seems to be asleep. , the passage of time is almost imperceptible, and hours of meditation feel like only a few minutes.

Provided nothing bothered him.

The sun's rays can't shine into such a deep place in the Great Abyss, but for some unknown reason, those luminous fungi will synchronize with the rising and setting of the sun on the surface, causing changes in light and dark.At about four o'clock in the morning, when the light of the fungi was the dimmest, Lancelot noticed a large group of breaths approaching quietly.

The human knights had many reasons to believe that this was not an attack against them, such as the strict laws of the city, the reputation of the 'immortal' Pacos, the intimidation of the guards at the inn, and the low-key way of acting when everyone entered the city. The shadows began to climb over the roof of the hotel, and Lancelot knew he had to do something.

He immediately pinched the formula of a soundproof cover, and his movements did not appear stiff due to sitting for a long time.After confirming that no sound would leak from the entire suite, he jumped up and rushed into the living room.

"What's the matter?" Elotesia and little Isa looked at the human knight who ran out in astonishment. The latter was holding the half-handed sword Frost Slash that was shining with cold light.

"There is an attack." Lancelot explained briefly, "Go and wake everyone up and get ready to fight."

The two beauties, one big and one small, took action immediately.During the journey in the wild, Lancelot has repeatedly proved his perception ability that is more magical than magic, so although their expressions are still full of confusion, they do not hesitate to carry out the orders of the human knights.

For all the luxury and comfort of the suite, it hadn't had time to put the guards down after just three weeks in the wild.Everyone got up immediately, and subconsciously grabbed their weapons almost as soon as they opened their eyes.

"What happened?"

Brutal was in full armor almost instantly, and putting on those dwarven heavy armor was as easy for him as a cat jumping in a boot.

Another person who needs to fight in armor is not so easy.Aramir tried to get into the delicate but heavy full body armor in a panic, with the skull head Coronwell assisting him, with the elf's gauntlet in his mouth.

"We have a lot of visitors, the ones who don't intend to come in through the door." Lancelot glanced at Brutal, "I'm afraid this living room will be very crowded later, you go to stay with the scholar and protect him. "

The dwarf nodded, turned and ran back.

Aramir finally donned his armor, which calmed the priest.He walked up to the halfling Korra, determined to protect his diminutive companion in the coming battle.

Elotesia and Little Isa also prepared back to back, and everyone did not stand too scattered, keeping a distance where they could support each other.

Except for Lancelot, the human knight stood alone in the middle of the spacious living room.Everyone is already very experienced. When he starts to swing the Frost Slash, it is best to stand fifteen feet away, otherwise he will definitely be splashed with blood all over his body.

"That wall is the bathroom." Karaline patted Brutal's shoulder, "Be careful to avoid it later."

Although everyone in the room made a lot of noise from their preparations, no sound was leaked under the effect of the soundproof cover. The attackers were still waiting patiently for their accomplices to arrive one by one.

It's useless for them to rush, the roof made of solid rock can't be destroyed by brute force.

 Thank you brothers for your recommendation tickets, and especially thanks to the few book friends who have been following up.The performance of the unit last year was not very good. After the start of work this year, the new boss desperately whipped the employees, and worked overtime until late every day. Fortunately, I saved a lot of manuscripts haha~ The double update next month I mentioned before, although looking at it now It is estimated that I will lose my hair, but since I blow it up, I must do it, please look forward to it~

(End of this chapter)

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