The knight in the abyss

Chapter 199 The Lord of Withering

Chapter 199 The Lord of Withering
"Ha! If I know, do I still need you?" Pacos took out a small badge from the table and threw it in front of Lancelot. "There is only one piece of known information, that artifact Definitely didn't fall deeper than the city, or some old monster in the tower would sense it."

"What is this for?" Lancelow took the emblem in his hand and found that it was a ring made of pure gold with a dragon wing-shaped symbol on it.

"This is my emblem. In some occasions where you need to show it, it can prove that you are my agent." The halfling leaned back on the chair in a comfortable posture, "Kay-Oin's guards are waiting The person holding it appears, I suggest you start as soon as possible, maybe you will be found by other guys if you go late?"

Lancelot stared suspiciously at this guy who was far more dangerous than he looked, finally nodded, turned and walked out the door.

"By the way, let me remind you again." Pacos' voice sounded from behind, "If you are lucky and you did find that thing, don't take it lightly, some guys may not want that artifact to return to this city again. "

Lancelow turned his head, took another deep look at the cute halfling, and then walked out without saying a word.

"What did that guy mean by the last sentence?" After a few seconds, Brutal was the first to speak.

"Think about it, without the help of the inner ghost, a group of alien shapeshifters can steal a closely guarded artifact with a forbidden magic stone?" Karaline explained to the dwarves, "The upper circles of this city There is likely to be a traitor here, maybe it is one of those withered lords."

"That is to say, if we really find that artifact, a Wither Lord might suddenly pop up, clamoring to kill people?" Brutal scratched his head, "So we still have to kill one, right?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, what was the plan that Brutus proposed yesterday?It seems that there is such a content.Everyone thought his idea was too crazy at the beginning, even after careful discussion, they only thought it was a plan that would be chosen in extreme cases...

"Let's not fight unprepared battles. Let's spend some time collecting information on the current Wither Lords." Lancelot said.

"But most of the people in the city have heard about what happened in Lazaka's Tears." Elotesia frowned, "You will be easily recognized, and in this case, go to find out the news , I’m afraid it will attract a lot of unnecessary attention.”

"This problem is easy to solve." Lancelot took out his succubus transformation ring, "Can you accept that you are not the most beautiful in the team for the time being?"

"Ah?" Elotesia looked at Lancelot in confusion, then the confusion turned into shock, and the shock turned into some kind of weird smile.

"I can accept it." The succubus paladin seemed to be trying hard not to laugh, "Although I am still a little bit disappointed, it is indeed true."

The investigation went much smoother than everyone thought.Because of the way Blight Lords are created (just kill the current one), news of these lords is favorite gossip among the townspeople, and many firmly believe that they, too, can become a Blight Lord when the time is right.Everyone didn't even need to actively ask, as long as their ears were pricked up, they heard enough information.

The consul of Sprayfield is the 'Grand Arbiter' Satugula, an abyssal vixen known for his shape-shifting and language abilities.It is said that he was an information dealer before he became the Lord of Withering. He was very friendly to merchants, mercenaries, and adventurers who came to the abyss, and he was willing to pay a reasonable reward for anything.

The Archon of Bloodwatch is Lady Akama the Shapeshifter, the longest holding title of all the current Blight Lords.It is said that her body is some kind of aquatic demon with a hard carapace and lobster claws. She likes to seduce attractive men, and at a special moment of sex, she will turn back into her body, and then eat the brains of the other party.Lancelot was convinced he needed to be wary of the shapeshifter.

The consul of Honeycomb Valley is Dugba the Impaler, a worm demon who has just obtained the title of Lord of Blight, and patrols the territory with a large group of subordinates every day.The flayed body of its predecessor is hanging on the fence of the Hive Valley Bazaar, believed to deter would-be challengers.Many townspeople believed that the cruel fool had at most two weeks left to live.

And the Archon of Beggar's Cliff is Wagmore the 'Digger', a fire demon.With a powerful wand found in one of the ruins, it has taken over the dominion of Beggar's Bluff.After successfully assuming the throne, Wagmore has been hiding in his lair in Beggar's Bluff and has rarely been seen. Many people speculate that the wand has lost its power, but they are counting on others to confirm this for themselves.

Among the four current withering lords, did anyone really betray the city?Who is most likely?

With such doubts, everyone came to Abyss Watch.Kai-Oin, the base of the Tower of Bones is here.

Abyss Lookout is the 'rich area' of Mogrondal. Unlike several other broad districts in the city, its space expands vertically.On the entire side of the cliff, there are luxurious caves and majestic towers.Most of the caves belong to those cunning and rich abyssal fox-headed demons, while the towers belong to winged demons such as cass, stouts, or Nicaros.

Across the bottomless abyss, opposite this area is the spray field, which has an excellent viewing angle.The demons who live here can take stock of the wealth they have amassed over countless centuries while admiring the majestic view of the Blood River Falls at home.

Of course, this place is heavily guarded, and outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering.But with the pure gold emblem given by Pacos the Immortal, everyone entered this area smoothly, but there was a whole team of humanoid beetles following behind them, eagerly looking forward to the actions of these outsiders. make any wrongdoing.

Lancelow didn't let the group of sadists get what they wanted. He led them straight through the only narrow path in the abyss, and came to Kai-Oin, the base of the Tower of Bones.

When they first came to this city, the giant waterwheel under the Blood River Falls had already proved the engineering ability of the demons, but it was nothing compared to the pedestal of Kai-Oin.Countless cables and brackets made of abyss metal fixed this giant spine on the cliffs of the great abyss, stretching for several miles.

But this is not enough to support this giant tower that is more than twenty miles high.Kai-Oin's tower has countless bone spurs that have penetrated deep into the cliff, and those are the real stress-bearing structures.Looking at the disgusting shape of the spine of the Tower of Bones, Lancelow suddenly had an intuition that this tower is actually some kind of living creature, and the real function of the huge and messy metal facilities around the base is only to move the The Tower is anchored in Mogrondar.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets. The double update will start tomorrow. The plan is to update at 12:6 noon and at [-]:[-] pm. At present, I have saved about [-] chapters. This is already the result of the house during the entire YQ period. ...I'll try my best to hold on for a few more days 囧...

  PS: If you have a monthly pass, please vote tomorrow, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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