The knight in the abyss

Chapter 200 The Hall of Disputes

Chapter 200 The Hall of Disputes
But they didn't come here to dig out the truth today. The more they know, the better, no matter which plane they are in.After showing the golden emblem given by Pacos again, the Mazeroth demon guard in front of the pedestal let everyone go, instructing them to go up the stairs to a place called the Hall of Discord.

The size of each floor in the Tower of Bones may be slightly different, but the structure is exactly the same—probably what it looks like after a vertebra is hollowed out.For countless centuries, all kinds of demons have been entrenched in it, and each floor has been decorated in different ways according to the needs of its masters, but the most common ones are interrogation rooms and prison cells.

As everyone walked up layer by layer, the stench of flesh and blood lingered in the air, and there were sharp but short screams from behind some closed doors from time to time.

The one who reacted the most violently was Helotesia.Although she had never set foot inside the Tower of Bones, the place still brought back many memories for her.The fact that she wasn't a masochist in those memories, but an abuser, made her feel even worse.

While not as skilled and efficient as daemons, daemons leave no other race in the dust when it comes to creativity in torturing.

After capturing a mortal hero, the demon lord will first use the ability to peek into memory, and then make his succubi become like captive lovers, making him think that the lover was captured in order to rescue him, and then tortured in front of him his lover.In some cases, this caused more suffering than directly torturing the prisoners themselves.

Or use magic to create an illusion, making the prisoner believe that his lover has successfully rescued him.It only takes a few days for the succubus to give birth to a bunch of babies after a bewildered celebration.After revealing the cruel truth to the prisoner, the demons will laugh and eat the prisoner's crying children bite by bite, and the scene is enough to break the soul of any creature.

Whenever recalling these scenes, Elotesia would be overwhelmed by strong emotions such as shame, remorse, and anger, making her feel as if she was drowning.

Lancelot noticed the abnormality of the succubus paladin, and vaguely guessed the reason behind it.So he quickened his pace, pulled the scholar who was eager to lie on the ground to study each floor, and quickly rushed to the place where the guards asked them to go.

This place called the Hall of Disputes looks a bit like a meeting hall, with a high platform standing on one side and stepped seats on the other three sides. It is already full of guys who look like Lancelot's colleagues.Some people didn't care about the arrival of the human knights, but some guys suddenly started whispering.

"Is this the guy who looks like a tin can?"

"See it's pure gold..."

"Is it rich..."

"I heard that at least two dozen Gnoll corpses were brought out."

"Looks like the guards at the Spray Fields will be eating that for the next week..."

Lancelot's sensitive hearing easily captured these conversations, he frowned, but there was nothing he could do.In this city, armed fights in any tavern or inn are nothing unusual, except for Razaka's Tears.At that time, more than one pair of eyes saw the corpses piled up on the low wall around him, and there must have been many people who were secretly paying attention to him at this moment.

The mercenaries seemed to be waiting for something, so Lancelot and the others found an open place to sit down.Many malicious eyes looked at them quietly, but the human knights looked back one by one with sharp eyes, clearly conveying the signal of "I have found you", so that those who think they are hiding They all looked back guiltily.

After waiting for about an hour, new mercenaries kept coming in during the period, and the seats in the hall were quickly crowded.This is not a good situation. Among the mercenaries, there are many guys who like petty theft or are extremely arrogant, and most of them only know how to use violence to resolve any conflicts.

Lancelow predicted that in five minutes at most, the floor of this hall would be sprinkled with fresh blood, so he silently took out the giant sword Glacier.

When this giant sword with exaggerated size was unveiled, everyone was attracted by his movements.Lancelot placed it on the ground casually, and when the giant sword fell, it made a low roar. The sound was more convincing than any words, enough to make anyone who planned to trouble them think twice.

But once the chaos really broke out, I am afraid that no one will care about the deterrent effect of the giant sword.

Fortunately, the three figures walking down from the upper steps made the hall quiet again.Lancelow looked up, and saw a well-dressed male blond elf standing on the high platform, a humanoid female demon with dark red skin and scantily clad clothes, and a beetle-shaped demon with a huge horn on its head. .

There was another commotion in the crowd, and Lancelot knew that these people on the high platform should be the 'Grand Arbiter' Satugula, the 'Transformer' Ms. Akama, and the 'Puncer' Dugba.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Satugula, and welcome to the Hall of Disputes." The blond elf spoke in an unusually majestic voice, "I think you have all heard the news that the Eye of Sarizdun was stolen. This piece The importance of the item to this city is self-evident, and I need to get this item back."

"Fox, what you said is easy, what about the reward?"

"Yes, yes, we are not in vain!"

"Who doesn't know it's an artifact? If you don't satisfy me, I won't give it to you if I find it! I don't have any artifact-level collections in my treasury yet..."

"That thing is useless to you. It doesn't provide any power, and it doesn't have any magical effects. Everyone here, including the three of us, doesn't have the blood power needed to use it." After leaving the fox, the blond elf's expression became a little ugly, but he controlled his anger, "Only some...special beings can use this item to draw maps that are crucial to trade activities."

"Maybe a certain abyss lord is interested in that thing?" Someone in the crowd shouted, "Lord Wu'an will always give generously to those who help."

"That's right! As long as we can grasp the location of these portals in real time, we can mobilize the legion through the Great Abyss to launch a surprise attack..."

"Mecanxiet will probably move to the Silver Palace soon..."


A roar sounded, and the huge beetle on the high platform spoke, and the sound was as piercing as fingernails scraping metal.

Everyone covered their ears in pain, and the request of the withered lord was fulfilled.

 Thanks to the big boss Jieran for the 4 monthly tickets, thank you!There is another update at 6 pm~
(End of this chapter)

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