The knight in the abyss

Chapter 226 The End of the Sinner

Chapter 226 The End of the Sinner

But the cruelty and greed of the monster gave the human knight and his companions a chance - the trap was dug too deep, the monster obviously hoped that the victim would fall as badly as possible, and this gave Lancelot enough space And time, so that he can continue to stack the thin spider webs until they reach a sufficient thickness.

As Lancelow continued to increase the output of true energy, the vines he summoned became thicker and thicker, but the soil and rocks above their heads were too heavy, and everyone was still being dragged and fell downwards.

"Ahhhhh! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

The dwarf's exclamation suddenly came from his ear, and Lancelow turned his head to look with difficulty, his pupils shrank suddenly.

After a long fall, the bottom of the trap finally appeared within everyone's field of vision, less than a hundred feet away.After at most five breaths, they will come into close contact with the ground made up of chaotic rocks. With everyone's current falling speed, their bodies will definitely be smashed to pieces, and there will be no survivors.

At this point, Lancelot no longer made any reservations.The innate zhenqi deposited in the deepest part of the dantian qi sea and regarded as the bottom of the pressure box poured out. His body emitted a dazzling green light, and the newly summoned vines around him were thicker than a dwarf's buttocks, and they were so dense that they almost covered the entire pit. filled up.

As the dwarves screamed louder and louder, everyone's approach to the ground began to slow down, and the fall was finally stopped when they were less than ten feet from the ground.Everyone was suspended in the air by several thick vines, and above their heads were densely packed branches like a dense forest.

"Too tight……"

The dwarf's difficult groans sounded, and Lancelot barely gathered the last trace of true energy, and manipulated the vines to put everyone on the ground.

Severe coughing sounded one after another, and the partners who escaped death lay on the ground panting heavily.The experience just now was too thrilling, and there must have been many people who were sure that their death time had arrived.

"Thank you, Lancelot, for saving our lives again." The dwarf collapsed on the ground on his back, "How many times is this?"

"Yeah, if it weren't for your magical ability, I must have been waiting for the reception of the goddess angel."

Everyone expressed their thanks one after another, but Lancelot just smiled, saying that this was just what he should do.He looked around, and was relieved to find that his companions were all there, even the succubus paladin and skeleton clonewell who could have escaped.They could have escaped, but they all chose to rescue other partners, resulting in being brought down together.

"Yeah! Brother, are you okay?"

Seeing that his partners were all safe and sound, Lancelot finally relaxed. The feeling of loss of strength hit him instantly, and his feet staggered. Little Isa, who had been paying attention to him, rushed up to support him immediately.Seeing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically. In their minds, Lancelot was always so strong and confident, ready to deal with any challenge at any time. They had never seen Lancelot so weak.

"I'm fine, but I'm a little bit out of strength." Lancelot sat down with the little girl's support, but he felt a little bit, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

The sea of ​​qi in the dantian was empty, almost a trace of true qi was gone.


A strange voice sounded, everyone was startled, and hurriedly looked for the source of the sound.

The answer was soon revealed, it turned out to be Enrique.The monster naturally didn't bother to save the toy he had just gotten for a day, he fell down with everyone.At this moment, the dark guard has been exhaling more and less energy, and black air is constantly wafting from his severed limbs, like burnt ashes, which are about to dissipate from this world.

Lancelot walked up and gently took off Enrique's helmet.

Behind the black-faced giant helmet was a face that was as black as charcoal, but as the black air kept drifting away, the dark guard's face gradually faded, revealing a human face covered with terrible burn marks hole.

The red light that had been burning in his eyes finally went out, replaced by a pair of clear black eyes.Enrique barely raised his head, looked at Lancelot, and said softly:

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Lancelot nodded, "You are the most powerful person I have ever fought, rest in peace."

"Rest in peace?" The former paladin closed his eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a mocking arc, "No, there is still endless torture waiting for me..."

At this time, the succubus paladin also came up, and her golden hand pressed on Enrique's forehead, and a powerful healing energy poured into the latter's body, making Enrique who closed his eyes waiting to die Rick opened his eyes again.

"Ah, it's you." There was surprise in his eyes, "Are you sympathizing with me? Don't waste your power, my death is inevitable. But there is a crystal talisman under my breastplate , it can absorb the essence of demons, Yiertu hopes that I can use that to catch you back. Take it, that thing is effective for you, and it is also effective for Yiertu, only to completely destroy your former master, otherwise you will live forever in flight."

"I know, but I'm not for this." The succubus paladin shook his head, "Repent, Enrique, for everything I've done for you."

For a brief moment, there was a look of anger in the dark guard's eyes, but it dissipated immediately and turned into something more complicated.

"I have always held an extremely strong hostility towards you, just because I was jealous of your courage." Enrique smiled, "You are a real paladin, Succubus, even before I fell, I am stronger than you." You are too far behind."

"Repent." The succubus didn't show any color because of the former colleague's praise, but urged him seriously, "My ability is not enough for you to persist for too long."

"Thank you." After a brief silence, Enrique finally spoke, "I have made too many mistakes, and I have allowed myself to live in lies, leaving countless sins in this world."

"If you can, are you willing to pay any price for atonement?"

"I am willing."

"Very good." Elotesia's golden palm began to dim due to lack of energy, "May the gods show their mercy."

"Thank you."

Enrique said it again, and those were his last words.His head and body turned into a mass of ashes and completely dissipated.

Elotesia opened the armor left by Enrique and found a talisman.Its core is a deep purple crystal cube about an inch in size, and many metal threads with mysterious runes are wrapped around it, like a cage that traps the crystal.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for your support~

(End of this chapter)

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