The knight in the abyss

Chapter 227 Trapped in a dead place

Chapter 227 Trapped in a dead place
"It's better for you to hold this." Elotesia threw the amulet to Lancelot, "It can play its greatest role in your hands."

Lancelow reached out to take it, thought for a moment, nodded, and put the amulet into the storage bag.

"When I have that strength, I will definitely find a way to help you solve this problem completely." Lancelow promised.

"You don't have to make any promises to me, but I owe you more." Helotesia shook her head, "Don't just try to get my former master's idea, even though I have been in the main material plane with my partners Defeated it, but a balor is nearly invincible in its lair."

"Of course I won't try it rashly." Lancelow smiled, but he was determined in his heart that he must kill that nasty Balrog if he had the chance, not only for the succubus paladin, but also for the sake of the succubus paladin who just died in his hands. Former paladin.

"This Enrique is finally dead." The skull on the side said, "But if there is no clever trick, we will suffer the same fate in a short time."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.Lancelot looked around, and found that they were in a confined space of thirty feet square and ten feet high, with no possible exits around them. If they couldn't find a way to get out as soon as possible, they might die when the air here was exhausted. Suffocated to death.

Lancelot hastily pulled out the Twinbridges emblem that Tijana had given him, but he immediately realized that the item was no longer usable.The magical power possessed by this emblem has been severely suppressed, and the fluctuations from it are quite disordered.

"It's impossible for us to use that item to return to Twinbridge Town." Karaline replied before Lancelow asked him, "The teleportation magic in the Great Abyss cannot work normally. Using it and going to a place you don't know It makes no difference whether you are jumping in a running meat grinder or not. Unless you are really cornered, I would not advise you to gamble on your luck."

"I'm sorry...everyone fell into this situation because of me." The succubus paladin said with a gloomy expression.

"Hey, what a big deal, dwarves won't be trapped to death underground." Brutal jumped up indifferently, and took out a shovel and a pick from his backpack, "Let's dig a tunnel to get out. gone."

"We fell at least two thousand feet just now, and we were all suffocated before you dug to the ground." The elf hit the dwarf mercilessly, "If you want to dig a horizontal passage leading to the Great Abyss, you must first dig It is also impossible to know which direction the Great Abyss is in."

"Thanks, that's a very useful suggestion." Brutal retorted, "It would be better if you could just lie on the side and do nothing while I dug the tunnel through, because that would be as good as possible." Reduce your air consumption so I can work a little longer."

"We have a lot of air in our dimensional bags. Squeeze the air out of the bags. This should allow us to last for another hour or two." Kora, who is optimistic by nature, said, "If Brutal I haven't dug the way to the surface yet, and I have a brilliant idea that promises to bring everyone back to the unpleasant mountain passes of the Great Abyss again."

"Sister Cora, what kind of method is that?" Little Isa asked curiously.

"The key to this method is you." Kora looked at the little vampire with a smile, "If we are really about to be suffocated to death, you can bite each of us and suck some blood. It is best to start from me. At first, because it is said that the feeling of suffocating to death is uncomfortable, the eyeballs will bulge like goldfish, the skin will turn blue, and the neck will be covered with blood because of difficulty breathing, I guess it should not be like that.”

"Ah? Why?" Little Isa looked like she was about to cry, "I...I don't want to suck your blood..."

"She means to rely on your ability to turn us all into vampires, so that we don't have to breathe." Karaline smiled and comforted the little vampire, and then cast an approving look at the halfling, "Korah, your brain is really good!" It's amazing that you can come up with such a... special way."

"I don't want you to become vampires." Little Isa said in a low voice, "The vampire's body is in trouble. You can't touch running water, you can't bask in the sun, you can't wear silver jewelry, you can't put garlic when eating, and you have to go out even if you go out." With your own coffin..."

"Of course it's a last resort." The scholar's expression was a little awkward, and he turned to look at the real backbone of the adventure team, "Lancelo, what do you have... What are you doing?"

I saw that the human knight had already taken off all his armor and put on a light robe, with a very serious expression on his face, as if he had just made some important decision.

"I make an attempt. If it succeeds, our strength will be greatly improved, and we can definitely bring us back to the ground." He stood up from the ground and looked at everyone, "But I'm only [-]% sure, so Bruce Your attempt to dig a tunnel, Toh, is our other hope. But if we all fail, we'll have to go with Cora's plan. Little Isha, then it's up to you."

"Don't worry!" The dwarf patted his chest heavily, but accidentally pulled his beard down.

He was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, and he reached out to touch his chin and mouth, and all the hair on his face fell to the ground.

"What...what's going on?" The dwarf looked at everyone blankly, "Why...why did my beard fall off?"

"I'm afraid it's because of the black bile just now." Aramir looked at him apologetically. Although the elves never grow beards, he can still feel the pain of the dwarves. "I'm sorry, but healing can't save you Mustache, but with that belt, I'm sure you'll be able to grow a better one soon."

"Ahhh! That nasty monster! I managed to grow a beard!" Brutal stomped his feet heavily, looking almost mad with anger.

"It's not that bad." Cora also comforted, "You look much younger now."

"I look like a beardless dwarf!" said the dwarf angrily. "What the hell is that monster?"

"That's a goliath." Karaline sighed, "I should have thought of those strange limbs. They are a very ancient Obiris demon, a master of flesh and blood, who can use the abyss Chaotic energy creates organs and limbs. You have all seen its twisted and crazy form. If it were not for Helotesia today, our minds would be destroyed and we would become drooling idiots and see it as the universe the most perfect form of life in existence, and take great pride in serving such a perfect creature."

 Many book lovers who are familiar with DND should have already guessed that it is a giant skull demon, haha~~ Continue to ask for votes, and let’s give some points for the sake of the author’s double update~
(End of this chapter)

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