The knight in the abyss

Chapter 250 Qi Gathering Slash

Chapter 250 Qi Gathering Slash

"Do you want me to be your... queen?" Akama's voice was as seductive as ever, while twisting his scantily clad body, "But this Sir Lancelot seems a bit difficult to deal with ,my king?"

The crowd of onlookers suddenly boiled, and the residents of Mogrondal booed loudly.Akama is the Lord of Wither who has been in power for the longest time. She has occupied the most affluent region of Mogrondar, Bloody Hope, for nearly a hundred years. Even she chose to submit to Dugba's despotic power. Could it be that Is there really no one who can cure this worm?

Some people also heard the hidden premise in the female devil's words.Her territory, her rights, and even herself can belong to Dugba, but if she fails to take down this human knight, then everything will naturally be uncountable.

Others were less ambitious, so the onlookers who lived long enough were sneering at the booers. It's not without reason that Ms. Akama the 'Shaper' has been able to maintain her status for a long time, but she is not a succubus, and sex in bed is just her hobby, not the reliance of survival.

"Hey hey hey, maybe not the queen, but at least one of my concubines in the harem." Dugba smiled lewdly again, "Of course, your status will be very honorable, but you have to be ready to meet any of my requirements. After seeing with your own eyes how I tortured and killed this human being wrapped in iron, you will be honored to serve me."

"Hehehehe, then I have to find a good place to enjoy the performance of His Majesty the King." Akama walked up to Pacos with his entourage, "Immortal, your mount today is really strong, Can you lend me a ride for two days later?"

"Haha, of course no problem." The halfling replied with a smile, "This big man will like a master like you. By the way, you haven't patronized my shop for a long time, do you want to come over?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in condescending to that little shop of yours." Akama covered his mouth and chuckled, turning his head to look at the field, "This human knight seems to be holding your emblem before, you plan to help him?"

"Hey! What you said is just an ordinary customer, and I have any obligations to him." The smile on the halfling's face became brighter, and he turned his head and shouted to the field, "Lancelo, don't worry about it. Ah, I'll still support you in spirit!"

The human knight raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything, but Dugba on the opposite side was a little upset, "Have you two finished talking? I'm going to start my killing show..."

It couldn't finish speaking, because Lancelot had already rushed towards him with a glacier in his hand.The human knight believed that they had already finished talking, and since they wanted to do something, there was no need to continue listening to the enemy's nonsense.

Dugba was taken aback by his speed.Lancelot is definitely a big man among humans, but he is completely small among demons whose weight can easily reach four figures.But a little guy wrapped in metal charged at such a speed beyond the limit of mortals, any creature in front of him would feel a kind of instinctive fear.

The human knight didn't say a word, and rushed in front of the opponent with a powerful over-the-shoulder slash.Dugba is extremely conceited, and he firmly believes that one day the title of Demon Prince will be in his pocket, but facing this terrifying giant sword, he also feels a little guilty in his heart, and subconsciously shrinks back, using his strongest The huge horn to resist the opponent's slash.

I saw a dazzling green glow lit up, followed by a loud noise, Dugba's entire upper body was blown to the ground, and the figure of the human knight relied on the force of the rebound, like a bird swept up by a strong wind. Flying back like a butterfly, it lightly landed twenty feet away from Dugba, squinting his eyes to measure the damage caused by his blow.

Dugba stood up unsteadily, and was horrified to find that a gap the size of a fist had been chopped off on his giant horn.The ramming horn is the hardest part of their whole body, and the strength of this human knight is so terrifying!
Lancelot was not too satisfied with the result.He used [-]% of his strength in the blow just now, which is already equivalent to his full strength. Unless he is sure that he can kill with one blow, he will reserve [-]% of his strength to deal with the next change anyway.The power of the sword light using true essence is only slightly inferior to that of the version using innate zhenqi, and with the power bonus brought by the charge, it can only create a small gap. I am afraid that the hardness of the giant horn of the worm has exceeded Fine gold.

The crowd of onlookers burst into cheers.Although the human knights had the upper hand in the first confrontation, and Dugba did not suffer any substantial damage, in the eyes of the residents of the spray field, this result has greatly exceeded their expectations. , hardly anyone believed that the human knight would survive the impending duel.

Dugba got up from the ground angrily, almost going mad with anger.This shameless human dares to act first, that is its right!It let out a sharp neigh, raised its huge horn, and rushed towards the opponent.The onlookers behind Lancelot were immediately frightened and scattered to both sides, howling.

But the human knight didn't move. After the fight just now, he already had his own judgment on the strength gap between the two sides.Moreover, the worm has a special facial structure, which allows it to keep its eyes locked on the target when it lowers its head and sprints. No matter which direction it dodges, the result is that its back will be exposed to the enemy, and the situation will be extremely passive.

Since you can't hide, just don't hide!

Lancelow carried the glacier on his shoulders, and the liquid true essence in his dantian gushed out like an erupting volcano, and then circulated in the meridians in a specific route like a whirlpool.True Yuan circulated round and round, at a faster and faster speed, attracting more True Yuan with each lap.Although others looked like he was still standing there motionless, a terrifying force like a storm had already gathered in his body.

After feeling the qi, the first exercise he mastered was Qi Gathering Slash.Compared with the Qingyun Sword Art practiced later, Qi Gathering Slash has the disadvantages of being unable to last long and its destructive power is not concentrated, but its advantage is that it has strong explosive power and does not need to be practiced alone.

And after the foundation is established, there is also a corresponding enhanced version of this exercise: Qi Gathering Slash.Compared with the version in the Qi refining period, the defect of Qi Gathering Slash is more obvious - to perform this trick, you need to stand in place to accumulate energy, which greatly limits its use occasions, but it can let the monk blast out with one blow. Strength beyond the limits of the flesh.

Facing the astonishing and unavoidable charge of the Cyclops Demon, Lancelow did not back down, and chose to resist the blow head-on!
 I just coded it... I will change it first... I am afraid that the chapter tonight will be postponed...

(End of this chapter)

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