Chapter 251
The crowd of onlookers exclaimed one after another, no matter whether the human knights were out of fear or for other reasons, it was impossible for even a Barlow demon to stand still and forcefully take a charge of the giant horn of the worm demon.Their eyes widened, ready to appreciate the bloody scene of human knights being strung together.

And Lancelot's partners all showed panic.The difference in body size between the two warring parties was too great. Judging by common sense, Lancelot didn't even have a [-]% head-on. Little Isa covered her face in fright and didn't dare to look any more; Elotesia Regardless of the danger of revealing his identity, he tried to open the "channel" in his body to connect to the plane of positive energy; while Kara Lin began to kneel down and pray, begging his gods for the power to bring the newly dead back to life.

The only exceptions are Colonwell and Brutal. The former felt the high fighting spirit in Lancelot's heart through the telepathic connection, while the dwarf believed that Lancelot must have a way to deal with it, because the living creatures in this plane Among them, no one has been beaten by Lancelot more than him, so no one has more confidence in Lancelot's ability than him.

Lancelot felt the strength gathering in his body getting stronger and stronger, almost bursting out. He stared at the opponent's sharp horn that was rushing fast, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

There are various stories about battle among knights, one of the most bizarre stories is this: two knights with personal vendettas met on the battlefield, they raised their spears and charged at each other, one of them stabbed the other A shield that knocks opponents off their horses.The knight who was still on the horse quickly opened the distance, then turned the horse's head, ready to launch the second round of lance sprint, just as taught in the knight's drill.

In most cases, the opponent should kneel and surrender immediately after falling off the horse, because a knight without a horse has no way to resist the imminent lance charge.But when he turned his horse's head, he was surprised to find that his opponent was still standing, holding a two-handed sword in his hand.

The knight on horseback immediately charged, glad that he did not need to show any kindness to his opponent.But the strange thing about this story is that it was the knight who fell first who survived in the end, because he made an almost impossible attack, and that's what Lancelot was going to do next.

Time seemed to have slowed down in his perception, and he clearly watched the giant horn of the worm approaching him inch by inch.When the tip of the horn was less than five feet away from his chest, Lancelot released the power in his body that would make him explode in a second.

The glacier that fell was like a black thunderbolt, accurately hitting the tip of the giant horn, which contained a mountain-like power, and firmly pressed the giant horn of the worm demon to the ground.It was as if Dugba had bumped into a city wall made of pure gold, and the kinetic energy contained in the full-strength sprint just now all reacted on himself.

As the ram was smashed to the ground, its heavy body rolled forward uncontrollably, as if its butt was kicked from behind by a giant.There was a crisp 'click' sound in the ears of the audience, the huge horn broke from the middle, and the body of the worm turned over from Lancelow's head, and fell heavily on his back behind the human knight.

The audience was so shocked by this shocking slash that they couldn't speak. These demons, who were originally extraordinary creatures, couldn't even understand what happened before them.To hit the tip of the ramming horn of the oncoming Cyclops is no less difficult than to hit a fly with a giant sword. How did this human knight do it?And what kind of terrifying power was contained in that heavy slash, which could stop the fully charged Doug Demon completely, and even break his ramming horn?
The audience is still in a daze, but someone has already taken action.

Akama and Pacos.

At the moment when the giant horn of the worm was broken, the current and former withering masters rushed forward at the same time.Akama let out a scream that was beyond the hearing range of mortals. This scream attacked not Dugba's body, but its soul—an identical phantom appeared beside the body of the worm demon, which was The soul that was forced out of his body by the scream made Dugba temporarily lose control of his body.

And Pacos' body was gliding in mid-air in a strange way, as if there was a pair of invisible wings behind him.His right hand quickly transformed into a huge dragon claw. The moment the worm landed on the ground, Pacos' claw also pressed on its upturned belly.

The sharp claws easily pierced through the thin carapace on the worm's abdomen, then penetrated into its body, and accurately grabbed its heart.A cruel smile appeared on the halfling's face, and with a light pull of his claws, Dugba's heart was pulled out.

For all demons, the heart is the absolute fatal weakness.The wither master, who was complacent and majestic a few minutes ago, didn't even have time to let out a scream, and died in such a silent manner.The six claws on the side unconsciously twitched towards the sky, slowly consuming the remaining vitality in the corpse.

Pacos threw Dugba's huge still beating heart to the crowd, and the blood-stimulated demons immediately tore it to pieces.The halfling shrugged, and his right hand silently changed back to its original shape.

"Hehe, it's been a long time since I've seen your attack, Lord 'Immortal'. It really is extraordinary."

Ms. Akama the 'Shaper' came over, looked at Dugba's still twitching corpse, and complimented the dragon in halfling form.

"Where is it, ma'am, your shot is even more rare. Some new citizens of Moglondar probably don't know the brilliant achievements of the 'shape-shifter' Akama back then."

"It's just old stuff, what's there to say?" The female demon lazily stretched her seductive body, "But this kind of idiot can become the Lord of Withering, has this city fallen to this level? ? We can even discuss how to kill it in front of it, which is really boring."

"Haha, it's not as simple as you said?" Pacos turned his head and gestured to the human knight standing not far away, "Isn't it thanks to our powerful knight friend?"

"That's true, he's such a surprise." The dark red-skinned female demon also turned her head, "Your name is Lancelot, right? I thought you were an interesting guy when I first met you, but Didn't expect it to be this funny, interesting enough to make Satugura your ex. I've heard some disturbing rumors about his death, did he really...convert?"

 A freshly released chapter, just coded, still steaming!Thank you friends old and new for your recommendation votes. Even Ravok came to vote for me. Could it be that he wants to play a role in the show?


(End of this chapter)

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