The knight in the abyss

Chapter 254 The hardest part of a dwarf

Chapter 254 The hardest part of a dwarf
Lancelow looked at the several Margo demons standing in front of him, and was speechless for a moment.Just now, Brutal praised his title as Lord of Honor and Blight, but now he was stopped by looters in the city of Moglondal.

"Gold, precious stones, take out valuables! Otherwise, I will beat you!"

The one at the head threatened everyone fiercely.There were five Margo Demons in front of them, and two or three Margot Demons were coming out of the shadows in the other directions, faintly surrounding everyone.

"Huh? Are you kidding?" Brutal exclaimed in a fuss, "Do you know who this knight is? He is..."

"It's not easy for anyone!" The Mago demon interrupted the dwarf impatiently, "You have come to the Iron Fist Gang's territory, so you have to pay the Iron Fist Gang toll!"

"Then what if we don't pay?" the dwarf replied, hanging his neck. "Want to fight? I'm not afraid of you!"

"Ahaha! The little dwarf is still not convinced!" The leader of the Margot demon laughed loudly at Brutal, "The little dwarf is small, but he has a big temper!"

"You guys!" The short man on the other side called Brutus loudly, making him hop his feet angrily, "I can beat you to the ground without my elder brother taking action! Do you have the guts to challenge me one-on-one?"

"One-on-one! One-on-one! One-on-one!" Now it was the turn of the other Margo demons to boo. These demons seemed to think that it would be very interesting for two guys who were twice as tall to fight each other, and they didn't intend to take advantage of the number of people together to swarm up. .

"Haha! One-on-one! I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?" The leader of the Margo Demon stepped forward boldly, but rolled his eyes, and added: "Smalls are not allowed to use hammers, and I don't use claws either!"

"Hehe, your short grandpa can beat you flat with his fist!" Brutal sneered and untied his hammer, and inserted it into the mouth of the floating skull. "Can we start?"

"If you dare to show your claws in the battle, I promise you will cut them off immediately." Lancelow warned coldly, the Frost Slash in his hand shone with a dangerous cold light.There was a certain kind of strange deterrence in his voice, and the demons around him involuntarily took a step back as soon as he spoke.

These Margo demons suddenly felt as if they had heard of this human knight somewhere, maybe it was not a good idea to rob these seemingly rich guys.

Especially the leader of the Iron Fist Gang who was going to duel with Brutal, Lancelot's murderous aura was like a sharp knife on his neck, making the Margo demon feel difficult to breathe.

But he knew that he couldn't shrink back, otherwise he would never think about being the boss again in the future.The Margot let out a roar, used its anger to dispel the fear in its heart, rushed in front of the dwarf, and punched it down fiercely.

Brutal stood on the spot without dodging, with his hands crossed to protect his face, only to hear a muffled 'boom', and Margot's fist, which was almost as big as Brutal's face, hit the dwarf's arm. The latter took the blow so abruptly.This is a typical dwarf way of fighting. They believe that as long as they fail to knock themselves down with one blow, they can hit back with greater strength.


Brutal took two steps back after being beaten, and spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva, but there was a ferocious smile on his face, and he said disdainfully:

"That's it?!"

Margot shook his head in disbelief. This guy who is about half his height can still stand?He subconsciously looked at his fist, as if he wanted to confirm whether it was covered with a thick layer of soft cushion, but at this time the dwarf had already rushed up.

Although Bruto's height was a lot shorter than the opponent's, most of the demons were severely hunchbacked, so his fists were still enough to touch the Magomo's chin.The dwarf swung an uppercut, and the opponent subconsciously waved his hand to block it, but he didn't expect that it was just a false move.Brutal's right hand changed direction in the middle of the swing and missed anything, while his body began to rotate in the direction of the fist movement, showing his real killing move-the elbow of the left arm .

"Good!" Lancelot applauded when Brutal just started to turn around.The dwarf's iron elbow was like a pickaxe, viciously chiseling at the side of Magomo's left knee. Just watching that scene would make the audience feel weak in the knee.

His opponent let out a scream, and subconsciously threw another punch at the dwarf.Brutal let the hasty punch hit him on the head, and at the same time he threw another uppercut, straight for the Magor's jaw.

Unlike most creatures, the skull is the hardest part of a dwarf's body, and many veterans of pub brawls know it's best not to hit a dwarf on the head - that will do little to no harm other than make them more angry .And if there's any creature worse than a drunken dwarf, it's a drunken angry dwarf.

The sound of two fists hitting the flesh sounded almost at the same time, the dwarf was punched to one side, and the head of the Margo demon was kicked high.

But Brutal moved again before he even regained his balance, spinning his body from left to right again and delivering the exact same elbow, still aimed at the outside of Magomo's left knee.

There was a clearly audible sound of knee shattering, and Magomo let out a wail similar to that of a prey stepping on a bear trap. Brutal's iron elbow made his left leg unable to bear any weight anymore.The demon bent down, trying to cover his left leg, but what greeted him was another powerful right uppercut from the dwarf, which directly sent the Margot, who weighed more than three hundred pounds, flying out.

"That's it?!"

The dwarf spat out bloody saliva again, reached out to cover his crooked nose to the right, and pushed it back with all his strength.

His opponent was half kneeling on the ground, his eyes burning with fury and madness.Magomo suddenly jumped forward with one foot, and flapped the pair of slender bat wings on his back in mid-air. The claws in his hands were fully opened, and he rushed towards the unarmed Brutal like an osprey.

Lancelot, who had been highly focused, moved immediately.His figure flashed strangely, and instantly blocked Brutal's front. The Frost Slash in his hand emitted a bright and dazzling blue light, drawing a crescent-like arc in the air.

Deliberately displaying his prestige, Qingyun Sword Art was fully displayed by him.The body of the Margo Demon was completely cut open from the top of the head to the crotch, and the two halves of the corpse fell on the sides, one on the left and the other on the right. The spurting blood dyed the fine gold armor on Lancelot's body red.

He turned around and coldly glanced at the demons around him.Most of them rushed halfway just now, but they stopped abruptly under Lancelow's cold eyes, and stood there in embarrassment.

 Finished coding, let's go to dinner~ Because it is not a manuscript, the update time is not stable these days, please understand... Thank you for the friends who voted for the recommendation~

(End of this chapter)

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