The knight in the abyss

Chapter 255 Re-entering the abyss

Chapter 255 Re-entering the abyss

"I said, don't show your claws."

Lancelot shook the Frost Sword in his hand, wiped off the blood on the blade, and then put it on his back again, as if he was not worried about anyone who would dare to attack again.

He is not blindly confident. Although human knights don't like it, killing is indeed a very effective language for demons. Any "living" creature has an instinctive fear of death, and demons are the same .

"Yes... it's the Hornbreaker! Kill Dom's Hornbreaker!"

"But doesn't the 'hornbreaker' use a giant sword?"

"Who said he only has one weapon? Can we use that kind of big guy?"

These well-developed limbs and simple minds finally connected the human knight in front of them with the rumors they heard.Fear was the only expression on their faces at the moment, but because of Lancelow's prestige, they didn't dare to turn around and run away.Faced with such a situation, Lancelow shook his head helplessly, and said:

"You can go."

Within a few seconds, these Margo demons who had malicious intentions just now ran away as if their buttocks were on fire.

The elf priest stepped forward and cast a simple healing technique on Brutal, causing the bruise on the latter's face to quickly dissipate.Kara Lin also came over, grabbed a handful of discarded parchment, and asked Lancelow:

"Wipe it for you?"

The human knight looked down at his blood-stained armor, and shook his head helplessly.He pinched a spell, and a blue light flashed across his body, and the blood stains turned into some tiny weeds, which dissipated into the air.

"you are awesome."

The scholar rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Ha! Did you see clearly just now?" Brutal shouted excitedly, "Should they give me the title of 'Broken Knee'?"

"Isn't your title 'Toad Killer'?" Aramiel joked, "Do you want a new one so soon?"

"That's right." The dwarf touched his toad-like helmet, "But that was a really good right hook just now, you noticed when it flew out..."

There was a 'clank' and the dwarf's own hammer hit his helm.Cromwell's dissatisfied voice came from above:
"Sink to death! Take it yourself! I am a Mimir, a vault of knowledge, history, and wisdom, not your weapon rack!"

"Hey, just for a while, thank you!" the dwarf said with a smile.Although it was Lancelot who took the initiative to deal with the Margo demon in the end, he won the unarmed combat session without a doubt, which made him feel good.

"Praise the great soul forger, who created the hard head of the dwarf! Any fool who dares to knock him will definitely make him suffer!"

Brutal sang a dwarven ballad, but due to his poor musical talent it almost sounded like a growl.

Aramiel resignedly covered her ears, while little Isa and Cora kept giggling.Lancelot originally wanted to stop the dwarf from making noise, but then sensed that all the nearby demons were avoiding him because of his singing, so he shrugged and let the dwarf continue, thinking it was to repel mosquitoes.

Their destination was the edge of the district, and then they left the city to go deeper into the Great Abyss.Since there is no 'city wall' in Moglondar, the boundaries of the city are not clear. As everyone goes down, the surrounding caves for demons become more and more sparse, and the environment becomes more and more primitive. Unknowingly, They left the dirty, prosperous and chaotic abyss city behind.

Lancelot spent a long time last night studying the maps provided by the corrupt monks, and through the 'essence' left on him by the Eye of Sarrizdun, he planned a route to the Androlina portal.According to what the little black dot on the wrist 'sees', Andrinna's portal is located about ten miles deep below Moglondar.

It is definitely a terrible experience to climb such a long vertical distance, but fortunately, with the real-time map on his wrist, Lancelot still found a relatively easy route.The route was a bit of a detour as they had to avoid some of the more dangerous areas.

For example, the portal to Yeenoghu's domain on the 422nd floor of the abyss. There are a large number of gnolls entrenched around it. If you are not careful, it will provoke endless enemies like stabbing a hornet's nest.Although everyone is not afraid of these ferocious beasts, they don't need to go to the trouble of looking for them.

Another thing to stay away from is the portal to Shendi Ravel on level 570.On the surface, this country belonging to the Succubus Queen has beautiful natural scenery, rich products, and even a large number of mortal residents, as well as the famous "special service", attracting tourists from all over the universe.

Therefore, this portal located in the Great Abyss is only one of the many entrances to the Kingdom of the Succubus Queen, and it is still one that is rarely used.But everyone still had to stay away from that place as much as possible to avoid the seemingly inattentive guards near the portal.

Helotesia and the Succubus Queen had no direct conflicts. In fact, most of the behaviors of the Succubus would be regarded as forgivable nonsense by Meicanxiet.Her own favorite drama is to secretly observe the plots to overthrow her, and sometimes even quietly contribute to them, like admiring the cute but childish attempts of her own children.

But for those succubi who really 'betrayed' the demonic nature and took the 'wrong' path, such as the famous lady who fell out of favor, Mecanciut had a real sadness and believed that it was his duty to put them' Change' back to the original look.For this reason, Helotesia certainly didn't want to attract any attention from the Succubus Queen or her subordinate nuns.

Unlike previous searches for the Eye of Tharizdun, the group's trip this time involved more vertical climbing.Thanks to Lancelow's pre-planned route, the height they need to descend each time is between [-] and [-] feet. Even a scholar with the poorest physical fitness can barely complete such an action, let alone the succubus saint. The samurai and (false) succubus knight flew by to help the whole time.

The fastest climber was Aramir. Although he was wearing heavy armor, the agility of the elves allowed him to move smoothly on the rock wall like a gecko.The second is Isabella, the youngest in the team. The little girl regards this kind of rock climbing as a rare exercise opportunity, and she does not want to turn into a bat and fly directly no matter how hard or tired she is.

Lancelot was naturally proud of the qualities she displayed, and even had the strange thought of 'as expected of my sister'.

 I'm sorry, I just coded it, and it's late again TT
(End of this chapter)

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