The knight in the abyss

Chapter 259 Rescue

Chapter 259 Rescue
One of the monsters was dragging the hair of a fairy-like beautiful creature. The latter was struggling violently because of the pain, but the other monster next to her kicked her from time to time, and made an ugly noise because of the latter's cry. laughter.

A strong anger welled up in Little Bat's heart, she seemed to see her own shadow in that child, she wished she could rush out to save him immediately.But she's not the little girl she used to be, and the past month has taught her about keeping her cool and her role as part of the team.

Little Isa recalled what she had learned about monsters, and recognized those green-skinned giants as trolls.In addition to the iconic stench, this monster also has a terrible regeneration ability. Even cutting off its head is not enough to kill them, but flames and strong acids are very effective against them. The monsters are crying for their father and mother!

After flying around these trolls from a distance, she confirmed that there were no other monsters lurking around, and then turned her head and flew towards her companions.

Lancelow and his party were approaching this side as quickly as possible, but due to the terrain here, they only advanced a distance of one hundred feet. Fortunately, relying on the keen hearing of the human knight, they would not lose track of their target.

"Trolls! There are five trolls!"

A little bat flew in front of him with a whoosh, and then turned back into a little wanderer girl wearing a fine gold chain mail fir with two cold iron daggers stuck in her waist.

"Ah, how could it be that stinky guy." Aramil had a disgusted expression on his face, "Did they really catch a child?"

"Yeah!" Little Isa nodded again and again, "A beautiful little girl, let's go and save her!"

"Why is there a little girl here?" Karaline asked suspiciously, and then his face changed, "Isn't it a child who likes to stab? Have you noticed that she has wings on her back?"

"Ah? I... I didn't notice..." Little Isa replied ashamedly, "She was dragged on her back by her hair, I didn't see her back..."

"No matter what it is, let's save that child first." Lancelow picked up the most difficult dwarf to go, "Brutal, you are too slow, how about I take you for a ride?"

"Let me down! I'll go by myself!" the dwarf protested dissatisfied.

"After seeing the enemy for a while, I will throw you in first to ensure that you are the first to fight the enemy."

"...Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up, hurry up!"

Without the encumbrance of the dwarves, the speed of the crowd was much faster. After a while, everyone heard the cry of the child and the unappetizing body odor of the troll wafting from far away.

"Remember, the best thing to deal with trolls is fire." Kora took out some flat bottles filled with thick red liquid from his backpack, and stuffed two of them into everyone's hands, "This is blazing glue. The substance of the slug will start to burn as soon as it comes into contact with the air, so find a chance to drop it on the troll, and that will make the fight a lot easier."

"But there are swamps and puddles all over the place." Lancelow reminded, "Make sure the enemy has lost their mobility before burning."

"Hey, I got it." The dwarf being carried by him suddenly pointed forward, "Look! That's the enemy!"

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed out, and they saw five trolls dragging a child-sized prisoner forward.While they were looking over, those trolls stopped suddenly, as if they had noticed something unusual, and looked around vigilantly, while constantly moving their noses, as if they smelled something unusual.

"Oh, I forgot that trolls have a very sensitive sense of smell." Little Isa slapped her head in frustration, "This is broken, they must have smelled us."

"Then face it." Lancelot smiled, "Elotesia, you will protect the captured child later, is it okay?"

"Okay, leave it to me!"

"Brutal, are you ready?"

"hurry up!"

Hearing this, Lancelow stopped talking nonsense, took two steps forward, and then swung his arms violently. The dwarf roared and smashed towards the enemy like a shell fired by a catapult.

"Hi everyone! The takeaway service is here!!"

The trolls immediately spotted the roaring dwarves, but the words in the latter's mouth made these stupid creatures slightly stunned.

The dwarf flew straight towards the troll who was dragging the captive, and swung his weapon fiercely at the moment of contact.The well-made hammer hit exactly where he was aiming, causing the latter's unprotected head to burst like an overripe watermelon.

"Haha! Did you order Hammer takeaway?"

Brutal's body slammed into the headless troll, knocking him over and making his own safe landing.He quickly got up from the ground, shook his head to drive away the dizziness caused by the impact, and was surprised to find that the headless troll was still waving its claws indiscriminately, which was completely different from the reaction of ordinary creatures after their heads were smashed .

The rest of the trolls were about to charge at him, but the dwarf's companions were already there.The one rushing to the front was Lancelot. His weird posture made him seem to be floating on the ground. No matter the mud, puddles or fallen leaves under his feet, he just tapped lightly, and the whole person was like a bird. It flew forward like an off-string arrow.

But Karalyn's magic was faster than his.A magic throwing knife with green light passed by Lancelot's side, accurately pierced into the chest of the troll standing in the front, and then blasted out a cloud of green light.The troll let out a shrill scream, as if the flying knives contained some kind of power that made them extremely painful.

"Ma Youfu's acid arrow." Kara Lin proudly grinned at his companions.This second-ring spell is said to have been created by an elf named Ma Youfu. It can cause continuous acid damage to the enemy and is one of the best offensive spells for spellcasters.

Lancelot's speed increased further, and after three breaths, he rushed to the troll who was hit by the magic.The Frost Slash in his hand drew two turquoise arcs, cutting the enemy into three sections.

Without stopping at all, he rushed directly into the enemy, and instantly fought with the other two trolls.

Another troll ran to the thrown captive, only to find a succubus dressed as a warrior standing in its way.Although he didn't understand why a succubus appeared here, whoever stood in front of him at this moment was his enemy.And the opponent is just the ugliest succubus among all demons, he, a handsome troll, is not afraid of her.

 Thank you everyone for the recommendation tickets~ I forgot to start the title of the last chapter, embarrassing...


(End of this chapter)

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