The knight in the abyss

Chapter 260 The Misunderstanding of Dongquan

Chapter 260 The Misunderstanding of Dongquan

Winterspring is an Erasan child living in Andrinna.If it is based on age, he is no longer a child, but because of the hateful mother of demons, his body is forever trapped at the age when he came to this plane, and his mind cannot change. Mature.

That doesn't mean he's stupid or anything, of course not, Winterspring is a quick learner!But he just couldn't show the maturity and poise in the face of problems like the 'grown-ups' who came to protect them.

Dongquan himself never felt that there was anything wrong with this, or rather, he enjoyed being a child very much, and he was sure that only in this way could he discover all kinds of happiness in life.

But he actually thought it would be a good idea to have a big adventure with his good friend Li Lu!To make matters worse, they actually chose the east side, where few people would go. After all, if you are going to a very familiar place, how can it be considered an adventure?

They really had a good time at the beginning. They saw a lot of scenery they had never seen before. The two children chased on the endless grass and drifted along the stream.They were having so much fun that they didn't even notice that the stream had flowed into the Hofenstein.When the two stingy children rushed to the shore, they didn't know that they had broken into the area controlled by the enemy and continued to wander aimlessly.

As a result, a group of ugly and smelly big monsters suddenly appeared, and his good friend Li Lu was caught in no time!

Winterspring himself escaped in time, but he, who had never experienced anything like this before, was in complete panic.Dongquan knew that he had caused a catastrophe. In the past, other little friends were taken away by monsters and never appeared again. Although the protectors never said anything, the children could feel the sadness in the hearts of the people around them. Most of his companions were killed.

For a while, Dongquan wanted to commit suicide because of remorse to repay the mistakes he made, but he still couldn't muster the courage;

The most important thing is that he was afraid that if the time was too long, Li Lu would be completely doomed—he had already guessed where he had gone. This was a miasma swamp, and it was said that there lived a man named Vala. Stig's scary monster!The monster likes to eat them, the stingy children, and those stinky trolls must be its minions!
So Winterspring made a decision that he regretted even more: he actually tried to stalk those ugly trolls, to see if there was a chance to make his friends.But he's just a bad stalker, and the end result will undoubtedly be caught by another group of trolls-how could he not have thought of it before?
When he was dragged by the monster's dirty and smelly hands by his hair, and another monster beat him beside him, Winterspring finally stopped thinking that having a child's heart was a good thing.It's not because of the bad luck he might suffer, he's not afraid!It's because he not only harmed his good friend Li Lu, but also made other people sad because of their departure, which he couldn't bear at all!

Winter Spring already had no hope of being rescued, because they never told anyone about their big adventure plan. Even if people noticed that the two little guys were missing, they didn't know where to look for them, and they waited They realized something was wrong and started to act, and by then poor Winterspring and Chestnut Dew must have been eaten.

But just when he was already desperate, a miracle happened!He watched helplessly as a stone-like object flew towards him from behind. It was only when he got very close that he realized that it was a dwarf, still screaming indiscriminately.For a moment Winterspring thought he was going to be crushed to death by the dwarf, but the dwarf slammed into the troll who was pulling his hair hard, and the hand that was pulling him dropped instantly.

Dongquan, who had regained his freedom, quickly wanted to get up and run away, but the pain in his body made him unable to move for a while, and at this moment another troll rushed towards him. Judging from the ferocious expression on the troll's face, the other troll obviously He was planning to kill him directly!

Just as the helpless little boy was desperately waiting for death, a beautiful figure with wings stood in front of him.The weapon in the figure's hands glowed holy and bright gold, and with a single blow, it cut the fearsome troll in two.

"Angel! It must be an angel who came to save me!"

Dongquan's heart was full of hope because of this sudden rescue.He turned his head to see a group of strangers fighting their captors.There are humans, dwarves, elves, and even cute halflings and a floating skull!

The angel held a shield in one hand and stood by his side with a long golden sword in the other. After finishing off the enemy in front of him, he did not join the battle again; Persisting in knocking down the troll who lost his head time and time again; while the human dressed as a knight held a long sword that shone with green light in his hand, and chopped the terrifying monster into a pile of pieces with ease; in the distance There were other helpers, and occasional fireballs and acid fell on the troll's severed limbs, inhibiting the monster's incredible ability to regenerate.

In just a blink of an eye, all the trolls were killed.Lancelot shook off the troll's blood on the blade, and put the weapon back on his back.Then he looked at the child who had just returned, and found that the other party was opening his mouth in a daze, as if he hadn't recovered from the accident that happened before him.

"Are you okay?" Lancelot greeted, and at the same time stretched out his hand and waved in front of the other party's eyes.

The child finally came to his senses, he tried to get up from the ground, but stopped immediately with a pained expression on his face.

"Don't move, you're hurt." A nice voice sounded from behind Dongquan, it was the 'angel' who saved him just now!He only felt a gentle palm gently resting on his shoulder, and then a powerful life energy poured into his body, allowing his body to recover instantly.

There was also a look of surprise on Lancelot's face.As the injury recovered, the child's unusual features began to become apparent, the most striking being the two pairs of dragonfly-like transparent wings on the back, and the elf-like thin and long ears.There is no doubt that this child is indeed a love assassin!
After fully recovering from his injuries, Dongquan got up from the ground, turned around impatiently and said to Helotesia:
"Thank you for saving my life, beautiful angel sister!"

 Thank you for your votes!Sorry, it's late again... I thought about the next plot for a while in the morning... Sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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