Chapter 274
Lancelot has no time to make the kind of vines that pave the road, so that everyone can walk on the muddy swamp more 'decently'.In fact, he was urging the true essence in his body with all his strength, summoning huge walls of vines behind him, trying to create some obstacles for the chasing demons.

According to his telepathy, the glaucas were less than three hundred feet away from them. If the dense forests did not block the demon's vision, they must have been discovered.

Lancelow realized that he had made a mistake just now. When killing the Dark Weaver, he should have pinched a soundproof cover first.The scream of the spider octopus before it died was too loud, and it must have been heard by the glaubers.

On the other side of the dense forest, the situation was exactly as he expected.

Demons don't like to be around a group of similar strengths. They don't like each other, and they will fight at any time to prove that they are the boss.The twelve glabras were full of complaints before they came. As the captain of the demon army, each glabra was a pretentious and arrogant megalomaniac.

From their point of view, the Miasma Swamp is just a remote corner of the demon-controlled area. It is enough to send a few toads at most to escort a prisoner there, a whole dozen of glabres?This is simply making a fuss over a molehill.

But they did not dare to question the decision of the mother of demons, so despite the provocations, insults and vicious curses along the way, they came to Valastig's territory according to the order, ready to face the disgusting, general It's a big spider looking at them with strange eyes.

But from entering this swamp dense forest, the surrounding environment revealed a strange feeling.For example, they missed the long-awaited troll patrol.When used as the object of killing desire, other creatures are all 'one-time', and they die completely after being torn up. When finding the next object to vent, demons have to endure a long period of boredom, and have the ability to regenerate quickly Ability, a troll that can grow back after cutting off its head...

Demons really love this race.

The accumulating desires could not be vented, and these glaubers were very upset. They decided to let Valastig make up for themselves when they met. It would be best to call hundreds of trolls to kill them. a joy.

But when they arrived at Valastig's lair, the dark fabricator was still missing, which finally made the glaubers realize that something was wrong.

The Mother of Demons' orders were clear: go to the Miasma Swamp and bring back a red-haired Eras child.Was it the big spider who lost the baby by himself?It's best not to expect the mother of demons to accept this explanation, the abyss lord only looks at the results, and will never let go of any excuse or opportunity to punish his subordinates.

The smell of roasted flesh wafted in the air, reminding them where the battle took place.These glaubers quickly found the troll camp destroyed by Lancelot and the others, and the corpses still smelling tempting reminded the demons that the battle had just ended.

It was already evident that protectors from Melendumbo had raided the place, probably having rescued the captives belonging to the Mother of Demons, and that Valastig should be pursuing those who dared to penetrate this place.

The glaubers are very aware of the abilities of the dark weavers. This dense forest shrouded in shadows is the territory of the big spider. Kind protectors may be able to successfully attack the camps of those troll fools, but it is absolutely impossible to escape the darkness The Weaver's Pursuit.

Just when they were thinking this way, a terrifying scream sounded, the voice undoubtedly belonged to Valastig, and apart from the pain that could lead to death, no injury could make the Lord of Miasma Swamp utter that kind of scream. degree of screaming.

The glaubers regained their spirits and quickly chased in the direction of the sound.They soon saw the broken body of the Dark Weaver, and the traces of the murderers who had hurried away.


The leader ordered loudly, but no one objected this time.When there is a common enemy, demons can still work together, at least for demons with less bright brains, they will temporarily divert their energy from the thankless question of 'who is the boss' and concentrate on dealing with it The enemy in front of you.

The glaubers soon found their way blocked by obstacles, and huge walls of vines appeared out of nowhere, as if they were unwelcome guests.

If other demons are chasing after them, Lancelot's method may really work, but the glabra happens to have two huge, sharp pincers, which can easily cut off flesh and blood, so it is not good for dealing with plants. question.

Some powerful (and full of evil) wizards will indeed summon this kind of demon to take care of their botanical gardens. According to these wizards, the glabrats work very efficiently, but their brains are a bit stupid, and they still can't learn Distinguish weeds from valuable plants.

Demons are certainly not stupid, in fact they are very intelligent and have learned the benefits of playing dumb very early on.So some wizards will feel that the gardening work of the glabrats is not good, and other careless guys have become garden fertilizers.

These glaubers waved their pincers and cut off a large number of vines with a single swipe, easily destroying the obstacle that Lancelow had placed high hopes on, only slightly slowing down the speed of pursuit.

The demons didn't know what was actually going on with the team that killed Valastig, but the other party was clearly fleeing, which provided enough confidence for the demons.According to the logic of the devil, the opponent's strength must be weaker than his own, otherwise why would he run away?
Lancelow was clearly aware of this, and what was worse, even though everyone had accelerated their speed as much as possible, the enemy was still nearly a third faster than them.Although everyone can leave this dense forest and swamp in at most 10 minutes, but before that, they will definitely be caught up.

"Lancelow, is the situation wrong?" Karaline has been paying attention to Lancelow's expression.The human knight is the undoubted backbone of this team, and his endless magical abilities are the key for everyone to escape from desperate situations time and time again.

"At most 3 minutes, the enemy will catch up with us." Lancelot said with a gloomy face, he looked at the two children on the succubus paladin, gritted his teeth, and said, "This is not the way to go. After I stay, you go first."

 Thank you ok2001 for voting for the monthly ticket, thank you!Thank you for the recommendation tickets from other friends~ The efficiency of writing secretly on weekends is really much higher, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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