Chapter 275
"How does this work?"

"You must not be an opponent, if you want to go, let's go together!"

"Isn't it just a few giant claw demons, let's fight with them!"

"There's no time to discuss, this is the only way." Lancelot insisted, "I really can't deal with that group of enemies, but they don't want to catch me easily."

"Brother, I won't go!" Unexpectedly, Little Isa suddenly said, "In case of emergency, I can hide in the dimension bag. Also, Kara Linda...Brother, please turn me into Lilu !"

As soon as little Isa spoke, everyone cast amazed glances at the little girl.Everyone realized that she had pointed out a key issue: the demons were after Li Lu, not Lancelot.With the human knights alone, being able to hold back four or five glamorous demons is probably the limit, and as long as the enemy divides their forces, everyone will immediately fall into the embarrassing situation of fighting on their own.

But if little Isa can turn into Li Lu's appearance, then he will have bait for fishing, and he is not afraid that the enemy will not take the bait.Lancelot didn't even have to take the initiative to fight the demons, as long as he hugged little Isa and waved under the enemy's eyes, the opponent would definitely try his best to chase him, and this was the perfect cover for the others to retreat.

"I haven't mastered the magic of Transfiguration yet. It's a four-ringed spell, which is beyond my spellcasting ability..." Kara Lin looked ashamed, deeply sorry for his weakness, "But only one simple I can turn your hair into the same color as Lilu, and I should be able to fool those glamorous... Lancelot, do you see?"

"Okay." Lancelot immediately nodded in agreement.What little Isa said is very reasonable, and now is not the time to moan.

"Li Lu, I need one of your hairs."

The scholar said to the little girl in the arms of the succubus paladin, who immediately pulled out a piece of her own hair.Karalin stopped and stood firm, and pulled out a small scroll. The magic activated in it turned the hair into a red halo, and then Karalin blew lightly, and the halo was blown to little Isa. On her hair, the little girl's pale golden hair became exactly the same color as Li Lu.

Although little Isa is still more than half taller than the two Aiza children, her petite figure is very similar to the fairy-like Aiza, and it is indeed difficult to distinguish them at first glance.

"Very good." Lancelot hugged little Isa in his arms. The little girl's face looked flushed, and I don't know if it's because of the color of her hair. "Hurry up, if we don't catch up Don't stay there, send the two children back first, and we will come to you."

"You must come!" Dongquan said with tears in his eyes. "Cross the river and go west. We will wait for you in the big garden of Melendumbo!"

"Don't worry, I'm very powerful." Lancelot smiled at him, and then said to the succubus paladin who was holding two children, "Be careful on the road, let's go!"

"Okay, take care too." Elotesia nodded skillfully, then turned around without delay, and continued towards the south.

"Boss, I believe in you!"

"Suny will bless you!"

"Be sure to come back alive, Captain, I will make delicious food for you!"

"Brother, don't die, my gem is still with you... You see, how about..."

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Lancelow waved his hand impatiently, then his expression changed, and he urged again, "Hurry up! The enemy is very close!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and they all ran away without a word of nonsense.

"Hey, brother, you are really bad." After everyone left, little Isa suddenly burst out laughing, "You actually tricked them into leaving in this way."

"Who said I lied to them, it's really close." Lancelot said solemnly, and then smiled himself, "Okay, let's see through it without telling the truth, and I have to clean up their traces too."

After speaking, Lancelot pinched the magic formula, and tiny vines emerged from the ground like a wild boar running, covering all the traces of someone passing by.Such a hidden effect is not good, as long as a little careful inspection can find abnormalities.

"This level should be enough." Lancelow nodded in satisfaction, "We just need to buy a little time for others to evacuate, so there is no need to make it perfect."

"Brother is amazing." The little vampire admired sincerely, "Then what shall we do next?"

"Little Isa, my movements may be bigger in a while, so you must hold me tightly, understand?" Lancelow said seriously, "If the situation is really dangerous, you should immediately get into the dimension bag, and your movements must be firm. Be quick. The enemy will arrive in about 2 minutes, let's practice first."

"it is good!"

After repeated attempts several times and adjusted the position of the dimensional bag, Lancelot and little Isa were able to put the latter into the bag within a second, which also made the human knight prepare for the next step. Actions taken with confidence.

The demons hadn't appeared yet, and Lancelot didn't stay where he was waiting anymore. He picked up little Isa, turned his head, and ran back in the direction he came from behind. After running a certain distance, he suddenly summoned a demon in front of him. stopped before a wall of vines.

I saw two sharp horns that were far apart suddenly protruding from the back of the vine, and then quickly closed, turning into a tightly clamped pliers.Then another pliers also protruded from the crack, and when the two pliers were pulled to the left and right, a huge hole appeared in the seemingly tough wall of vines.

Behind that hole, a huge demon head was looking at the human knight in astonishment. The latter also had a terrified face, like a tourist who accidentally broke into someone's bathhouse because he was lost, praying to show up. The miracle of letting oneself disappear out of thin air.

In his arms, he was tightly holding a little girl with red hair.

Little girl with red hair?

The human knight let out a strange cry, turned around and ran away in another direction, and the demon immediately called out to his companions loudly:
"Come here! The kids are here, don't let them get away!"

With not very superb acting skills, Lancelot's plan worked as expected.According to his induction, all the glaubers chased him, while his companions quickly moved away from the other direction.

Lancelot gave full play to the agility cultivated from the small bamboo slips, walking quickly like a dexterous reindeer through the dense forest, and the muddy ground did not affect him in any way.

But what is strange is that the speed of the enemy is also much faster than before, and they quickly chased Lancelow.He was momentarily surprised by the movement behind him, turned his head to look back, but almost dropped his jaw in shock.

These gigantic demons, over twelve feet tall and weighing two thousand pounds, are actually flying!
 Thank you for your votes, thank you!Forecast in advance, the author will be on a business trip next week, and may have to wait until he returns to the hotel after the busy day to have free code words. Please forgive me for the unstable update time~

(End of this chapter)

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