The knight in the abyss

Chapter 299 Child of the Night

Chapter 299 Child of the Night

Everyone moved forward cautiously in the dark, trying to avoid making too much noise.Many people in the team have the race's natural dark vision, and those who don't have it can solve the problem by drinking the night vision potion prepared by Kora.

Andrinna is a cage-like level, surrounded by steep mountains, with open fields and gentle hills in the middle.This means that demon patrols can spot them from a great distance if they operate during the day.Although the demon's night vision ability far exceeds that of most mortal races, the night also limits their field of vision, allowing everyone to sneak past the area controlled by the demon army.

The darkness will not interfere with Lancelot's spiritual sense, but he has no chance to use his ability, because Axiian has demonstrated the powerful ability of a ranger.

A cultivator's telepathy is real-time. He can sense whether there are powerful creatures nearby, but a ranger can learn more information from the traces on the ground.A string of messy footprints, a few broken dead branches, the ranger can infer the last time the enemy passed by, the number and type.Combined with the information he had learned from Hobinson before, he could even tell how long it would be before the next patrol appeared.

Listening to Aksian's analysis, Lancelow couldn't help being secretly startled.He had always felt that the ability of a cultivator was far superior to all kinds of mortal professionals, but the elf ranger made him realize his stupidity.Destructive power is not equal to combat power. The human knight was very clear about this at first, but the rapid increase in strength in recent months caused a subtle change in his state of mind.

It is not for nothing that pride ranks first among all mortal faults.Lancelot felt both scared and grateful.Fortunately, he realized this in time, before anything that made him regret happened.

The people walked for five hours in the dark night, advancing about thirty miles.Although it was still a long time before dawn and the crowd was far from exhausted, they still stopped.

After all, this is the area controlled by the demon side, and they have to find a place to hide before the sun rises again.There are not many such places. Compared with the south side, there are many dark caves on the ground here, some of which are very deep, very suitable for avoiding the patrols sent by the demon army.

The only problem was that on the north bank of the Hofenstein, almost every creature was hiding from the patrols.Whether it is wild demons, intelligent beasts, or deserted demon deserters, they occupy these caves, making them their lairs, and are very unfriendly to any visitors.

Therefore, their remaining physical strength has to be reserved to deal with the 'masters' of those caves.So the next question is, which cave should everyone choose to visit?
"The paladin and I both have the ability to detect evil, but the monsters hidden in the depths may be beyond our detection range." Alamel whispered to everyone, "Lancelo, can you perceive which hole is Is the enemy easier to drill?"

"Rocks and dirt will interfere with my ability, and the range of my perception is not much larger than yours." Lancelow shook his head, and simply admitted his own shortcomings, "Axian, what can you deduce from the traces at the entrance of the cave?" Useful information?"

"I can see what and how many creatures have entered a certain cave three times recently, but I have no way of knowing whether there are powerful monsters living in it." The elf prince disguised as a drow shook his head, "If we explore Halfway through, we found that the enemy in front of us was too strong to deal with, so we had to withdraw and change another hole to drill."

"Okay, I understand why you have to stop so early." Brutal tightened his helmet. The berserker golem on it had a sharp spike added, and the dwarf hadn't adjusted to its new center of gravity. , "Are you going to pick again, or start directly from the nearest hole?"

"Can I try it?" Little Isa suddenly spoke, and everyone's eyes focused on her.The little girl looked very nervous, but she continued: "I can talk to the bats, maybe they can provide some useful information..."

"Children of the Night." Kara Lin sighed softly, and then explained to the others, "This is the innate ability of the blood race. Apart from bats, it should be able to communicate with nocturnal creatures such as mice and wolves. How did you awaken this ability?" ?”

"When you went to Oasis Castle." Little Isa stuck out her tongue, "One night, I found a little mouse grinding its teeth on my 'coffin'. I wanted to drive it away, but found that I could I can hear their squeaks. When you go out on an adventure, you can only chat with them. But I promise, I never allow them to enter the room other than the tomb..."

"That's right, you're better than cats, and you can order them..." Lancelot smiled, "But are you sure the bats here will listen to you?"

"Worth a try, animals always know better and are actually very nice to people who can communicate with them." Elf Ranger seemed to like the idea, "Come on, I haven't tried communicating with bats yet , they're too high-pitched for me."

Hearing that little Isa no longer hesitated, she raised her head and opened her mouth, but no one heard any sound from her mouth, except Lancelot.

After the establishment of the foundation, the body of the cultivator had already left the realm of mortals. He vaguely heard a very high-pitched voice, and after concentrating for a while, the voice immediately became clear.After a while, other people also heard the sound of flapping wings, and dozens of bats flew from different directions. They circled above everyone's heads, but they refused to land.

"I think we'll have to stand a little bit apart," suggested the elf ranger.

The crowd dispersed to a distance of more than ten yards, and the bats landed one by one, standing on the shoulders and arms of little Isa.

Then, the little vampire and the bats communicated in a voice beyond the hearing range of ordinary people.After a while, the bats flew away one by one, and little Isa waved them goodbye.

"How, what do you know from these little guys?" Brutal asked impatiently, "Do you have any suitable recommendations?"

"There is a group of trolls living in the cave closest to us. There are about twenty of them in number." Little Isa said, "The cave is deep enough, and the trolls drove away all other creatures."

"Trolls are not good." Axiian shook his head. "To fight them, you must use fire. The light you create will be seen from a long distance, attracting unnecessary attention. And I don't want to stay with the trolls." Rest where you've been, they really stink."

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(End of this chapter)

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