The knight in the abyss

Chapter 300 The Cave of the Undead

Chapter 300 The Cave of the Undead
"The second cave is a little farther away, and the bats that live there say it's full of undead creatures." Little Isa offered another option, "But they also remind you to be careful of the grass on the ground. I'm not sure what that is mean……"

"If it's some kind of dangerous plant, I should be able to handle it." The elf ranger nodded, "Are there any other caves?"

"There is a bigger one farther away. There are two forces in it. The strongest is a glabra, with four berserkers under him, and a large group of cowards." Little Isa waved her hand to the glamor "The other side is a group of gnolls, and the bats can't tell how many there are, but there are a lot of them anyway."

"Sounds like a big project." Aksian looked at the others, "What do you think?"

"We have priests and paladins, and those undead creatures will be better dealt with." Karaline suggested, "Although there seems to be some kind of dangerous plants inside, as long as we are careful, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"That's not necessarily true. There are many plants that can cause fatal damage, especially in an environment like the abyss." The elf ranger warned, "But I agree with you, the second cave is indeed a suitable target."

Everyone nodded in agreement, so they didn't delay any longer. Under the leadership of little Isa, they soon came to the target's cave.

The entrance to the cave is just a five-foot-wide and twenty-foot-long crack in the ground, and it's hard to think that there is a cave inside.Those with the ability to fly went down to investigate first, and after confirming the safety of the entrance, everyone descended into the crack one by one from the ground with the help of ropes.

Some bats hanging on the ceiling of the cave were disturbed by the arrival of outsiders. They fluttered their wings and wanted to escape, but little Isa opened his mouth, and the bats calmed down and returned to the top of the cave.

"I think you are more of a ranger than I am in terms of communicating with animals. There are very few animals here who are willing to talk to me." Aksian smiled at the little girl, "But I am still very confident in detection, wait Let me find out the enemy!"

Before the last few words were spoken, the elf ranger had already run towards the depths of the cave.He moved swiftly and quietly, the rough ground didn't seem to cause any obstacles to him, and he disappeared from everyone's field of vision in a short while.

"Let's follow." Lancelow beckoned to the others, then turned and walked towards the place where Aksian disappeared.His moving figure was almost as smooth as the elven ranger's, though the armor on his body made it difficult for him to keep still while jumping continuously.

"I bet that guy will take all the fun away," Brutal said sullenly.The short but stocky legs of the dwarves are also suitable for moving in the rubble, but there are too many pendants on his armor, and he walks like a running stone crusher.

"Don't worry, the rapier is not very effective against skeletons." Aramiel said with a smile.He was jumping from one stone to another. As an elf, the priest's movement was not as flexible as his compatriots, but his movements were still very graceful. "I don't think Axiian will be willing to use that exquisite longbow as a firestick. To deal with undead creatures, we still have to rely on our hammer."

The rest of the team followed suit.This kind of terrain would have caused some trouble for the halfling, but the pair of magical magic boots under her feet allowed her to walk on any difficult terrain.Little Isa briskly shuttled among the rocks, showing the results of her rogue course training.The Succubus and Skull, which have the ability to fly, are naturally the easiest, they can fly directly from the air.

The only one who encountered greater difficulties was Karaline.The scholar was not an adventurer. Although the experience of the past few months had greatly improved his physical fitness, it was still much worse than others.Brutal reached out to help him, but Karaline ducked in horror.Obviously, his set of extremely powerful armor is too dangerous. If the scholar accidentally falls on the dwarf, he might just explain it here today.

Putting on the shapeshifting ring and turning into a winged succubus doesn't help his current situation either.If he was on the ground, Karalin could still fly around in the air staggeringly, but the space here is too narrow, and his unskilled flying skills can only make his head hurt.

With a helpless sigh, Karaline took out a rope and tied it around his waist, and then handed the other end of the rope to the dwarf.

"What do you want to do?" Brutal looked at the scholar strangely.

"Can you fly a kite?" Karaline said, pulling out a scroll.The blue magic light flashed, and the scholar's feet slowly left the ground, floating to a height of about one foot.

"Levitation." He explained to the stupefied dwarf, "I can only change the height up and down, and I have to rely on your help to move forward and backward."

"Magic..." Brutal shook his head in disbelief, and continued walking forward while pulling the rope.

There were some glowing fungi in the cave that provided a dim light, and they all had darkvision, so they didn't light torches or let Aramir lift his glowing mace.The cave spiraled down, and there were occasional forks, but the elf rangers who walked in front left clear marks, reminding everyone which side to choose.

The crowd walked in the dark for about 10 minutes. After turning a corner, they found the elf ranger leaning gracefully on a stone, apparently waiting for them.

"What's wrong?" The dwarf stared, "You can't lead the wrong way, can you?"

"No, I'm here to remind everyone that there are enemies ahead." The elf scout grinned, showing his neat teeth, "The noise of your walking is too loud, and if you get closer, it will startle them."

"What is the enemy?" Lancelot asked straight to the point.The human knight's sense of consciousness also sensed the threat ahead, but that could not tell him the specific information of the enemy.

"Eight tauren skeletons, six wandering aimlessly, and two scattered on the ground, but I'm sure they'll stand up if a living person gets close to them. Keep an eye out for the great axes of these monsters, you don't want to Touched by that thing."

"How do you know that the two skeletons are pretending to be dead?" Lancelot was a little curious. Before he came to the abyss plane, he had only fought creatures that could breathe.

"If you see a bunch of skeletons in a place haunted by undead creatures, and there is a weapon next to it, first assume that it can stand up again." The elf ranger shrugged, "Of course, if you don't want to give every suspicious skeleton Both make up a sword, and you can tell a joke out loud, but that doesn't always work. Not because the undead don't have a sense of humor, but your jokes might not be that funny."

 Thanks to Rolling Big Salted Fish for the monthly vote~ I have been chasing after the old book friends since the beginning, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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