The knight in the abyss

Chapter 301 Tauren Skeleton

Chapter 301 Tauren Skeleton

"Just kidding." Facing the suspicious gaze of the dwarf, the elf prince in drow's appearance laughed.He took off the longbow on his back and waved to everyone, "Are you ready?"

"I still have some doubts." Lancelow took out the giant sword Glacier from the dimension bag, "The tauren skeleton was that kind of tall tauren when he was alive, is my understanding correct?"

"Yes." Axian looked at the big guy that the human knight suddenly took out, and swallowed with some difficulty, "You..."

"It's big, so it will work well." Lancelot assured him, and then walked forward with steady steps, Brutal excitedly followed behind with a hammer in his hand.

"Quack quack..."

Just as the Ranger warned, they had just walked a few steps forward when the ugly shouts of the skeletons came from a distance.The sound was like a few dry and sharp bones scraping each other, except for a kind of irrational anger, it contained no other meaning.

Everyone subconsciously quickened their pace, and soon a group of tall figures appeared in their sight.

They were a group of giant skeletons, more than ten feet tall, even Lancelot barely reached each other's chest, and every rib was as thick as Brutal's arm.Atop their humanoid skeleton is a skull with iconic bull horns, convincing people that the monsters were transformed by dead tauren.

The monsters in front of them were also covered with decayed metal armor, which provided some additional protection for their air-tight bodies.In addition to the huge long-handled decapitating axes in their hands, their weapons also include the pair of thick bull horns on their heads.Even after being dead for countless years, those sharp corners still look sharp enough to poke a hole in the surface of any object.

And that's what they're trying to do.The moment they saw the crowd, the two tauren skeletons walking in the front lowered their heads and slammed into them, looking like two out-of-control carriages.

"Brutal, stop the other one!"

Lancelot shouted loudly, and at the same time swung his sword to meet the one who rushed forward.With his agility, he could completely dodge this terrifying charge, but the partners behind him may not be able to deal with a huge monster charging at full speed.

The huge and heavy glacier was lifted slowly, and any creature who saw this weapon would not doubt its destructive power, even the undead who had lost their intelligence and only retained their fighting instinct.The tauren skeleton in charge accelerated violently, trying to knock the human knight into the air before the giant sword fell.

But that was just a subconscious trick played by Lancelot.The gigantic sword suddenly accelerated, like a cyan thunderbolt, slashing squarely between the two horns on the top of the monster's head.The Qingyun Sword Art makes the glacier as sharp as a razor, coupled with the weight of the giant sword itself, and the strong physical strength of the foundation-builder cultivator, it makes the blade of the sword seem to be chopped on a mass of rotten wood, and the sword light is not even there. The slightest pause.

The huge skeleton was like a clam shell that was split open. The skeleton that was split in half continued to rush to both sides, and then hit the side wall of the cave into a pile of broken bones, unable to stand up again.

On the other side, Brutal didn't dare to be as tough as Lancelow.Even though the enemy had lowered its head as much as possible, there was still plenty of room for the dwarf between its chin and the ground.Brutal, who was charging, suddenly rolled forward and got directly under the enemy's crotch, and the hammer in his hand hit the skull's left knee accurately.

Blunt weapons are always particularly effective against skeleton monsters, and Brutal has already mastered the dwarf's housekeeping skills.The monster suddenly found that only half of the femur was left on its left leg. Losing its balance, it crashed to the ground, rolled and continued to slam forward, and was easily dodged by the others.

"Aramir, I'll leave that to you!" Brutal shouted joyfully, got up and rushed towards the next enemy.

The first wave of the enemy's charge was defeated, and the crowd and the monsters fell into hand-to-hand combat.Lancelot wielding the giant sword was like a drilling machine digging a tunnel, blasting a storm of bone fragments wherever it passed.His frightening strength made Axiian, who was fighting alongside him for the first time, almost look stupid, and almost forgot to draw his own bowstring.

Just almost.The fighting instinct made him subconsciously raise his bow to provide fire cover for his comrades in battle.

The object of his support is Helotesia.The succubus encountered a little trouble at the beginning, the monster's giant ax slammed fiercely on her shield, shaking the thin paladin from side to side.The huge skeleton tried to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but its movements were interrupted by flying arrows.

It is difficult for piercing attacks to cause any damage to skeletons without flesh and blood, but the armor-piercing arrows used by Aksian can penetrate deeply into their bones, and the power contained in them almost makes the monster fall down.Elotesia did not waste the opportunity created by her partners, and her long sword shone with a golden light.

A dazzling stream of light flashed, and the monster's right arm holding the giant ax was cut off at the root, and the bone at the incision was like melted butter, still dripping white liquid.

Suppressing evil, the reward of pure goodness in the universe to paladins, is not only effective against demons, but also effective against undead creatures.

Aramiel, Cora, Little Isa and Skull deal with the enemy brought down by Brutal together.The giant skeleton that lost a calf half-kneeled on the ground, and the long-handled ax in its hand could cover a large space with a single swing.

Surprisingly, it was Cromwell who took on the job of drawing fire.There was a crunching sound of unknown meaning from its mouth, almost only the instinctive tauren skeleton understood, and it was obviously not a good word.The limp monster chased and attacked Clonewell angrily. It was obviously difficult for the heavy giant ax to hit the floating skull, but the bull-headed monster refused to change its target, even though others were causing serious damage to it. s damage.

The two rogues, wielding daggers and short swords, made constant flank attacks, each blow dislodging a bone or two from the skeleton.Alamer, who was named by Brutal, couldn't get in the way. He just held up his shield to help his companions, ready to release healing spells at any time. After all, the monster's big ax was not a joke. With the bodies of the two ladies, One hit is a serious injury.

As more and more bones were removed from the skeleton's body, a certain critical point was broken.The monster fell apart suddenly, and the bones were scattered all over the ground like a broken plate.Those bones were tumbling and trying to reorganize, but under the illumination of the holy fire summoned by Aramir, they were completely quiet.

 I just saw the notification in the backstage, and the editor will give a small recommendation next week. If you have a monthly pass, you can save it and vote for it next week. Big Guji, thank you in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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