The knight in the abyss

Chapter 302 The Origin of the Tauren

Chapter 302 The Origin of the Tauren
As everyone fought hard, the enemies fell one by one.Lancelot knocked the last tauren skeleton to the ground, raised his sword and was about to finish off his opponent. Suddenly, Cromwell's voice sounded in his heart:

"Boss! Leave me a complete body! Just cut off its head!"

Lancelow felt a burst of curiosity when he heard the words, adjusted the movement of his hand slightly, and the giant sword fell like a guillotine, separating the skull and skeleton of the enemy under his feet.

The body of the monster whose head had been cut off convulsed, and it was about to shatter into broken bones all over the ground. Cromwell suddenly flew over and landed on the neck of the skeleton.The purple aura flowed through the skeleton's body like water waves. After a few breaths, the huge skull finally calmed down.

"Hey! Boss! I seem to have succeeded!" Skull lay on the ground on his back, shouting excitedly, "I can feel my body again, this feeling is really great!"

"Then move a little bit." Brutal walked over curiously, and lightly kicked the skeleton's arm, "Can you stand up?"

"Hmm...Let me think about it, which leg is it?" The skeleton began to bend its arms, "It doesn't seem right, wait a minute..."

Everyone stepped back a little, looking at the skeleton on the ground waving its limbs indiscriminately, like a turtle being turned over by someone.A moment later, the huge skeleton finally stood up unsteadily, and on its neck was the disproportionately small head of Clonewell.

"You can really control this body..." Brutal was amazed at the side, "We brought down quite a few skeletons before, why didn't I see you do that?"

"I don't know why, but after seeing such a big skeleton just now, I suddenly remembered the way to do this." The skeleton tried to take two steps forward, but one of them couldn't stand firmly, and fell down on the ground with a bang. on the ground.

"It seems that you still have to get used to it." Lancelot commented, "At least until you learn to walk normally, I don't need to expect you to have any fighting power."

"Hey, I promise I will end this situation as soon as possible." The skull sighed helplessly, and then a familiar spatial fluctuation flashed across its lower jaw, and the huge skeleton disappeared behind it as if it had been 'eaten' In the dimensional space inside the body. "I know, the first task now is to clean up this cave, and I will practice slowly when you rest."

"A well-informed choice." Lancelot nodded, and he turned to look at the ranger beside him, "What shall we do next? You continue to investigate the situation ahead?"

"I deeply doubt whether it is necessary." Aksian shook his head exaggeratedly, "To be honest, the way you swing that giant sword is too exaggerated, it's as fast as swinging a bamboo pole. Same."

"Hey! My elder brother's combat prowess is absolutely worth mentioning." Bruto can be said to be Lancelot's number one fan, as long as someone praises Lancelot, he will also be very happy.

"It's better to be cautious." Lancelow shook his head, "Don't let the enemy catch us off guard."

"Okay." The elf ranger nodded, and after a few graceful jumps, he disappeared into the shadows deep in the cave again.

"By the way, what's the matter with these tauren skeletons?" While cleaning the battlefield, Lancelow asked Karalin, "Didn't it be said that after the death of demons, the bones would weather and disappear at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary things? How could they Is there a skeleton left to form a skeleton?"

"Because the tauren are not demons." Karalin shrugged, turned to Elotesia and asked, "How much do you know about Baphomet, the lord of the 600th floor of the abyss?"

"It is the king of horned demons, and some people call it the howling lord, ruling the endless labyrinth where only the tauren can remember every path." The succubus paladin shrugged, "Bafmet hates all civilizations, Returns all creatures to that primordial state of beasts. It has little interest in using the succubus to help it achieve its goals, and most succubi don't like the 'beast' nature it preaches. That's all I know gone."

"Well, the situation is similar to what I understand." Kara Lin nodded, picked up a tauren skull and looked at it in his hand, "The tauren is the creature created by the horned demon king, and there are many signs that Baba Fement and Cang Ye have a relationship similar to an alliance, so it is not surprising that there are tauren corpses here. The earliest tauren were not born in the abyss, but those evil spirits who worshiped the horned demon master on the main material plane. believers transformed."

"Worship a demon? Did I hear you right?" Brutal came over with a long-handled beheading axe, and threw the collected weapons together. "What kind of fool would worship an abyss lord?"

"Where there is evil, there is corrupt soil." Karaline shrugged, "When Moradin created the dwarves, he also endowed you with a natural tendency to be kind. But our human creator, if he really existed, would Does not give us a preference for good and evil. Compared with other good races, human morality is very complicated, often combined with social structure..."

"Hmm, I know all that, but you still haven't explained why some people worship that Buffett..."

"When a farmer was deprived of his wife and daughter by the lord because he could not pay the land rent? Or was someone punished with amputation just because he underpaid some taxes?" The scholar glanced at Lancelot intentionally or unintentionally. , "Kings and nobles are the devil's favorite objects of corruption, and the devil hears the cries of the poor in distress. The devil preaches killing and revenge, provides dark power to the desperate, and ensures that the target will not be only in the Stop after killing the enemy."

"Look what I'm doing, my father is a little nobleman in the countryside, and he has always been very kind to the people..."

Lancelot replied with a guilty conscience. In fact, he never cared about these issues when he was a child. The food would always appear on the dinner table on time.He quickly changed the subject and said:
"You mentioned just now that the tauren were transformed from humans?"

"That's right. The cultists of the Horned Demon Lord will wear masks symbolizing animals and walk into a pre-arranged maze. They kill wild animals in the maze, eat the flesh and blood of animals raw, and release their most primitive desires and impulses. When they discard what they can call human, which often includes killing and devouring another cultist, a tauren is born."

"That sounds too evil." The dwarf shook his head and walked away, "Stupid humans..."

Lancelot and Karaline didn't refute, they just looked at each other with helpless wry smiles on their faces.

"I'm back again." Aksian's relaxed voice sounded from where he left just now, "You won't believe what's ahead!"

 Baphomet was translated as Baphomet in the fifth edition, but I think the translation of Baphomet in the third edition is more imposing haha~ so I use this name
(End of this chapter)

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