The knight in the abyss

Chapter 303 Magic Palace Rose

Chapter 303 Magic Palace Rose
"From your tone, it looks like a good thing." Brutal became interested, "Is it a treasure?"

"Uh,'s not something that can be measured in gold." The elf prince was obviously a bit lost in interest by the pragmatism of the dwarves, and he said in a reproachful tone, "It's a rare beauty that can be seen in other places. A place you'll never see."

"Elf." The dwarf shook his head and walked away in disbelief.

"I believe it must be a very special scenery that makes you so excited." Lancelow said to Axiian, "Wait a while, we will finish collecting the spoils soon."

Everyone found some pockets on the skeletons, some were relatively intact, with some gold coins inside, and some had nothing but a hole in them.Those giant decapitating axes are nice, they're in terrible condition, but give a dwarf a grinding wheel and they'll shine again, and sell for a good price in any neutral town in the Abyss.

Although it is far from being able to compare with the weapons produced in Shuangqiao Town, they are all sought-after items in the abyss.After all, the demons are almost completely non-productive, and the demon lords are always fighting endlessly. It is difficult to meet the demand for armaments just by squeezing some mortal slaves.

These battered, heavy weapons aren't ideal loot, but why do they almost all have a Warp Bag?Of course, if they find more valuable and smaller trophies later, they will not hesitate to make room for these old weapons.

In fact, everyone was very curious about the beautiful scenery mentioned by the elf ranger, and it didn't take long for everyone to clean up the spoils.A total of more than 200 gold coins and seven giant axes with tetanus attributes were found.After putting the loot into Lancelot's dimensional bag, the crowd continued to move deep into the cave under the leadership of Aksian.

They walked through the room where the tauren skeletons were fought, and then down a long tunnel.After a turn, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up, and a wide cave appeared in front of them.

"This is... what a miracle..."

Alamir let out an extremely shocked admiration, and the feelings of the others were similar.Before their eyes was a sea of ​​roses, the dark red petals of which were illuminated by the glowing crystals on the top of the cave, presenting a breathtaking beauty.

Little Isa was about to walk forward subconsciously, but was grabbed by Lancelot, and Axian also ran to the front of the crowd, stopping everyone who wanted to approach the sea of ​​flowers.

"Let's just appreciate it from this distance." He glanced at Lancelot in surprise, and explained to everyone, "Although these flowers look very beautiful, they are actually a kind of magic rose, which can Flying blood-sucking plants, don't get close!"

Lancelot's spiritual sense just now felt that there was something wrong with this sea of ​​flowers. After hearing this, he took a closer look and immediately discovered the abnormality of these 'roses'.Their bright red petals are speckled with gold and black the size of a fingernail, and the thorns hidden under the corolla face downward, rather than upward as in ordinary roses.

"These plants can sense approaching flesh and blood. They can use their petals to fly, and then use their dagger-like roots to attack, and use their hollow stalks to absorb the life of careless people." Aksian said while pulling away His own longbow, a magic arrow appeared in his hand out of thin air.

The elf ranger lowered his body and shot an arrow that stuck to the ground.The arrow roared and rushed into the flowers, like a rake plowing through the field, creating a channel about half a foot wide.

Only then did everyone discover what these beautiful flowers grew on—countless corpses.The corpses were already illegible, but judging from their size, they seemed to be the tauren.Whatever happened here, these beasts are now composted, their dead bodies covered with bloodthirsty flowers, forming a beautiful and terrifying picture.

"Uh, I hope you didn't let me see this." Brutal looked like he was going to throw up, and he glanced at the two elves, "You don't think this scene is beautiful, do you?"

"Maybe it's a bit uncomfortable, but you can't deny its beauty." Alamir shrugged, "It's a rare scene, isn't it?"

"There's something really wrong with you elves living in trees." The dwarf turned to Lancelot, "Brother, you don't think that thing looks good, do you?"

"I thought it was pretty when I first saw it." Lancelot admitted, "But I don't feel it when I know what they grow on..."

"Great, that means you are a normal person." Brutal glared at Aramiel, "Not like some people!"

"Goddess Sune taught us to appreciate beauty in any form." The priest shrugged, "Some taboo forms are indeed not tolerated by the world..."

"Then would you like the scene where I burn them to ashes with a fire?" Brutal took out the torch and flint and steel, "I think that kind of picture is more beautiful..."

"You sound like a demon." Aramir shook his head, "And this place is deep underground, do you want to smoke us all to death..."

"As long as we don't get too close to those flowers, we're safe." The elf ranger assured everyone, "The heat of the campfire will also scare the blood-sucking plants. We can camp at this distance."

"But, what will happen if the flesh and blood of those bones are sucked dry?" Little Isa looked at the bright flowers with some fear, with a slightly complicated expression, "Will they become new tauren skeletons and stand up?"

It was only then that Lancelot realized that the little girl and these magic palace roses really had a lot in common. For example, they were both very beautiful and dangerous blood-sucking creatures.

" indeed possible, but we have already killed those who can stand up, and there should be no new ones in the short term." The elf ranger scratched his head, "Our luck should not be so bad, we can rest later It’s enough to arrange a sentry person at the right time..."

"Okay, let's camp here." Lancelot nodded. "There are still some forks on the way here. Let's go and clean up those places?"

"No, it's all dead ends. I've already checked." The elf prince shook his head, "Today is really a long day, everyone has worked hard."

Hearing the words, everyone took action, skillfully lit the bonfire and set up the tent.The elf prince was pleasantly surprised to see the halfling took out a set of luxurious cooking utensils from her backpack, and a pleasant aroma soon emerged from the pot on the fire.

"Kora's Adventure Restaurant is now open, hahahaha" the halfling holding a spoon made a funny bow to the ranger, and made himself laugh first, "I bought a lot of ingredients in Melanton Bur , do you have any thoughts?"

"Anything that is burning in your pot." The elf showed a happy smile on his face, "I know the rules, and I never ask a word."

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(End of this chapter)

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